Table of Contents [Report This]

Disclaimer see part 1
An imaginative view of the world 31 - 35
She opened her eyes again when she felt like she wasn't falling any longer. She was lying in the sand. The water had nearly reached her feet. How long had she been gone? There were no people on the beach, she was all alone. Tinkerbell was nowhere in sight. Had she managed to come to this universe or had she gotten lost on the way? Kyla hoped that she would find her way soon. She had so much gotten used to the presence of the little being.
The sun had nearly disappeared behind the horizon. Parker and Jarod would start to worry about her. Well then, she should get on her way back. She got up and pushed the sand from her clothes. She walked up the stairs. In her thoughts she was still aboard Deep Space Nine. Had she really been there? Had she really managed to end this universe for herself and Terry Farrell with the help of Tinkerbell? Was Terry Farrell back in the real world now? It sounded unreal. But didn't everything sound unreal at the moment? What was real anyway? She had reached the top of the stairs and caught a last glance at the beach before it vanished from sight. She sighed and walked on. The sun had disappeared behind the horizon and it was starting to get colder. Parker and Jarod would really start to worry about her. At least she didn't have to walk the whole way back to where she had started her walk. Only two hours and she would be back at the house. She had to grin inwardly. Two hours seemed quite long but somehow it didn't mean anything. She had two hours in this universe at least and she had much time to think about everything that had happened so far. She only wished she had some company. Tinkerbell maybe or even a dog would be nice. Maybe it would work if she only wished hard enough? A nice dog to accompany and protect her. A cream colored Labrador maybe? In the distance she heard the barking of a dog that came nearer with the time passing. A cream colored Labrador came running towards her. So this had to be a dream. All the things she had thought to be reality had to be a dream. But how to stop the dream? The dog stopped in front of her and looked up. There was something glittering at its collar band. The glittering came from Tinkerbell. She had finally managed to come to this reality as well. So, was it still a dream or reality after all?
"Tinkerbell, is this real? Am I not dreaming?"
"Dreaming? Why? Didn't you ask for a dog to keep you company? You know, it's getting harder to keep up with you every time we change. And still we haven't managed to go where we started. It's really getting frustrating now."
"Don't worry, Tink, we're getting there eventually. We only have to wait."
"But it's my job to get you there the first time."
"By the way, does the dog have a name?"
"No. Why do you need a name for everything?"
"It is customary for my species to give everything a name."
"You don't have to earn yourself a name?"
"No. We are given a name when we are born and keep that name until we die."
"Funny thing. We are not given a name. Most of the time we are alone. We don't need a name. Normally we are invisible to the people we help. Are you in a hurry?"
Kyla looked down on Tinkerbell who was sitting on the dog's back and shook her head. Tinkerbell looked like a little queen on her horse.
"Then why are you nearly running?"
"Oh, I should have been home before sunset. Just thought that if I walked faster they wouldn't worry too much."
"Then you are in a hurry," Tinkerbell stated.
"OK, I am. But don't try to speed things up. I will arrive home eventually."
"I can't help you at the moment. I need some rest before I can help you again. My resources have been strained too much. Will you manage without me? And please don't tell anyone that I failed you."
"You didn't fail me, Tinkerbell. I don't know what I'd have done without you. You saved me a lot of times and I have to thank you for that. You can rest as long as you like. I know enough ways to change universes. Take your time. I wouldn't even mind if you stayed in this universe until I'm back if it helps you back to your full powers."
Tinkerbell looked up at her and shot her the first smile Kyla had ever seen upon the Shirans face. She smiled back. The dog kept trotting by her side and suddenly she had a name for the dog in her head. She wanted to call the dog Tony. She stopped and so did the dog. She crouched down and looked the dog into the eyes.
"Do you like the name Tony?" she asked the dog and it seemed to her that the dog nodded in agreement. She smiled and patted the dog's head. Then she went on walking. She had to be home before they would start a big search for her. That was the last thing she needed. They had worried enough about her. She wondered if Lyle's drugs were completely out of her bloodstream or if anything was still affecting her. It seemed so far away as if being in the Centre had been a bad dream.
She had already reached the car park and in the distance she could already see their house. She asked Tinkerbell to make herself invisible but she only shook her head and said that she didn't have enough power left to do so. Kyla took the little Shiran and put her in the pocket of her jeans. Tinkerbell protested that it was too dark and not enough space for her but she had no other choice and tried to make herself comfortable.
Kyla wondered what Jarod and Miss Parker would say if she brought the dog with her. She hoped that they would allow her to keep the dog. She couldn't just let him walk away on his own, could she? Jarod loved dogs - or at least the actor did but Jarod had no idea that he was just a fictional character from a TV series and she had no intentions of telling him. Or had she already told him? Things had gotten out of control lately and she had no idea what she had been telling whom or what she hadn't told someone. She needed some time to sort things out. But what use was there in making notes if she couldn't take them with her to other universes? Maybe she should start keeping some kind of diary and write those things she had said in each universe down? One diary in every universe? Sounded complicated but certainly a good idea.
Someone came running towards her. It was Jarod. He looked really worried and even a little angry. She prepared herself for the worst.
"Kyla? Kyla, are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine. Sorry, I'm late."
"That's not the main problem. There have been some aftereffects from the drug. Parker collapsed and has been brought to hospital. I feared that you'd suffer from the same things. Are you feeling OK?"
"I'm feeling fine, really."
"Come on, we have to hurry. I don't want Parker to be alone too long in the hospital. I had hoped you'd be home earlier."
"You're not angry with me for being late?"
"No. Things happen. I'm glad you're fine. Who's dog is it?"
"I don't know. He came to walk with me on my way home. I named him Tony."
"You can't keep him, you know that. Let him go. Go to your room and grab some things from there. We're leaving as soon as possible. It's an half hour drive to Thames."
Kyla nodded and went to her room. She hadn't even unpacked the suitcase yet. She took Tinkerbell from her pocket and put her down onto the bed. Tinkerbell seemed asleep. Kyla hid her under the blanket, took her suitcase and left the room. She walked to the front door. The dog was still sitting there and waiting for her.
"Go back to where you belong. I wish I could keep you but we're leaving again. Sorry, little dog."
She patted the dog's head and looked at Jarod who was already waiting for her. He hadn't told her exactly what had happened to Parker. She knew that Parker wasn't easily brought down and she was starting to get worried as well.
