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Disclaimer: blah, as always, not mine, otherwise quite a nice amount of things would have gone differently.

Note: This originally started out as being Kat’s b-day, but given uni doesn’t really let me up for more than a few seconds, there was a… delay. Now that Cassy’s b-day is coming up, and I have no time to write a story for each of you, I decided you two would have to share. So:
Happy (belated) birthday, Kat and happy (early) birthday Cassy!!!

Truth, Dare, Promise

Somewhere along the way, the motives had shifted. At first, he’d hoped to get his hands on Jarod by watching and following his twin. The pretender was still in contact with his huntress and he was also his ticket back to power. After the latest troubles and his fall from grace, he’d needed to go into hiding.

Raines had gotten his thumb back and had thanked him for the display of loyalty by putting the blame for not finding the Scrolls on Lyle’s shoulders. And with the new goons on the top seats of the Triumvirate, trying to make their mark, he’d been sacrificed by the Centre Chairman. And now Lyle needed something to get back into the game – if only to pay Raines back for that stunt.

Luckily, people considered him dead so he was relatively safe now. Safety was not what he longed for though; he wanted power back and… Lyle smirked when he watched the limo pull to a stop in front of the warehouse and Parker step out and look around before she strode towards the entrance.

He reached for the binoculars and followed the line of the building towards the windows he knew belonged to Jarod’s lair. Lyle grinned when he saw her enter the room.

She didn’t know he was here, hiding while she was searching the lair, didn’t know of the spy watching her movements.

He loved watching her, the fluid and assured movements - catlike and dangerous. Granted, the mini-skirt was improving the show.

His attention was drawn to her mouth, watching the dark red lips move and spill an incessant string of words at Broots.

He knew this was bordering on obsession and she would kill him if she ever found out, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.

An obsession indeed – and a dangerous one at that. Lyle shrugged and kept watching.

Parker was tearing through the lair, every now and then looking over to Sydney or Broots. He saw her hesitate when she came across what he’d left for her, saw her picking it up.

Lyle nodded and then left his post, not sticking around to watch the rest of the show. He had places to be, after all.


This would be another wasted trip. Parker shook her head and settled into the plane seat, swirling the amber liquid around in the glass before drowning half of it. She ignored Sydney’s disapproving glare.

Today, she decided, she didn’t want to stumble into one of Jarod’s lairs without at least some alcohol in her blood. After the damn rat’s last escapades, she might need the buzz. Parker growled silently.

Another wild goose chase across half of the American continent and she knew they would come home empty handed. She didn’t know why they still bothered.

As soon as the plane had touched down and rolled to a stop, she stood up and moved outside, sliding on her sunglasses. “Let’s see what the rat has in store for us now,” she growled at Sydney and Broots over her shoulder.

The ride to Jarod’s latest lair was made in silence, both Sydney and Broots knowing better than to speak up. When she stepped out of the limo, there was a tingling sensation at the back of her neck. It wasn’t the first time she’d felt it on the hunt and likewise it wouldn’t be the first time there was nothing to be found if she ordered the sweepers to spread out.

She stalked into the warehouse, ignoring the feeling of being watched. The lair was empty of course, pretender long gone by now. The usual notebook was there, some other stuff about his latest pretend, but nothing of interest. Frustration was boiling and Broots was the easiest target around. Only after letting off some steam, she turned away from the shaking tech and went back to what Jarod had left them.

Nothing unusual, nothing out of place… nothing but one thing; Parker frowned and picked up the Holly branch. She pursed her lips and turned back to Sydney, arching an eyebrow at him. “Just what is your experiment up to this time?”

She didn’t like the answer – psychiatrists’ babble for I don’t know.


He’d found a snippet on Jarod, had pursued it – and still arrived too late. Well, not quite too late; he was too late to catch the rat, but early enough to leave a present for his sister. He wondered if she’d already deciphered the meaning.

