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Disclaimer: It belongs to the creators of the Pretender and whoever else owns the Pretender. So don’t sue!
Authors Note: Like it, Hate it? Should I continue? Let me know!!! Also G&V and E&L will be continued this summer. G&V is almost completed. =) YAY!!!

Love, Death & Roses
3 - Rebirth

By Apollo’s Girl

The roses bloom hiding the many thorns that protects them. And me with my gloves slowly go to tend them. It’s been months or years since she died. Died by her psychotic brother’s hand. Died by the harshness of her world. By the icy fire that emitted from hell: The Centre.

Time has no place here anymore since her death. I just tend the gardens behind my house and do the things that I enjoy. Life has taken on new meaning since that day. It was like a new lease on life. To do the things that she always dreamed of and always deserved. Things that no one could do to keep her safe not even those who said they cared about her the most. Not that there weren’t times that she was happy. But those were far and few between. Flickers of a dying flame.

Since then I have came to this little house out near the county and the city. In between like a limbo, being able to enjoy the best of both worlds. Rose Cottage we call it. A bit corny, but true, for what mainly grows in here are roses among roses. I’m happy leading this life. Her death in so many ways was the key to unlocking the door to heaven. A heaven where peace and a quiet happiness was the ultimate nirvana.

I was about to tend my favorite roses and the most troublesome. The dark rich red velvet roses that grew in the center of my garden. When the back porch door swung open. I could make out his figure by squinting against the sun and I wave a friendly hello. I can see him smile and his feet taking a step to approach me.


Belle. My little nickname he likes to call me. Beauty it means. I’m the Beauty to the Beast. At first I hated it, but it grew. To others I’m Annabelle. I felt it to be too cheesy for others to call me Belle. But he does. His prerogative he says.

“Micheal!” I smile as he takes me into his embrace. The safest place to be. He plants a kiss on the top of my head and holds me tighter. I feel his gloved hand brush my hair aside as he pulls away from me.

“Missed you Sis.”

And I just smiled back as I led him up to the kitchen where I had baked some brownies from mom’s old recipe. We sat and talked, mainly the things that I have done. My days of tending the rose garden and painting.

“You know should just open up your own shop.” He suggested as he took another big bite of brownies. “You know a little gallery with maybe a rose shop on the side. People love your art and roses.”

“I could, but I’m not sure if I really want to.” I replied thoughtfully. “and where would I open it?”

“Why not in the city? I happen to know a great a little corner where you could have it.”


“Well what?”

“Micheal, I don’t-”

“Come on sis! You know you’ve been wanting one for a while now. Anyway you need to get out a bit more!”

“Yes but”

“No buts! I can help you out for a bit. I’m due for a vacation from that place anyways. Oh come on! It’ll be fun!” Micheal smiled at his sister, his eyes imploring her.

“You know I think you want it more then I do.”

“Does that really matter?”

I laughed. “I guess not. Since you already seem to have some idea of what you want. Sure why not!”

“Great.” He smiled and leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled back at him. Then he got up to get some milk. My eyes followed him and I asked quietly, the only thing that still haunts me at nights from her life.

“How are they?”

He turned to me and he looked at me tenderly. I turned my eyes to the other wall, not wanting him to read my eyes.

“Sydney is fine and so is Broots. I heard his daughter, Debbie has become quite the actress at her school. She’s starring in her school play, the youngest one I believe.”

I smile at that. The only person I regret leaving behind. But the smile fades as the silence hangs heavy. I want to ask, but am afraid to here. However my brother knew me better.

“Jarod is still on the run. I do not know where he is. We think he’s running with Zoey now, there are signs that the two are together now.”

I nod and begin to clear the table. I know my brother worries about me, knowing that Jarod still causes me much pain. When he reaches out to touch my shoulder, I turn around and let him know I’m alright. We clean the dishes as he tries to lighten my mood. And I let myself remember my new life, a reincarnation of myself, for a life I longed to live and am living.


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