"What happened to Parker?" she asked when she was sitting in the car and Jarod had started to drive down the road. He didn't answer immediately. He kept staring onto the road. "Jarod? You alright?"
"She said she felt sick and went to the toilet. When she didn't return I went looking for her and found her unconscious on the floor. She drenched in sweat and was shivering violently. I called a doctor because I couldn't do anything for her without medical equipment. They brought her to hospital in an ambulance. If you had been home we could have come along right away. If you feel sick and if it's only a slight little bit you tell me immediately."
Kyla only nodded and stared out of the window. They drove in complete silence. No word was said and the radio was turned off as well. Both were deep in their thoughts. She didn't like the prospect of getting ill. She hated being ill and she hated hospitals. And she was afraid. Afraid that Parker might die and that she'd get ill as well. She closed her eyes and saw Myra's smiling face and Lyle's evil grin before her inner eye. They had done their job properly. Resisting their retraining was not a subject. Those who resisted had to be punished and that seemed to be part of the drug. Maybe that was why they had gotten out of the Centre without anybody following them at first. Maybe they hadn't been following them at all? They must have known that the plane was waiting for them and they could have easily tracked them down. Why hadn't they shown up yet? To be true she was thankful that they hadn't shown up but she feared that they would find them eventually. But if the drug really had this side effect of killing those who resisted it then it wouldn't matter, would it? She felt sick at the mere thought of Lyle's evil smile. She was feeling sick? No way, this couldn't be. She leaned against the window. She didn't want to admit that she was afraid or that she was feeling sick. No way. This couldn't happen. She wasn't feeling sick, was she? Jarod looked at her from the side. From the look in his eyes and the way he changed his way of driving she could tell that he had seen something she wasn't ready to admit yet.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I'm afraid."
He put his hand onto her forehead. Kyla shivered. Had Jarod turned on the air conditioning in the car? It was awfully cold in here.
"You're burning. Try to remain calm. Breathe regularly. No hyperventilating. Try to relax. We'll be there soon."
What was he talking about? She was freezing and somehow breathing was starting to get harder. And then there was this feeling inside.
"Can you stop? Please stop the car."
Jarod's eyes traveled over her body and onto the road. He pulled the car onto the gravel and stopped. Kyla opened the door and jumped outside. She coughed and tried to remember what Jarod had said. She tried to steady herself but the world started to spin. She felt Jarod's arm around her waist and his hand on her forehead. Even though she couldn't remember having eaten something she had to throw up. Jarod was holding her as the world started to turn more violently. It was still so cold even though she was standing in the direct sunlight. Jarod helped her back inside the car.
"Breathe. Breathe slowly. You're starting to hyperventilate. Try to hold your breath a few times. And calm down. Please, Kyla, calm down."
Kyla looked at him. She tried to slow her breath but it was getting harder with every minute to get enough oxygen into her lungs. She felt like suffocating and tried to breathe faster. Before he started the car Jarod pulled a small oxygen tank from the trunk and pulled the mask over Kyla's face. When he was on the road again he drove much faster than 100 kmph which was the top speed in New Zealand. He didn't care. He didn't care anymore. He had a girl next to him who was suffering and a good friend in hospital who was dying. That had to suffice as an excuse if they tried to stop him.
They didn't try to stop him. He reached the hospital without being interrupted. He stopped directly in front of the front door. Kyla was barely conscious. She looked at him and tried to smile. She was shivering and her forehead was covered with cold sweat. He carried her from the car into the building.
"This is an emergency. Help me!" he screamed.
A nurse came and directed him towards ER. The doctor who came looked down at Kyla.
"There has been a woman with the same symptoms earlier today."
"I know her. Miss Parker. These are the exact same symptoms and I'm sure they have the same origin. Can you help her? How is Miss Parker?"
"Miss Parker is in a deep coma and this young woman looks like she's on the best way to get there as well. Is she still conscious?"
"She was when we left the car. Kyla, can you hear me?"
Kyla slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was blurred but she could see Jarod. He was talking to her. Was this what if felt like to be dying? Was she dying? Was Parker already dead? Would she die? A doctor came to stand beside Jarod. A nurse was fixing an intravenous bottle and the doc was doing something with a syringe. Were they drugging her again? She felt Jarod's hand on her forehead. She tried to remain conscious. She was laid onto a bed and wheeled through the corridors of the hospital. The lights were flashing by like she was sitting in a roller coaster. She didn't dare to close her eyes for longer. The bed she was lying in was put in the same room as Miss Parker. Kyla tried to turn her head to get a closer look. Parker was hooked to many machines and a nurse was doing the same to her. Jarod had come along and was standing against the wall. It became harder to concentrate with the minute even though breathing seemed to be getting easier.
"How do you feel?" Jarod asked with a concerned look on his face and took a seat.
Kyla tried to answer but her voice didn't seem to be obeying her command. She only nodded faintly. Jarod looked at Parker's unconscious form. She seemed so frail and almost like dead. He looked back at Kyla. She had her eyes closed and her breath was rasping.
"Kyla?" he whispered. She didn't answer. She had fallen unconscious.
Someone was shaking her by the shoulders. She was still alive? Oh, right. She had changed universes. Had she just died? Had this universe with Jarod and Parker just ended? Where was she? She opened her eyes and looked at Jarod. Jarod? She looked around the room. Chicago. The other Pretender universe. She hoped that she'd get used to those shifts between the Pretender universes. It was easier to shift between different universes. Back to Star Trek might have been a lot easier.
"Sorry to wake you. We have to go. Where have you been?"
"Many universes. I have lost count. No idea how many I've been to. What time is it?"
"Time to go. Can you feel your legs?"
"No. How long have I been sleeping?"
"A few hours. You can try to sleep in the car. Don't forget your wig."
"If we have to keep up this masquerade for much longer I think I'll dye my hair. I hate wigs."
"Sure, we can do that once we are in our new hotel," Kira said.
Jarod helped her sit up and lifted her into the wheelchair. It felt funny after having spent so much time walking in other universes. She had to get used to it again. Somehow she felt the urge to jump up and run around. But her legs were without any feeling. If she tried to jump up she would fall to the ground - if she'd managed to jump up at all. She tried to remember what had happened in this universe. They had wanted to meet with a Profiler, with Rachel Burke, but she had been attacked by someone from the Centre - or so Jarod assumed. Now they were fleeing from Chicago to meet with another Profiler, with Samantha Waters. They were fleeing from the Centre's people and she didn't even had the chance to run away. She hated Jarod's idea. She hated herself for not being able to walk and she hoped that this would be over soon. And she hoped that Tinkerbell would soon be herself again and would come to her rescue. But if Tinkerbell hadn't even been able to make herself invisible it would take quite a long time for her to recover and gain back all her strength. She had to get along without the little Shiran for a while. It had worked before and it had to work again.