Lyle shook his head and put the Holly down on the windowsill – far enough out of the way to not be immediately noticed and not have it mixed up with Jarod’s stuff. This one wasn’t on the pretender’s account after all, but somehow he wasn’t sure if his sister would get that – it was Jarod she was after and it wouldn’t be the first time Jarod left riddles in his lairs.

He would have to wait and see. Lyle left the room, wondering if he should try to find a place to watch the show.

Lyle snickered, knowing he couldn’t resist the pull of the prospect of watching her. Already, his mind supplied the image of his sister on the hunt. He wondered if he could arrange for a phantom Jarod she could chase down the street with her weapon drawn. That would be a sight; he only had to make sure he didn’t see it from too close up. The business end of his sister’s gun was not a really safe place to be.


The warehouse was dark and empty but the tingling sensation was back, alerting her of someone’s presence. Jarod was working up a nerve, sticking around so close. She nodded at Sam and watched him take off to search the area. She knew he would come back empty handed though.

Jarod certainly had a hiding place they wouldn’t find or he wouldn’t stay close – if it was Jarod. Something seemed to be out of place and she was starting to doubt the pretender had anything to do with this.

Usually, there would have long since been a mocking call or some follow-up lead for them to pursue. But this time, there was nothing. That, combined with the fact that Jarod had already done two more pretends that didn’t have anything to do with plants or botany like the Holly branch might have suggested, was enough to make her wonder.

She’d let Broots dig further, deeper into the left holly branch, had him search for anything that might get them somewhere. The analysis of the branch hadn’t brought any results, there was nothing special about it: secluded locations of one particular genus or anything else – nothing that could point them in a definite direction. And there were no missing or recently killed botanists Jarod might have found interest investigating in either – at least none they’d found out about.

And now there was a new Holly branch, looking slightly out of place on the windowsill.

There definitely was a meaning behind these branches. They’d been placed in the lairs for a reason, but that reason still escaped her. Maybe Jarod was not the person to look for in this though, maybe Sydney was right when he’d said something about considering the meaning of the plant that Broots had dug up. She’d dismissed it at first but now, she reconsidered that evaluation.

Parker turned the branch over in her fingers, watching it, remembering the meaning of the Holly branch:

Am I forgotten?


He’d gotten his ticket to the Centre after all… without the pretender. It had taken a while, but he was nothing if not patient. Lyle could wait for his chance and once he saw it, he would use it. After the newest Triumvirate headman’s unfortunate demise and Lyle’s coincidental knowledge of who had pulled the trigger, he’d been in the good graces of influential people again.

Lyle hid the pleased smile as he walked through the hallways of the Centre, seeing staff paling left and right at his appearance. Home, sweet home.

It was time to go and see his sis. He wondered if she had figured out the meaning of his souvenirs. Hopefully she’d found out by now that it wasn’t Jarod who’d left them there.

He snickered softly and pushed through her office doors without knocking. “Morning, sis,” he greeted, watching her reactions. He had to give her credit. She had a poker face, nearly managing to keep all emotion hidden. Nearly, but not quite.


The items left behind by the pretender indicate that… Parker looked up, ready to snap at the intruder, interrupting the – admittedly uninteresting and superfluous – paperwork on the hunt. She blinked upon seeing Lyle in the doorframe. So it was as she’d started to suspect and the weasel had once more finagled a deal with the hangman.

“Seven down, two to go,” she muttered under her breath. Her brother had survived more hits and done more phoenix from the ashes than was healthy. He couldn’t have more lives than a cat though. One day even his credit on lives would run out.

Parker leaned back in the chair. “Look who crept out from under his rock,” she mocked.

She couldn’t say she had missed the smirk. But admittedly, she was curious about his gifts. Now she knew he was alive, she was sure it had been Lyle who had left the branches – though his reasons escaped her. He must have had a reason to leave them but she couldn’t understand why he would give her a head start on the small fact that he wasn’t dead yet – unless he merely wanted to torment her, and seeing as it was Lyle it was definitely a possibility.

Parker watched his gaze shift towards the single branch lying on her desk; by now limp since she hadn’t bothered to put it into water. Lyle’s eyes moved back to her but she saw the flicker of interest he tried to hide. “Secret admirer?”

