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An imaginative view of the world 41/?
by CHris
And then it stopped. She was still feeling dizzy when she opened her eyes. She was back aboard the Enterprise. Her head hurt. If it was from the dizzying speed or from having hit her head she didn't know. She knew she was back and that she needed to do something before the Kinkans destroyed the ship. But she had no idea what she was supposed to do. Tinkerbell hadn't told her anything about the species.
And then she saw them on the view screen. Species 8472 or something like that. That was what Seven - or the Borg - had called them. They lived in subspace if she remembered correctly. But what had it been that had driven them back into their realm when Voyager had encountered them? And that had been in the future from here. The species had been unknown to the Voyager crew. How was that possible? Something was wrong with the timeline – which brought Kyla back to the thought of all this being a bad dream or a very bad joke.
The Kinkans were worse than the Borg. Even the Borg were afraid of them. She considered herself to be a Star Trek fan but she had no idea of actual facts that could be of help right now. If she could only send a message to Michael. He would surely know. She was sure he would know. Maybe if she asked Tinkerbell to help her? Maybe she had to change universes to do this. She had to return to a universe in the past from now and send an email to someone she deeply loved but wasn't ready to admit it. Did she love him? She wasn't sure. But there were more pressing matters right now than thinking about someone you loved or thought to love in the distant past, she tried to remember herself. Nobody on the bridge seemed to take notice of her. Not even Tinkerbell who was surrounded by her wishing stars that kept sparkling all the time. She was obviously preoccupied. Nobody took notice of her when she sneaked around the corner towards the Captain's personal dining room. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. She knew she could do it. If she only wished hard enough she could go to the Voyager universe and ask them all about this species. It would be much easier than sending an email to Michael who wouldn't read it anyway and would take weeks to answer IF he'd answer. She pressed her eyes shut and hoped that she would succeed. She wished herself to re-appear aboard Voyager where they would know about the Kinkans enough for her to save the Enterprise.
She opened her eyes and looked up. The Doctor and Captain Janeway were crouching next to her. She was lying on the floor. The last time she had been here had been very short. She had been beamed here and had rematerialized upside down. She sat up and started to speak so fast that both the Doctor and the Captain had problems following her. From the corner of her eyes she saw the Doctor picking up a hypospray.
"I don't need to be sedated, Doc, I'm fine. And the lives of many are at stake. You need to hear me out. I'm trying to slow down but there's little time. Do you remember Species 8472?"
"Of course I do. Why?"
"I have been to the past and the Enterprise under Captain Archer has come across this species. I need all information I can get about them. And that might be the cause for the anomaly."
"That's a possibility. We have encountered some subspace disturbances in the space surrounding us. It is possible that it has something to do with them. Can you walk?"
"A little dizzy but I think I will manage."
"I'll help you. Does the implant in your spine work properly?" Janeway asked and Kyla nodded. She had nearly forgotten about the implant and had nearly forgotten about everything else from this universe. All that mattered now was saving the Enterprise from destruction. She had nearly forgotten about Harry being her boyfriend, about Giles' diary and the vanished glass in her quarters. Those things had to wait until Enterprise and the other ships were save and the spatial anomalies were gone. But would she be able to change between universes once the anomaly was closed again? She didn't have time to think about all this right now. Captain Janeway had dragged her along the corridors towards Stellar Cartography. The doors opened and Seven was already waiting for them. Kyla sat down on one of the stools in front of a panel. She felt completely exhausted. Her head was throbbing and she didn't know what to think anymore. Was she really up to saving the universe? Suddenly she was afraid. Afraid of her own courage, afraid of the tasks ahead and even afraid of the shadows lurking behind the corners. What had made her do it? Why did she suddenly feel responsible for the welfare of all those starships? And who told her that this wasn't just a bad dream? She had thought about this so often it couldn't be a dream anymore. And she had been in the real world – in hospital – if t his had been the real world and not just another dream reality . What if it was a dream and she was hallucinating? Dying and hallucinating. What a wonderful notion. She looked up and saw Janeway and Seven discuss something on a screen in front of them. She had to know what they were talking about. On the show things had seemed so logical and everything they said had made sense. Now she didn't feel like this anymore. It was like everybody was speaking Chinese. She didn't understand a thing. But she knew things the others didn't know about. She knew their past, present and future. She knew what was going to happen to them and she knew about everything from the other universes. Maybe that might save lives. And before all this ended she had to find some time to read Giles' diary or maybe take it with her. It might be the thing that was going to save her sanity. It might be helping her to –
"Ensign Parker, please help us over here."
She got up and walked over to the other women. Seven caught her by the upper arm when she stumbled. Kyla smiled at her thankfully.
"Do you know the approximate position of the Enterprise?"
"Neither approximately nor exactly. I haven't been near any station to look at it. But I can go back there and look for the exact position if it's really important."
"Not that important. Try to bring along the parameter when you are back the next time. We can do our calculations without the exact position thus far. Do you know if there are other ships in the area?"