"We have to be much more careful now, Kyla. There has been a picture of you on the news. People are looking for you all over the country. Please try to act as inconspicuous as possible. Try not to draw attention to yourself by doing something stupid," Jarod explained while he was finishing packing the suitcase.
"Easier said than done. A girl in a wheelchair attracts a lot of attraction. Everybody is staring at me. I hope nobody starts to ask questions. Don't you have colored contact lenses for me? Blue eyes and brown hair looks funny. If my eyes turn to brown it should be harder to recognize me."
"Nice idea. But where do I get something special like that?" Kira asked. "I'm the only one who can walk around Chicago without anyone looking at me."
"An optometrist should provide you with everything you need. And don't worry about the money. The Centre has enough of it," Jarod grinned and handed Kira his purse. "And Kira, hurry, we need to get away from here soon."
"And bring some hair color for me as well, please," Kyla added and Kira left the room. "Don't you have a book for me to read? I have nothing to do and can't even go for a walk when I'm bored."
"We could talk about some things you and I need to know. I haven't told you everything yet. One thing is Rachel. There was this truck that tried to crash her car and the truck driver also had a gun and tried to shoot her. I haven't had time to tell you yet. We have to hurry and we have to be really careful. If they even shoot people we are in danger. Not only me but everybody who is with me. Maybe the police is searching for me as well, I don't know. If the Centre has actually called the police for help you're in greater danger. Then both are searching for us. I don't like it but I have to wear some make up as well. I'll grow a beard and dye my hair even though I hate the prospect of doing such a thing. But maybe it helps."
There was a knock at the door and Kira stormed back inside.
"We have to go. Hurry. There are people downstairs who are searching for Kyla."
"But if they're downstairs isn't it dangerous to go down right now? Or do you think they'll be searching the rooms?"
"They are preparing to search the rooms. Someone claims to have seen you entering the building. It's a fake but a good guess. I heard him say that you walked though those doors last night. Jarod, is there a backdoor where we can get out of the building without being seen?"
"Not that I know. We could leave through the hotel garage but we had to cross the entrance hall first."
"Less suspicious than packing things in our car in front of the huge front doors, don't you think? I'll go down and park the car in the garage. I'll come and get you then."
"No. You stay up here. You have to prepare Kyla for the trip down. Remember what I told you last night. Sorry, Kyla. It's for your own good."
Kyla looked from Jarod to Kira and back to Jarod. She didn't know what they had planned but she didn't like the sound of Jarod's voice at the moment. Kira sighed and nodded. Jarod grabbed the large suitcase and the car keys and left the room. Kira sat down on the bed in front of Kyla's wheelchair.
"I don't like it either, honey, but it's for your own good."
"What are you going to do?"
"You know I'm a doctor, do you?"
"Yes, I know, you told me. What are you going to do?"
"I don't like to do this to you but it won't hurt at all."
"Ssh, don't talk too loud. People might hear you and alert the hotel staff. Listen to me. This is only temporary and lasts for about one to two hours. It is some kind of sedative used with eye surgery. It sedated the eyes and its muscles. You won't be feeling anything and you won't be seeing much. But your pupils will dilate as wide as possible. The blue from your eyes will be nearly gone."
"You're making me blind? I can't walk and now you want me to be blind? What else are you planning?"
"There are a few backup plans. This was one of them. I don't like it very much either but there's nothing that can go wrong. The anesthetic will wear off after a few hours. I promise. It's nothing more than eye drops. They don't work immediately it takes a few minutes. So I apply the drops right now and until Jarod returns they will have taken affect. Don't worry."
"I need to go to the toilet first."
"You can do that afterwards. You won't be completely blind. Lean your head back."
She grabbed a small bottle from her pocket. With her fingers she gently opened Kyla's eyes a little wider and administered a few drops into each eye. She held the eye open for a few seconds so the substance could spread in the eye. When she let go of Kyla's head she blinked rapidly. It didn't feel different to normal eye drops but her vision started to blur.
"Don't panic. Things will be back to normal soon."
"Panic? You're kidding, are you? I can't run away from this because my legs don't work and I can't see if someone wants to attack me. And if someone attacks me I can't run away. I'M STUCK WITH YOU!"
"You are panicking," Kira stated, "Please keep your voice down. There's someone in the corridor. They might hear you."
"I'm not panicking. I'm just - panicking. God, this is weird. Give me something to dug my fingernails into or I'll start to scream. I'm trying not to panic, I promise."
"If you panic - there's always a backup plan."
"You're gonna sedate me, right?"
"Kinda, yes. So please remain calm, OK?"
A noise from the door made them look up. The door opened and Jarod came inside. Kyla could only see his outlines. It was like being inside a huge nebula and everything was blurred and it was getting worse. Because the pupils were dilated she couldn't focus anymore.
"Brave little girl," Jarod whispered into her ear. "But I'm sure you don't want to see what's going on in the entrance hall. People are acting really weird down there. Remain calm. You're starting to panic again. Kira, take the suitcase over there. Kyla, hold that bag for me, will you? Do you think you can manage this?"
"I'm trying. It's so weird. Is this really me? Am I really Kyla Parker?"
"No, you're Gwendolyn Lewellyn. No mo re talking, we're leaving. Nothing left behind? OK, here we go."
Kira opened the door and they stepped onto the corridor. A few people were standing in front of the elevator. They looked at Kyla but she didn't realize it. She was holding onto the bag Jarod had given her without knowing what it was. It was her anchor. Someone's hand squeezed her shoulder.
"You alright, honey?" Kira's voice asked and Kyla only nodded. The elevator doors opened and the people stepped back to let the police officers out. Kyla didn't see them clearly. Just three huge men in dark clothes. Their eyes ran over the people standing in front of the elevator and then they walked away. A man motioned Jarod and Kira to get inside the elevator first and he gladly accepted the offer. They had survived the first check. The police officers hadn't noticed anything and they were obviously only searching for the girl and not for him. A few more people squeezed inside the elevator and then they went down. They were like a huge group coming from the elevator. Nobody seemed to be looking at them. Jarod was thankful that they were the last people coming from the elevator. They had a few people to hide behind. They walked briskly through the entrance hall and into the garage. Jarod lifted Kyla from the wheelchair and carried her up the stairs. Kira took the chair and carried it upstairs. When they had reached the car Jarod put Kyla down in the backseat of the car.