Parker shrugged and leaned back in her chair. “Maybe.” So, a game it would be then. “Actually, it’s from Jarod. Crazy rat is running around like a lunatic these days, always leaving this branch for us to find,” she replied evenly, hiding the grin when she saw his face fall and a dark light appear in his eyes.

Enjoying this, she decided to continue – torment her brother for a change. “He left four already but there seems to be no reason behind it, nothing that could point us in any direction.” Something in his eyes flashed; she’d hit the mark again.

Parker only let her grin show when Lyle made a somewhat ungracious retreat, mumbling something about needing to tend business.

She picked up the small branch, her mind clicking over the meaning again: Am I forgotten? She didn’t know what her brother was up to this time, but she would be sure to find out.


He listened to her words, heard Parker rant about the rat and the way there were no more hints following the branches. There couldn’t be any follow-ups; the rat had nothing to do with this. This was a game the rat didn’t even know about.

Hiding his thoughts, Lyle left her office with barely a few words, grumbling under his breath once he was out the door.

So Parker hadn’t got the meaning. He’d guessed she would be smarter than that. Especially now that he was back, he’d thought she would understand. Obviously though, she seemed to be safe and happy in the knowledge that the stupid rat had left her the branches. Leave it to Parker to exercise selective denseness.

Maybe he would have to make it more distinct so she would get the message. Moving into his office, barely sparing a thought about being back, his concentration entirely on getting his point across, he started to make plans to do exactly that.


The rest of the day after Lyle’s reappearance had been uneventful; she’d finished the latest report on the hunt and had kept on trying to get behind the meaning of this game – in vain. She still didn’t know what Lyle was up to.

As soon as she was through the door, Parker moved over to the drinks tray. This day definitely warranted another drink.

Though she’d already suspected her twin to be alive – the Holly branches didn’t really seem like Jarod’s thing, leaving her to suspect something else - finding out for sure was enough to justify the need for a drink.

Parker sat down on the couch and watched the liquid move in the glass as she softly swirled it around. There was something definitely off about this. She didn’t know what Lyle was up to and that was generally not a good thing – with Lyle you had to prepare and be at least one step ahead of him; the more the better.

She sighed and looked at the fireplace, gazing up to the mantelpiece and the few photos she kept there; people from the past. Her eyes narrowed when her gaze fell upon something that hadn’t been there when she’d left in the morning.

No Holly branch, but something infinitely more distinct: a Jonquil.

Parker put the glass away and slowly got up from the couch, walking over to the fireplace. No note or anything else that would explain the Jonquil’s presence. She wondered if the flower itself was the message again, a meaning behind it, and then couldn’t help but wonder if Lyle had decided to follow Jarod’s pattern in trying to drive her insane.

She left the Jonquil where it was and resolutely turned away, locking the front door before moving upstairs. She didn’t want to know what Lyle was up to – not this time and definitely not now. The psycho could wait.


He’d watched when she’d come home, once more sparing a brief thought for his stalkerish behaviour. Considering everything he’d done in his life – and enjoyed – Lyle found he didn’t care though.

Concealed by the darkness, he watched as she found the Jonquil. He couldn’t help the brief flicker of anger when she didn’t even pick it up but left it on the mantelpiece and stalked out of the room. Only seconds later, the lights downstairs went out.

Lyle wasn’t about to leave yet though, not if he could get an infinitely more interesting glance of his sister while she was upstairs.

He grinned when he indeed saw her silhouette through one of the big windows, could follow her around while she moved through the rooms. He definitely didn’t care about his stalkerish behaviour when this view was what he got for it. He snickered softly and only left his post when the house fell dark.



Ever since finding out about the meaning of the Jonquil, it had refused to leave her thoughts, turning and over-turning itself inside of her brain, mocking and disgusting.

That was something she hadn’t actually reckoned with. She’d never guessed even Lyle could sink this low – but then again…

Parker rolled her eyes and sighed. She wondered if there was a plant that would get the message of piss off across so Lyle would understand it. Somehow she doubted it. She leaned back in her chair, her mind once more turning to the meaning of the Jonquil.