"No Captain, I don't know. I know that the Enterprise with Captain Picard has encountered an anomaly as well. So much has happened – I have trouble sorting things out."
"Don't worry, we'll find out soon enough. We'll send a probe into the anomaly to see what's going to happen. Maybe it'll come out in another universe or Species 8472 destroys it or whatever," Janeway said. Kyla didn't like the look on Janeway's face. She looked somewhat disappointed.
"You may return to your quarters and get some rest. We'll inform you what's going on. Do you need help to get there?"
"No, thanks Captain. I'll be fine. Have you found anything about the missing glass from my quarters?"
"Now that you mention it – no."
Kyla left the lab without another word and walked towards the next turbolift. The doors opened and she entered the lift. The ride to her quarters seemed to take for ever and her legs hurt somehow even though they were supposed to be numb. But she didn't care anymore. She longed for her couch and some time on her own. Even though it seemed inappropriate she wanted to read a little bit – and there was still the diary.
She entered her room and smiled. A little touch of home even though she was in the distant future. Her favourite colours all over the room and even a picture in a frame she had gotten used to. Hadn't there been a picture of Parker in her room aboard Deep Space Nine? She looked at the picture. It wasn't Parker. It was a cute picture that showed herself and Tara. Tara? That picture was real, yes. But only partially. She had a picture taken with Amber Benson but both had worn different things and it had been a completely different background. But the people looked the same. It looked like someone had altered the picture with the computer – but this was an alternate reality, wasn't it? Maybe it was real – in this reality…
She sat down on the sofa and took Giles' diary. She scanned a few pages and began reading the entry that had been written the day after Sunnydale had been destroyed. They had really gone to Cleveland after that – to destroy the other hellmouth. They had lost two more girls on the drive. They had died from the serious injuries they had gotten from fighting the ubervamps and the First Evil. Only just in time had they reached a hospital to save Robin Wood and even Buffy had needed a Doctor after what had happened. She hated to read in Giles' diary. It sounded so much like fan fiction – even though it was supposed to be real. And he was talking about death like it was something that happened every day. But it did happen every day. Maybe it was because he was more grown-up than she felt. She put the diary back on to the table and leaned back. She had only just closed her eyes when her communicator beeped and Janeway asked her to come to sickbay immediately. She sighed and got up. She walked to the door and out into the corridor. She pressed the button and waited for the lift to appear. The doors opened and she stepped through. Only when the doors closed behind her she realized that it hadn't been a turbolift but the door to her room. The door fell shut with a little bang.
An imaginative view of the world 41/?
by CHris
And then it stopped. She was still feeling dizzy when she opened her eyes. She was back aboard the Enterprise. Her head hurt. If it was from the dizzying speed or from having hit her head she didn't know. She knew she was back and that she needed to do something before the Kinkans destroyed the ship. But she had no idea what she was supposed to do. Tinkerbell hadn't told her anything about the species.
And then she saw them on the view screen. Species 8472 or something like that. That was what Seven - or the Borg - had called them. They lived in subspace if she remembered correctly. But what had it been that had driven them back into their realm when Voyager had encountered them? And that had been in the future from here. The species had been unknown to the Voyager crew. How was that possible? Something was wrong with the timeline – which brought Kyla back to the thought of all this being a bad dream or a very bad joke.
The Kinkans were worse than the Borg. Even the Borg were afraid of them. She considered herself to be a Star Trek fan but she had no idea of actual facts that could be of help right now. If she could only send a message to Michael. He would surely know. She was sure he would know. Maybe if she asked Tinkerbell to help her? Maybe she had to change universes to do this. She had to return to a universe in the past from now and send an email to someone she deeply loved but wasn't ready to admit it. Did she love him? She wasn't sure. But there were more pressing matters right now than thinking about someone you loved or thought to love in the distant past, she tried to remember herself. Nobody on the bridge seemed to take notice of her. Not even Tinkerbell who was surrounded by her wishing stars that kept sparkling all the time. She was obviously preoccupied. Nobody took notice of her when she sneaked around the corner towards the Captain's personal dining room. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. She knew she could do it. If she only wished hard enough she could go to the Voyager universe and ask them all about this species. It would be much easier than sending an email to Michael who wouldn't read it anyway and would take weeks to answer IF he'd answer. She pressed her eyes shut and hoped that she would succeed. She wished herself to re-appear aboard Voyager where they would know about the Kinkans enough for her to save the Enterprise.
She opened her eyes and looked up. The Doctor and Captain Janeway were crouching next to her. She was lying on the floor. The last time she had been here had been very short. She had been beamed here and had rematerialized upside down. She sat up and started to speak so fast that both the Doctor and the Captain had problems following her. From the corner of her eyes she saw the Doctor picking up a hypospray.
"I don't need to be sedated, Doc, I'm fine. And the lives of many are at stake. You need to hear me out. I'm trying to slow down but there's little time. Do you remember Species 8472?"
"Of course I do. Why?"