"We managed it. We have reached the car. Let's hope we get out of Chicago in one piece. Kira, have you seen anything strange?"
"Sorry to spoil your cheeriness. There was a sweeper team in front of the main doors. Give the front seat to Kyla and hide yourself on the backseat under those blankets. I'll drive the car. Where are we going?"
"South. Ohio. We're meeting Sam in a café in a small town called Findlay. I'll stay hidden until we're out of town. Kyla, are you alright?"
Kyla nodded while Jarod lifted her from the backseat and sat her down beside Kira. She fingered for the seatbelt while Jarod sat down in the back. He took the jackets and curled himself up covering himself with everything he could find. Kira looked into the mirror.
"It looks somehow conspicuous. Kyla, give me your bag or toss it back yourself. How are your eyes?"
"Worse than ever. I can't see anything. It feels so weird. Can we go now?"
"You're panicking again. Now toss the bag in the back."
"Sorry Jarod," Kyla grinned and leaned back. She was afraid to close her eyes. She hated being helpless. She hoped that her eyes would be back to normal soon. She saw a light coming up to them.
"OK, there's the exit. Let's hope they don't see us. Kyla, hold on to something this might be a rough ride. And Jarod, you should find something as well, they're coming over here."
One of the sweepers came walking towards their car. Kira pretended not to see him and kept driving towards the road. Another car let her into the steady stream of cars and even the traffic lights seemed to have mercy on her. It went as smoothly as possible. In the rear view mirror she could see the sweepers talking and waving towards her car before she turned around the next corner. She knew they were discussing their car and the possibility that the were going to follow them were extremely high even though she had no idea how they could know that they were hiding something. There was heavy traffic all over Chicago and when they had nearly reached the highway Kira caught a glimpse of a black Lincoln behind them.
"They are following us," she stated. "Steady yourself, we're going a little faster."
"No, don't," Jarod's muffled voice came from the backseat. "That would arouse their suspicion. Just keep on driving like you normally would. No need to draw their attention towards us. Let them overtake if possible. If we start to drive faster they will follow us like a bird its prey. Act like any normal person."
Kira nodded and kept driving. The Lincoln came ever nearer until it was behind them. They were driving up the ramp to the highway with the black car right at their tail. Kira watched them discussing and tried not to draw any attention towards their car.
"Can they stop us like the police?"
"No," Jarod muffled.
"Can you drive a little slower? I think I'm starting to get sick."
"Can we dare to stop the car?"
"Not yet, Kira. I can do for a few more minutes. Are they still next to us?"
"Right behind us. How are your eyes? Can you feel your feet?"
"My eyes are not changing but I think there's a prickling in my toes but nothing distinct yet. Can you stop? Please?"
Kira pulled the car onto the right lane and onto the gravel. She jumped from the car and ran around to help Kyla. Jarod remained hidden under the jackets even though he would have liked to help.
"Sorry I couldn't walk away from the car," Kyla apologized and took a gulp of water from the bottle Kira had given her. She tried to rinse her mouth from the bad taste that was left. She leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes. Kira dabbed her forehead with a wet cloth and helped her sit up right again. She sat down on the driver's seat and started the car again.
"The black Lincoln is gone. Maybe they're waiting for us further down the road but I hope they have given up. Kyla, are you feeling better now?"
"If you can leave the window open I think it'll be OK. What about Jarod? Can't he sit up again?"
"Not yet," Jarod said, "I'll stay down for a little longer. Maybe they'll be waiting."
They drove on in silence. Kyla leaned against the window and held her face into the fresh air. She had never been able to close her eyes while being in the car when she wasn't sleeping and not being able to see didn't make things better. But it seemed to her that things were getting clearer. It had been about an hour since Kira had administered the sedative to her eyes.
"Can it be that my eyes are getting better? I think things are getting clearer."
"About one hour, yes, that can be. But it will take a while. What about your legs?"
"There's a tickling in the middle toe on the left. I hope this means I will be able to walk again?"
"There's the Lincoln," Kira suddenly said.
"Where?" Jarod asked. Kyla simply stared at the same spot she had been staring at the whole time. She hadn't seen anything.
"On the other side of the road. They're driving back. You can come from hiding. They're gone."
"How are you feeling, Kyla? Are you fit enough to survive about 6 hours of driving?" Jarod asked.
"If my eyes are getting better I think I will manage, yes. Can't we stop until my eyes are working? By the way, I'm starving."
"Nice idea," Kira said, "I'd like some breakfast as well."
They stopped at the next roadhouse and got out of the car. Jarod lifted Kyla into the wheelchair and they went inside. People were staring at them as always. Kyla was oblivious to the danger they were in. Jarod chose a table in a distant corner of the room and tried to hide the girl in the wheelchair from most people's eyes. He didn't want to give them a closer look at Kyla. There might be someone who recognized the girl from the news. She was officially kidnapped and people were searching for her. They ordered breakfast for three and Jarod leaned back.
"We have to hurry. I'm not sure if our masquerade will work every time. People might recognize Kyla. There's a picture on the news at the very moment," he said after looking at the TV set for a second.
"What kind of photo?"
"The one from your ID. That's how it looks."
"I always thought this picture doesn't look like me at all. I don't think people will recognize me from that. But who knows. Did they say anything else?"
"I don't know. I just saw your picture. I don't want to arouse suspicion. They might remember me when I go talking to them. We have to wait until tonight. I think we'll have a TV in our room. I've booked a motel room for the three of us. I hope you can live with that."
"Sure. Another night with the two of you won't do me any harm and I need your help anyway."
Their breakfast arrived and without another word they started. Kyla had difficulties finding her plate and the food. She asked Kira to help her. She had no idea how but it worked. Kira cut her pancakes in pieces and handed her the fork. With one hand she held the plate and with the other she managed to get the food to her mouth. It was like eating with your eyes closed but somehow it worked. When she was finished her sight had become a little better and she hoped that she could see everything by the time they had reached Ohio.
Kyla was already sitting in the car and Jarod closed the door. He held Kira by the arm and stopped her. Kyla didn't see them so they could remain standing beside the car.