With the word firmly imbedded into her brain, she found herself re-evaluating every single moment she’d ever had the pleasure of spending in Lyle’s company.

What she came up with wasn’t actually helpful in trying to dismiss this as some sick joke – it was still sick, but she didn’t think it was a joke.

Thinking about it now, she could recall many – too many – incidents where she’d seen or felt her brother’s eyes wander over her figure, making her shudder in retrospect.



Lyle quickened his steps when he saw his sister moving towards the elevator in front of him, barely making it onto the elevator just before the doors could close.

Parker didn’t move beside him, neither away or towards him. Still, he felt something had shifted between them. Maybe it was the way she held herself or something entirely different he couldn’t quite place, but there was something making him sure she was aware of where the plants had come from.

When the doors opened on ground-level and she strode out, he caught a whiff of her perfume. He could sense her irritation when he didn’t try to make a move towards her or talk to her.

Lyle was a patient man though, he always took his time in following his Asian girls around – why should his sister be any different? He could wait – as long as he got what he wanted in the end; one way or another.


Parker had taken to blatantly ignoring her brother, had decided to act as though nothing was going on. Lyle hadn’t made a move to approach her and that was fine by her.

On two more occasions flowers had found their way into her house: first several phlox flowers and then a laurel branch together with another Jonquil.

She’d snorted at the first one - our souls are connected - rather sleazy even for Lyle, and definitely untrue on top of that; a soul connection with her brother was the last thing she would find herself agreeing to.

The second one – the laurel standing for perseverance and the Jonquil again for desire – had made her pause though. Lyle was someone who pursued his goals. He didn’t give up until he had what he wanted. And the laurel was supposed to make her aware of that again.

It made her wonder though. If he wanted it badly enough, maybe she would be able to direct the rules of the game.


Lyle smirked. So his patience had once more paid off. Parker had taken her sweet time to approach him and he’d ended up spending quite a bit on flowers in the meantime to make sure she didn’t think he was backing down. He wasn’t; he was merely biding his time until she came to him – which she’d just done. She’d come to him with a deal.

She wanted out; he wanted her. It was as simple as that and each of them would get what they wanted.

He watched her walk out of his office, watched the mini-skirt showing more than it concealed, watched her long legs and watched her posture. Beautifully independent – and yet his.

A lazy smile settled on his lips.


He was the perfect gentleman, taking her out to dinner and making idle conversation. She’d rather get over with their agreement as soon as possible. The less time she had to think about it, the less opportunities for her stomach – or her whole being – to rebel against the thought of where this would end.

She followed him into his apartment, had refused to take him to her home – their mother’s house. That she had agreed to do this was bad enough, but she didn’t want the house tainted with it.

She was disgusted with herself by how far she had come, how far she was now willing to go just to get her freedom; sleeping with her twin - with her insane twin – just to break away from the prison that held her captive. He was her ticket to freedom though and the knowledge she would be able to go, had made her finally give in to his advances.

Lyle calmly walked into the living room, turning his head to watch her over his shoulder, asking if she wanted a drink. She doubted he had enough alcohol in the house to make her look forward to what would follow.

Only the promise of getting out had her stick around and not turn on her heel. She wanted to leave the Centre and he could arrange for it, could cover it up. Maybe she just had to fall this far, had to hit the bottom of this deepest, darkest pit to be able to finally be free.

Parker watched as he moved back over to her, holding out a drink for her, his own balanced on the palm of his left hand. She took the drink and willed herself to stay calm and not back out of this.

She would go through with this. He got what he wanted and then she would leave and get what she wanted.


She was tense, but she still followed him inside and took the offered drink. Actually, he had to admit she was holding herself well. He knew she was disgusted to think about doing this, but she didn’t back out. He hadn’t been sure at first but now she was here and still hadn’t made a move to turn around and leave, he knew she wouldn’t. She was desperate enough to go over with this to get her way in the end.

