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DISCLAIMER: None of the characters belong to me--just borrowing them.
Thank you for not suing.

"Double" Pretending
part VI
by Rachel

The alarm went off and Miss Parker slammed her hand on the clock to stop the noise. She and Rachel were meeting at the park again to jog.

„Ugh," she complained, „why couldn’t these women favor the shooting range instead."

„I prefer seeing you in those skimpy shorts rather than with a gun in your hand." Jarod said, smirking.

„Pervert," she grumbled, climbing over him to get out of bed. Jarod grabbed her before she could get off and held her on top of him.

„Good morning. You know you’d get up easier if you didn’t stay up all hours of the night seducing me."

„You are such a dreamer," Miss Parker smiled, planting her hands on the pillow, just to the sides of his head.

„Was that all a dream? I could have sworn it was real. I think my back is still bleeding from your nails." Jarod gathered her hair at the nape of her neck and leaned in for a kiss.

Miss Parker kissed him briefly and pushed off of him. „Would love to stay and play, but I have to run." She went into the bathroom and got ready for her morning jog.

Jarod let out a frustrated grunt and got up after her.


„Good morning, Frank!" Miss Parker and Rachel greeted the elderly man who stretched by the bench.

„Well, hello, ladies! Beautiful morning for a jog, don’t you think?"

„It sure is."

Frank looked around cautiously as if to make sure that everyone and everything was in place--sort of like a shepherd guarding his sheep. Miss Parker and Rachel noticed and asked him about his concern.

„I’m so glad you two run together. Ever since that nice Amber girl was killed, I’ve taken it upon myself to keep an eye on things."

Miss Parker and Rachel looked at each other and both understood that Frank was talking about the woman who was killed in the Twin Murder case.

„Yes, we heard about that. What do you know about her, Frank?" Rachel questioned.

„She was a nice girl, didn’t talk much. She was a dedicated jogger. She jogged in the morning and she jogged around 7 p.m. My son jogged after work so he sees her, acquainted himself with her."

„Did you notice anything strange before she was killed?"

„No. You sound like the police."

Rachel smiled and confided in the old man. „We’re with the FBI. We’re trying to find out who killed Amber and the other women. If you can tell us anything, we’d really appreciate it."

Frank looked at the two and shook his head, smiling. „You two pretty ladies are with the Feds, huh? Is that why you have those two young men watching out for you? (motioning to Jarod and John sitting on a park bench)."

„I really didn’t notice anything different. I should have been more observant. Maybe I could have spotted someone watching her, gawking at her, or something. One day, she was running, the next day, she was gone. I learned my lesson. Now I’m going to make damn sure I watch out for these people. Maybe we can set up a time to talk with my son. He might know something. Better get going now, ladies. And stay together," Frank ordered, sounding like a father protecting his daughters.

The women began their jog, waving a friendly goodbye to their new friend.

One of the murdered women worked at the underground mall in downtown Atlanta. Much to their pleasure, that’s where the ladies decided to spend the afternoon. It wasn’t much pleasure for Jarod and Broots. Broots ended up carrying Miss Parker’s purchases around and Jarod just followed close behind, trying to look inconspicuous.

Tired of standing in the shadows, Jarod decided to sit on a bench in the middle of the mall, but still kept an eye on the two women. While he looked the other way, he didn’t notice another presence that approached him hurriedly.

„Jarod?" a familiar, overly-excited, scratchy voice got his attention.

Jarod whipped his head and was stunned at the sight of the person standing in front of him.

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