"We have to be careful. People are staring at her. It's only a matter of time before someone really recognizes her. The incident in Chicago should have taught us a lesson. Even though it was just a fake it was damn close."
"I know, Jarod. I'm not feeling very secure either. You're hunted by Centre personnel, Kyla's face is all over the news. I'm the only one no one wants. We have to be really careful. It's good that Kyla's sitting in the back again so people don't see her on first sight when they're approaching the car. On the other hand, if someone wants to see her they see her no matter where she sits. We have to get going. We have been here long enough. There's a picture of Kyla on the news again," Kira said after glancing back at the roadhouse. "Let's get going."
"You've been talking about me", Kyla stated when Kira and Jarod sat down on the front seats.
"Sorry, yes. We have held a kind of war council. We have a problem. There are so many news channels that are broadcasting your picture. We can't be sure people won't recognize you. We have to go into hiding again. And we're meeting with Sam tonight. I'm not sure if the Centre doesn't have its eyes on her. We might be watched. And if the Police can do anything for their benefit the Centre will ask them for their help. They might have found out that you are with me and might provide a deal to the police. I don't know how far they will go with that. Now let's get going. We've been here long enough."
Kira nodded and turned the ignition key. The car gave a few strange sounds before the engines started. They didn't like the sounds but they had to hurry when they wanted to be in Ohio to meet with Samantha later the day.
"Try to sleep," Kira suggested to Jarod and Kyla. "And Kyla, if you're lucky your eyes will be back to normal again when you wake up again. Depends on how long you sleep but it will be much better then. Jarod, you should get some sleep as well. It might be that we have to leave again in a hurry tonight."
"I can't sleep again. I have been sleeping too much."
"You should try. You need rest. Your eyes need rest and you --"
"OK, I'll try. But don't expect me to sleep for too long. I'm not tired at all."
Kyla leaned back. She didn't want to admit that she was tired again. She had been sleeping enough but all this fuss about her not being able to walk and being nearly blind had confused and tired her. She knew she'd panic again if something happened and she wouldn't be able to see properly or be able to run away. She had to sleep and hope that she would spend enough time in other universes and sleep long enough to wake up to be herself again. And she hoped that Tinkerbell would be with her again soon. She missed the little Shiran. She closed her eyes and leaned against the cool window. She opened it a little bit to let in some fresh air. She hoped she would fall asleep soon so she wouldn't have to hear Jarod and Kira whispering in the front. She didn't want to listen and didn't want to hear what they were saying. Just sleep and leave this world.
She opened one eye. She was still in the car and not able to see properly. It hadn't worked. She was still there. She closed her eyes again and told herself to fall asleep. And this time it worked. When Kira looked into the rear view mirror she saw Kyla's head fall slightly to one side and her body relaxed. She had fallen asleep. Kira smiled and concentrated on the road again.
She turned around and pulled the blanket around her tighter. She opened her eyes. Where was she? She hadn't had a blanket in the car and she could see the room clearly. She turned around. She was in her quarters aboard the Enterprise. She smiled. The last time she had been here she had learned a lot about spatial anomalies. Maybe this was the cause of all the shifting. She got up and got dressed then she sat down at her desk. Her wrist itched. She looked down. Willow's protection band. She had completely forgotten about it. It was still there. She wondered when she would be back in Willow's world. She had liked it there.
She remembered the padd under her pillow. She picked it up and put it onto the table. She had no idea where to start her search. She looked at the box on her table. Hadn't Geordie said that it would tell them if an anomaly would occur? Had something gone wrong or did her shifting work without anomalies? She looked at the box. A few lights were blinking. The doorbell rang.
"Come in."
The door opened and Geordie entered the room. He smiled at her and walked towards the box.
"Have you had a good night?"
"Yes, thank you. What does this box do exactly? Is it supposed to beep or something like that?"
"No. It just stores information. And the lights tell me that there is a lot of information. Care to give me a hand?"
"I don't think I'm fit for that yet. Can I watch?"
"I'll download the information into the computer and send you a copy. You can look through it if you want. You're still supposed to remain in your quarters."
"What happens if an anomaly occurs?"
"It was supposed to beep but it looks like a malfunction. There has been an anomaly. I'll talk to the Doctor and the Captain. I think there's a problem. Stay where you are. I'll be back soon, OK?"
"Sure, I won't go anywhere. I have to finish some research I've started. "
There had been an anomaly so that meant that there was a connection between the shifting and an occurring anomaly. But why were those anomalies connected to her? Why was she the only one on the ship who was affected by them? Maybe there was more to this and nobody had been able to find out yet. She had to find out what it was and why it was her who was affected.
"Dr. Crusher to Ensign Parker. Please report to sickbay immediately."
"On my way."
She got up and left her quarters. She had gotten an order from the CMO. She hoped that this order overruled the Captain's order of remaining in her quarters. She entered the turbolift and got out in front of sickbay only moments later. The doors opened for her and she entered. Dr. Crusher, Geordie and Data were waiting for her.
"Hello Kyla. I have analysed the data from the anomalies. It seems that the anomaly creates a connection between several parallel universes. Data has created a sub dermal chip that Dr. Crusher will implant in your arm. It is some kind of tracking device."
"You haven't had time to say something yourself, Kyla," Dr. Crusher interrupted, "Have you changed universes last night? Everything would be meaningless if nothing happened to you."
"I did. I went to bed last night and woke in another universe. I changed a few times and woke up again in my bed this morning. What do your readings tell about the anomaly? I haven't had time to check those readings yet."
"Not very much, I'm afraid. Just that the anomaly occurred and that a connection had been established. If it's possible we can track you with this device and maybe even bring you back if you want to. Depends on where you're going you might even want to work with them to improve the technology."
"Do you think that's possible?"
"Of course. If there's a universe in the future they might even know a way to close the anomaly immediately and send you back to your own universe and restore everything. I'm not sure how technology will evolve but it might be possible," Geordie answered.