Their father would never let her leave – she knew it and so did he. He, on the other hand, could provide the cover she would need to slip off the radar. She counted on that. It was the only reason she was still here.

Lyle took a calm sip of his drink, watching her as she did the same. He couldn’t quite keep back the smirk at the picture: both of them watching the other; twins, so very different but yet alike. They both would go to extremes to get what they wanted.

The thought was enough to set him in motion. Lyle slowly put his drink down on the sideboard and then calmly approached her. He watched her the entire time, saw several emotions flicker over her face before she had her features back under control.

He stopped directly in front of her, pausing for a brief moment before raising his hand, tracing his fingertips down her cheek. She didn’t lean into the touch but she didn’t draw away either, instead merely held his gaze, watching him as he moved closer still.


Parker watched as he approached her, careful as though not to startle her away. She wouldn’t leave though. He got what he wanted and then it was her turn.

She’d agreed to do this and she would, however disgusting it was. She’d fought with herself for a long time, trying not to give in to the promise of being able to leave. Eventually though, she’d realized there was nothing that could keep her back. Visiting three graves – two empty and one holding the man she hadn’t been able to protect – wasn’t exactly comforting either. What once had held her back was now pushing her away further, making her want to flee the area, too many dead people as a constant reminder.

Holding still under his fingers, she watched him, still holding the drink in her hand. She held his gaze when he angled his head down, saw something close to a challenge in his eyes, knew she would meet it.

She let him draw her closer, let him deepen the kiss, felt his fingers run over her back and down to her thighs, drawing up the hem of the dress and roam over her skin afterwards.

He wanted her and she wanted out.

Both of them would win in the end; she’d only have to close her eyes and pretend it was some nameless stranger and not her twin.


He’d felt the reluctance in her movement when he’d directed her to the bedroom, not once letting her move away, leading her with touches alone. There had been reluctance but also resolve in her as she’d lowered herself on the bed.

He knew she was impatient to finish this, but he intended to use the time he had. She had agreed to this night; the whole night, or until he called it off – which he had no notion of doing.

Lyle watched as muscles quivered under his touch. He brushed a kiss against the underside of her jaw, feeling her shift slightly under him, angling her head up to accommodate the contact. He was easily balanced over her, sparing her most of his weight.

Using the room she’d opened up, more kisses followed the first. Though this was for his pleasure, his end of the deal, he’d still make sure she enjoyed this.

Non-consensual encounters had their perks as well, but this wasn’t about that kind of adrenaline rush.

He stretched slightly, kissing her lightly before deepening the kiss when she allowed it. He shifted, lying more fully over her, nudging her legs apart. He felt her comply, smiled slightly while he let his lips wander over her skin again, taking his time before eventually giving into the desire running through him, completing their coupling.


It had been worth it – for him at least. He didn’t quite know about his sister though, tended to think she would disagree. He grinned and put the flowers down; Rosemary, Snapdragon, Tuberose, Orange Mock and Crown Imperial.

Straightening back up, he gave the headstone another glance before turning to leave for the Centre.

He’d gotten what he wanted and in a way, so had she. He’d never specified the kind of freedom he would give her; maybe she’d also known and hadn’t cared anyway.

They would have never let her leave, hadn’t liked it when he’d told them about her intention. It had been his job to silence her. He’d made it more pleasurable for himself with that one night – not that he would have refused to get rid of the one person who would have been able to take the Chairmanship from him, but this way had definitely had its perks for him.

Now, years later, his Chairmanship long since secured – not difficult after the capture of a heart-broken pretender - and held onto with an iron hand, he still remembered her.

She had been his twin, after all.


I looked up the meanings of the flowers or plants I mentioned in this story in various online sources. Most of them seem to be pretty much ‘safe’- I found them on more than one site but one or two I only found once. So if there’s a mistake or whatever: sorry for that.

For those who wondered about the meanings of the flowers in the last scene, here they come:

Crown-imperial = Power.
Snapdragon = Deception; Presumption
Rosemary: Remembrance
Tuberose: Dangerous Pleasure
Orange Mock = Deceit

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