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Lyle’s head shot up from the papers he was reading when he heard the loud crash outside his office. He immediately got up from his desk and hurried out of the office to the lobby. He wasn’t sure if he was more shocked by the fact that there was an airplane crashed in the lobby or three animated . . . dogs standing next to it, grinning.

“What the hell happened?” he demanded as he walked over to the trio. “Who the hell are you?”

“I’m Yakko.”

“I’m Wakko.”

“And I’m Dot.”

“And your friend, Mr. Cox, was playing a game with us,” Yakko added. “Airplane. He wasn’t very good in the control tower, as you can see.” There was a muffled cry coming from under the plane. “As a result, the plane crashed on top of him. We wanted to change it to the Wizard of Oz, but we couldn’t find a house to compliment the décor.”

“Do you want to play a game with us too?” Dot asked, batting her eyes.

“Oh, let’s play Good Idea, Bad Idea!” Wakko shouted.

“What exactly is that?” Lyle asked, reaching for his gun. He didn’t know what was going on, but he’d shoot first and ask questions later.

“Good idea,” Yakko said. “Having a gun in your pants.”

“Bad idea,” Wakko continued. “Having a school of piranha in your pants.”

Lyle glanced down and saw he wasn’t holding his gun, but a very hungry-looking piranha. A dozen or more jumped out of his pants, snapping at him. Lyle was screaming at the top of his lungs, running down the hall as the piranha chased him, snapping at him.

“Come, siblings,” Yakko said. “We have work to do.” The trio bounced away, leaving a bunch of very shocked sweepers in their wake.

(End of Chapter 3)

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