Dr. Crusher showed her the little implant they were about to bring under her skin. She had not much of an idea about 24th century medicine but she hoped it wouldn't hurt much. She was afraid of needles and everything connected to it. She tried not to look at it but then she was curious and dared to look. Dr. Crusher was nearly finished and was already running a skin healing device over her arm. Except for a small hard knob she could feel there was nothing to be seen. No scar and not even a tinge of red. She smiled at Dr. Crusher. Geordie smiled as well and even Data had a smile playing across his lips. He looked almost human. Dr. Crusher and Geordie checked the sensor readings from the little device in her arm and told her that she was free to return to her quarters again. She didn't know what she was supposed to do there but she left sickbay with a smile on her face and was even looking forward to getting back to her quarters. She longed for a cup of tea and the wonderful view from her window. She knew that she should be working on a way back to her normal world but she didn't feel like returning there right now. She needed and wanted some rest. She had always tried to be a hero in each universe, had to run away from the bad guys or work hard on something else. She wanted to enjoy herself. She had always wished to be in the Star Trek world. Why not enjoy being here for a while? She walked through the corridors and into the turbolift to her quarters. She looked at the book on the table. Harry Potter. Why not sit down on the sofa with a cup of tea and the book like she had used to do at home? It had always been one of her favourite pastimes. But first she had to change into something more comfortable. Of course she liked her uniform with the shiny badge but for a comfortable afternoon she needed something more suiting. She went to the closet and looked inside. It seemed like the Kyla from this universe (if there really existed one) liked the same clothes she did - only in a little more futuristic way. She chose a rose-colored shirt and matching trousers. She ordered hot peppermint tea from the replicator and sat down on the sofa. Reading and getting some rest sounded wonderful. Maybe someone would come to visit her.
She leaned back on the sofa and looked out of the window. Stars were streaking by. She had no idea on which mission they were or where they were headed. And she found she didn't even care. She leaned back and opened the book. She read page after page, drank her tea and enjoyed herself. And with the time she got sleepy. It wasn't late. It wasn't evening - it wasn't even noon yet. But she laid the book aside and curled herself up on the sofa and closed her eyes.
"I knew you'd come eventually," she heard a voice behind her. She immediately knew she had changed universes again. She turned around and faced a man with an enormous beard, a crooked nose and half-moon spectacles. He wore a long purple robe and was looking at her in a bemused sort of way. Kyla looked at him.
"Professor Dumbledore?"
"Yes, Kyla, you're at Hogwarts. You have only little time in our world."
Kyla looked around the room. It was sparsely lit and there was only a huge mirror with strange writings leaning against the wall. Otherwise the room was empty. Dumbledore put his hand on her shoulder and pushed her towards the mirror. She knew that mirror from the books and movies. It was the mirror of Erised. It showed ones deepest wishes. Harry Potter had seen himself with his parents. He had never known his parents for they had been killed when he had been just one year old. His best friend Ron had seen himself being Head Boy and leader of the Quidditch team (a ball game played on broomsticks) because all his older brothers had achieved high things and everybody expected him to do the same. She wondered what she would see. She dared to look into the mirror. Dumbledore smiled and tightened his grip on her shoulder assuringly.
"The most content person in the world, the one without wishes would only see himself the way he is. What do you see?"
"I see you and me standing in front of the mirror. Does it work with non-magical people?"
"It works with everyone, Kyla. What do you wish most?"
"I want to be home. I want all these shifts to end and be just myself again. But still - I only see me in this mirror."
"That means that you are the most content person in the world. You don't have a heart's wish. Are you sure you want to go back? Are you sure you know where you belong?"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you know where you really belong? Do you really know what is your reality? Do you know where you have to go once you think you've finished your shifting?"
Dumbledore looked down on her. She felt strangely out of place with her normal clothes. Dumbledore didn't seem to notice. And he seemed to know a lot about her and what was happening to her. How else could he have he known about her shifting? She had never been to a Harry Potter universe before, had she? She looked at Dumbledore and was about to ask all the questions she had in her head but he simply shook his head and mentioned her to look at the mirror again. In a whirl of colours she saw all the universes she had been to. Dumbledore was smiling at her. That was where he got to know about her? And what did he mean with knowing about her own reality? She had no idea what he was talking about. Dumbledore seemed to read her mind. With a wave of his wand the universe around her disappeared. She was in no universe at all. She was in that bubble again. Was it a bubble? It was nothing. No light just infinite darkness. She wondered where she'd be when she'd be in a universe again. In the darkness she fingered for the implant in her arm. It was there. Had it been there when she had been with Dumbledore? She fingered for Willow's protection band. It was there as well. A little light appeared in front of her. Tinkerbell was back. Without saying a word she spread her little stars in the darkness and they emerged from the darkness into the bright light.
With a *pop* she re-appeared. She was on the bridge of the Enterprise. Everybody was staring at her. The security personnel had even drawn their phasers and were pointing them at her. Was Tinkerbell with her?
"Put down your weapons," Captain Archer said. "Where did you come from and what are you doing on the bridge? You don't have the security clearance to enter this room."
"Ensign Parker? What are you doing here? You said you were stuck in the turbolift?!" T'Pol said with a somewhat accusing voice.
"There's no time. I know what's been causing this. We're in grave danger."
"Causing what? Except for the turbolift nothing has happened."
"I've been caught in the turbolift when a little Shiran came to me," she pointed at Tinkerbell who was sitting on her shoulder, "She told me we were surrounded by Kinkans that were a threat to us."
"What is a Shiran? Who are the Kinkans? I have never heard of those species before." Archer asked.
"I am a Shiran," Tinkerbell said with her voice magically enhanced. "We are a bringer of luck and we try to stop the Kinkans from destroying whatever comes in their way. They are an evil race you haven't encountered yet. They don't live in normal space and time. They live in subspace and they destroy everything. You have to get away from here soon or they'll destroy you."
To underline Tinkerbell's words the ship rocked violently. The alarms started to blare and damage reports from all over the ship came in.
"How can we be sure you're not one of them? How do we now you're not working for them?"
"I can't prove it. I can only hope you trust me or else you're dead."
Even though T'Pol didn't seem very happy Captain Archer nodded. He didn't look very happy though.
"What do we have to do? Anything that hurts them?"
"You can't kill them," said Tinkerbell, her voice still magnified. She jumped up and flew towards Archer. She sat down on his shoulder and spoke into his ear. Her voice was suddenly back to normal. Only Archer could hear what she was saying. He nodded a few times and Tinkerbell remained seated on his shoulder. Archer gave a few commands and everyone seemed to be ignoring Kyla who was standing in the middle of the room. She felt like a discarded toy. She tried not to stand in the way while people bustled all around her. She didn't dare asking what was going on around her. She wasn't even allowed to be on the bridge so she simply contented herself on watching the whole thing. The ship rocketed wildly once more and the lights started to flicker. A station behind her dissolved in flames and scared screams could be heard all over the bridge. Kyla tried to steady herself and grabbed onto the railing. She saw Tinkerbell flying towards her.