"I have been to the past and the Enterprise under Captain Archer has come across this species. I need all information I can get about them. And that might be the cause for the anomaly."
"That's a possibility. We have encountered some subspace disturbances in the space surrounding us. It is possible that it has something to do with them. Can you walk?"
"A little dizzy but I think I will manage."
"I'll help you. Does the implant in your spine work properly?" Janeway asked and Kyla nodded. She had nearly forgotten about the implant and had nearly forgotten about everything else from this universe. All that mattered now was saving the Enterprise from destruction. She had nearly forgotten about Harry being her boyfriend, about Giles' diary and the vanished glass in her quarters. Those things had to wait until Enterprise and the other ships were save and the spatial anomalies were gone. But would she be able to change between universes once the anomaly was closed again? She didn't have time to think about all this right now. Captain Janeway had dragged her along the corridors towards Stellar Cartography. The doors opened and Seven was already waiting for them. Kyla sat down on one of the stools in front of a panel. She felt completely exhausted. Her head was throbbing and she didn't know what to think anymore. Was she really up to saving the universe? Suddenly she was afraid. Afraid of her own courage, afraid of the tasks ahead and even afraid of the shadows lurking behind the corners. What had made her do it? Why did she suddenly feel responsible for the welfare of all those starships? And who told her that this wasn't just a bad dream? She had thought about this so often it couldn't be a dream anymore. And she had been in the real world – in hospital – if t his had been the real world and not just another dream reality . What if it was a dream and she was hallucinating? Dying and hallucinating. What a wonderful notion. She looked up and saw Janeway and Seven discuss something on a screen in front of them. She had to know what they were talking about. On the show things had seemed so logical and everything they said had made sense. Now she didn't feel like this anymore. It was like everybody was speaking Chinese. She didn't understand a thing. But she knew things the others didn't know about. She knew their past, present and future. She knew what was going to happen to them and she knew about everything from the other universes. Maybe that might save lives. And before all this ended she had to find some time to read Giles' diary or maybe take it with her. It might be the thing that was going to save her sanity. It might be helping her to –
"Ensign Parker, please help us over here."
She got up and walked over to the other women. Seven caught her by the upper arm when she stumbled. Kyla smiled at her thankfully.
"Do you know the approximate position of the Enterprise?"
"Neither approximately nor exactly. I haven't been near any station to look at it. But I can go back there and look for the exact position if it's really important."
"Not that important. Try to bring along the parameter when you are back the next time. We can do our calculations without the exact position thus far. Do you know if there are other ships in the area?"
"No Captain, I don't know. I know that the Enterprise with Captain Picard has encountered an anomaly as well. So much has happened – I have trouble sorting things out."
"Don't worry, we'll find out soon enough. We'll send a probe into the anomaly to see what's going to happen. Maybe it'll come out in another universe or Species 8472 destroys it or whatever," Janeway said. Kyla didn't like the look on Janeway's face. She looked somewhat disappointed.
"You may return to your quarters and get some rest. We'll inform you what's going on. Do you need help to get there?"
"No, thanks Captain. I'll be fine. Have you found anything about the missing glass from my quarters?"
"Now that you mention it – no."
Kyla left the lab without another word and walked towards the next turbolift. The doors opened and she entered the lift. The ride to her quarters seemed to take for ever and her legs hurt somehow even though they were supposed to be numb. But she didn't care anymore. She longed for her couch and some time on her own. Even though it seemed inappropriate she wanted to read a little bit – and there was still the diary.
She entered her room and smiled. A little touch of home even though she was in the distant future. Her favourite colours all over the room and even a picture in a frame she had gotten used to. Hadn't there been a picture of Parker in her room aboard Deep Space Nine? She looked at the picture. It wasn't Parker. It was a cute picture that showed herself and Tara. Tara? That picture was real, yes. But only partially. She had a picture taken with Amber Benson but both had worn different things and it had been a completely different background. But the people looked the same. It looked like someone had altered the picture with the computer – but this was an alternate reality, wasn't it? Maybe it was real – in this reality…
She sat down on the sofa and took Giles' diary. She scanned a few pages and began reading the entry that had been written the day after Sunnydale had been destroyed. They had really gone to Cleveland after that – to destroy the other hellmouth. They had lost two more girls on the drive. They had died from the serious injuries they had gotten from fighting the ubervamps and the First Evil. Only just in time had they reached a hospital to save Robin Wood and even Buffy had needed a Doctor after what had happened. She hated to read in Giles' diary. It sounded so much like fan fiction – even though it was supposed to be real. And he was talking about death like it was something that happened every day. But it did happen every day. Maybe it was because he was more grown-up than she felt. She put the diary back on to the table and leaned back. She had only just closed her eyes when her communicator beeped and Janeway asked her to come to sickbay immediately. She sighed and got up. She walked to the door and out into the corridor. She pressed the button and waited for the lift to appear. The doors opened and she stepped through. Only when the doors closed behind her she realized that it hadn't been a turbolift but the door to her room. The door fell shut with a little bang.