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Disclaimer: It all belongs to Craig, Steven and NBC.

Author’s note: Conversations in ** ** are Mr. Parkers's conscience and thoughts.

part III

By Apollo’s Girl

It was just one call, one call that would doom him to feel all the guilt that was buried in him. The one call that opened up his Pandora’s box. His little girl was gone.

** Suicide. **

** Your own fault. **

** How can it be my fault, she pulled the trigger! **

** Yet it was you who pushed her to that point. **

** How? **

** Asking her to kill the man she loved. **

** I didn’t know she loved him. **

** You did and you know it. You always knew it, just like Catherine did! **

** Catherine. **

** You caused her death too. **

** It had to be done. **

** Did it? She could have saved them. Saved you! **

** From what? **

** From this guilt. She could have taken your daughter away and your little angel would still be alive. Happy. **

** It was all for her! All of it! **

He got out of his chair and walked over to the door. Making his way out of the Centre to the hospital.

** You really believe you did it all for her? **

** She’s my little girl. **

** You could have been there for her. **

** She needed me to be strong. She needed to see that life could still go on! **

** She needed you to love her, needed you to show that to her. She needed you to be there, to really be there. **

He walked into her room. The machines beeping slowing into one monotonous tone.

** My little angel. **

** She’s gone. **

** I did it all for you! **

„I did it all for you!" He cried out in anguish, holding onto to her lifeless hand. More quietly, „I did it all for you!"

Tears. They fell down in streams, only once before have they fallen.

** When Catherine died. **

** At least my angel is not alone. **

** She was never alone. **

** My fault. All mine. **

** But? **

** But life goes on. As it always did. No matter what kind of monster I am. **

He stayed there for the rest of the night. Holding on to her cold body, asking for forgiveness he would never hear an answer to. Not until the day he died.

Not until it was time for his silence.

The End

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