"Don't you think you'll be safer in your other universes?" she asked and even though there was complete chaos on the bridge she heard her as if she was sitting directly in her ear.
"The Kyla who belongs to this universe has to stay here. I can't just leave. If the Enterprise is going down Ensign Kyla Parker from the Enterprise is going down with her. That's how it's supposed to be."
"The universe ends for you and so does it for me if I get caught in the middle of this battle. I didn't know there were different universes and I didn't know it was possible to shift between them."
"So why don't you come with me once this universe is finished for me?"
"You mean once Kyla Parker is dead in this universe?"
"Yes, exactly. I won't be returning to this universe any more. I guess that's a good thing."
"Once you are dead in this universe my job is done. If I succeed I will b rewarded. If I fail I will be punished. That's how things go. I don't think I will be able to stay with you."
"We'll see. Can you tell me anything about the Kinkans?"
"I can tell you as much as I told your captain but I'm not sure I'm allowed to do it."
Through all the chaos around her she heard Tinkerbell telling her about a race called Kinkans that destroyed everything that got too near to their realm. They didn't care if those people had good or bad intentions. Everything that moved got killed and nobody had ever been able to stop them. Kyla shivered. If they had gotten too near to the realm than Enterprise was doomed. Tinkerbell told her that she had taught the captain how to modify their hull plating so the Kinkans couldn't get into their ship but that had been about all she could have done for them. There was always the option of abandoning ship but Archer hadn't thought about this option yet.
"But if you can make wished come true can't you just wish them away?"
"I can't wish a whole race into extinction. I'm too weak for that."
"Can't you just wish those away who are threatening the ship?"
"They would be gone and the next would follow. There's no use in that."
"If you wish them away again?"
"You know what happens if I grant too many wishes. I'll get weak and weaker until I can't even fly. No. You'd need something more powerful than a single Shiran. You'd need a Q."
"But the Enterprise haven't encountered the Q yet. It's not until Picard's first mission aboard the Enterprise D that the Q bother humans the first time, isn't it?"
"I can't look into the future, Kyla. How do you know?"
"Don't bother. This is part of my shifting. But if a Q is needed why not call for them?"
"They are not interested in helping weak and feeble species in their struggle for survival. They will sit in their chairs and watch this battle with amusement. And there's no way I know to call them. If they want to help they'll come but I doubt they will."
The ship rocketed wildly. Kyla tried to hold onto something but was thrown across the room by an explosion that destroyed the science station behind her. She saw Hoshi Sato trying to hold onto something as well. She heard screams of fear and pain and then she hit the ground. Another direct hit to the ship and Kyla lost consciousness.
An imaginative view of the world 31 - 35
She opened her eyes again when she felt like she wasn't falling any longer. She was lying in the sand. The water had nearly reached her feet. How long had she been gone? There were no people on the beach, she was all alone. Tinkerbell was nowhere in sight. Had she managed to come to this universe or had she gotten lost on the way? Kyla hoped that she would find her way soon. She had so much gotten used to the presence of the little being.
The sun had nearly disappeared behind the horizon. Parker and Jarod would start to worry about her. Well then, she should get on her way back. She got up and pushed the sand from her clothes. She walked up the stairs. In her thoughts she was still aboard Deep Space Nine. Had she really been there? Had she really managed to end this universe for herself and Terry Farrell with the help of Tinkerbell? Was Terry Farrell back in the real world now? It sounded unreal. But didn't everything sound unreal at the moment? What was real anyway? She had reached the top of the stairs and caught a last glance at the beach before it vanished from sight. She sighed and walked on. The sun had disappeared behind the horizon and it was starting to get colder. Parker and Jarod would really start to worry about her. At least she didn't have to walk the whole way back to where she had started her walk. Only two hours and she would be back at the house. She had to grin inwardly. Two hours seemed quite long but somehow it didn't mean anything. She had two hours in this universe at least and she had much time to think about everything that had happened so far. She only wished she had some company. Tinkerbell maybe or even a dog would be nice. Maybe it would work if she only wished hard enough? A nice dog to accompany and protect her. A cream colored Labrador maybe? In the distance she heard the barking of a dog that came nearer with the time passing. A cream colored Labrador came running towards her. So this had to be a dream. All the things she had thought to be reality had to be a dream. But how to stop the dream? The dog stopped in front of her and looked up. There was something glittering at its collar band. The glittering came from Tinkerbell. She had finally managed to come to this reality as well. So, was it still a dream or reality after all?
"Tinkerbell, is this real? Am I not dreaming?"
"Dreaming? Why? Didn't you ask for a dog to keep you company? You know, it's getting harder to keep up with you every time we change. And still we haven't managed to go where we started. It's really getting frustrating now."
"Don't worry, Tink, we're getting there eventually. We only have to wait."
"But it's my job to get you there the first time."
"By the way, does the dog have a name?"
"No. Why do you need a name for everything?"
"It is customary for my species to give everything a name."
"You don't have to earn yourself a name?"
"No. We are given a name when we are born and keep that name until we die."
"Funny thing. We are not given a name. Most of the time we are alone. We don't need a name. Normally we are invisible to the people we help. Are you in a hurry?"
Kyla looked down on Tinkerbell who was sitting on the dog's back and shook her head. Tinkerbell looked like a little queen on her horse.
"Then why are you nearly running?"
"Oh, I should have been home before sunset. Just thought that if I walked faster they wouldn't worry too much."
"Then you are in a hurry," Tinkerbell stated.
"OK, I am. But don't try to speed things up. I will arrive home eventually."
"I can't help you at the moment. I need some rest before I can help you again. My resources have been strained too much. Will you manage without me? And please don't tell anyone that I failed you."
"You didn't fail me, Tinkerbell. I don't know what I'd have done without you. You saved me a lot of times and I have to thank you for that. You can rest as long as you like. I know enough ways to change universes. Take your time. I wouldn't even mind if you stayed in this universe until I'm back if it helps you back to your full powers."
Tinkerbell looked up at her and shot her the first smile Kyla had ever seen upon the Shirans face. She smiled back. The dog kept trotting by her side and suddenly she had a name for the dog in her head. She wanted to call the dog Tony. She stopped and so did the dog. She crouched down and looked the dog into the eyes.
"Do you like the name Tony?" she asked the dog and it seemed to her that the dog nodded in agreement. She smiled and patted the dog's head. Then she went on walking. She had to be home before they would start a big search for her. That was the last thing she needed. They had worried enough about her. She wondered if Lyle's drugs were completely out of her bloodstream or if anything was still affecting her. It seemed so far away as if being in the Centre had been a bad dream.
She had already reached the car park and in the distance she could already see their house. She asked Tinkerbell to make herself invisible but she only shook her head and said that she didn't have enough power left to do so. Kyla took the little Shiran and put her in the pocket of her jeans. Tinkerbell protested that it was too dark and not enough space for her but she had no other choice and tried to make herself comfortable.
Kyla wondered what Jarod and Miss Parker would say if she brought the dog with her. She hoped that they would allow her to keep the dog. She couldn't just let him walk away on his own, could she? Jarod loved dogs - or at least the actor did but Jarod had no idea that he was just a fictional character from a TV series and she had no intentions of telling him. Or had she already told him? Things had gotten out of control lately and she had no idea what she had been telling whom or what she hadn't told someone. She needed some time to sort things out. But what use was there in making notes if she couldn't take them with her to other universes? Maybe she should start keeping some kind of diary and write those things she had said in each universe down? One diary in every universe? Sounded complicated but certainly a good idea.
Someone came running towards her. It was Jarod. He looked really worried and even a little angry. She prepared herself for the worst.
"Kyla? Kyla, are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine. Sorry, I'm late."
"That's not the main problem. There have been some aftereffects from the drug. Parker collapsed and has been brought to hospital. I feared that you'd suffer from the same things. Are you feeling OK?"
"I'm feeling fine, really."
"Come on, we have to hurry. I don't want Parker to be alone too long in the hospital. I had hoped you'd be home earlier."
"You're not angry with me for being late?"
"No. Things happen. I'm glad you're fine. Who's dog is it?"
"I don't know. He came to walk with me on my way home. I named him Tony."
"You can't keep him, you know that. Let him go. Go to your room and grab some things from there. We're leaving as soon as possible. It's an half hour drive to Thames."
Kyla nodded and went to her room. She hadn't even unpacked the suitcase yet. She took Tinkerbell from her pocket and put her down onto the bed. Tinkerbell seemed asleep. Kyla hid her under the blanket, took her suitcase and left the room. She walked to the front door. The dog was still sitting there and waiting for her.
"Go back to where you belong. I wish I could keep you but we're leaving again. Sorry, little dog."
She patted the dog's head and looked at Jarod who was already waiting for her. He hadn't told her exactly what had happened to Parker. She knew that Parker wasn't easily brought down and she was starting to get worried as well.
"What happened to Parker?" she asked when she was sitting in the car and Jarod had started to drive down the road. He didn't answer immediately. He kept staring onto the road. "Jarod? You alright?"
"She said she felt sick and went to the toilet. When she didn't return I went looking for her and found her unconscious on the floor. She drenched in sweat and was shivering violently. I called a doctor because I couldn't do anything for her without medical equipment. They brought her to hospital in an ambulance. If you had been home we could have come along right away. If you feel sick and if it's only a slight little bit you tell me immediately."
Kyla only nodded and stared out of the window. They drove in complete silence. No word was said and the radio was turned off as well. Both were deep in their thoughts. She didn't like the prospect of getting ill. She hated being ill and she hated hospitals. And she was afraid. Afraid that Parker might die and that she'd get ill as well. She closed her eyes and saw Myra's smiling face and Lyle's evil grin before her inner eye. They had done their job properly. Resisting their retraining was not a subject. Those who resisted had to be punished and that seemed to be part of the drug. Maybe that was why they had gotten out of the Centre without anybody following them at first. Maybe they hadn't been following them at all? They must have known that the plane was waiting for them and they could have easily tracked them down. Why hadn't they shown up yet? To be true she was thankful that they hadn't shown up but she feared that they would find them eventually. But if the drug really had this side effect of killing those who resisted it then it wouldn't matter, would it? She felt sick at the mere thought of Lyle's evil smile. She was feeling sick? No way, this couldn't be. She leaned against the window. She didn't want to admit that she was afraid or that she was feeling sick. No way. This couldn't happen. She wasn't feeling sick, was she? Jarod looked at her from the side. From the look in his eyes and the way he changed his way of driving she could tell that he had seen something she wasn't ready to admit yet.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I'm afraid."
He put his hand onto her forehead. Kyla shivered. Had Jarod turned on the air conditioning in the car? It was awfully cold in here.
"You're burning. Try to remain calm. Breathe regularly. No hyperventilating. Try to relax. We'll be there soon."
What was he talking about? She was freezing and somehow breathing was starting to get harder. And then there was this feeling inside.
"Can you stop? Please stop the car."
Jarod's eyes traveled over her body and onto the road. He pulled the car onto the gravel and stopped. Kyla opened the door and jumped outside. She coughed and tried to remember what Jarod had said. She tried to steady herself but the world started to spin. She felt Jarod's arm around her waist and his hand on her forehead. Even though she couldn't remember having eaten something she had to throw up. Jarod was holding her as the world started to turn more violently. It was still so cold even though she was standing in the direct sunlight. Jarod helped her back inside the car.
"Breathe. Breathe slowly. You're starting to hyperventilate. Try to hold your breath a few times. And calm down. Please, Kyla, calm down."
Kyla looked at him. She tried to slow her breath but it was getting harder with every minute to get enough oxygen into her lungs. She felt like suffocating and tried to breathe faster. Before he started the car Jarod pulled a small oxygen tank from the trunk and pulled the mask over Kyla's face. When he was on the road again he drove much faster than 100 kmph which was the top speed in New Zealand. He didn't care. He didn't care anymore. He had a girl next to him who was suffering and a good friend in hospital who was dying. That had to suffice as an excuse if they tried to stop him.
They didn't try to stop him. He reached the hospital without being interrupted. He stopped directly in front of the front door. Kyla was barely conscious. She looked at him and tried to smile. She was shivering and her forehead was covered with cold sweat. He carried her from the car into the building.
"This is an emergency. Help me!" he screamed.
A nurse came and directed him towards ER. The doctor who came looked down at Kyla.
"There has been a woman with the same symptoms earlier today."
"I know her. Miss Parker. These are the exact same symptoms and I'm sure they have the same origin. Can you help her? How is Miss Parker?"
"Miss Parker is in a deep coma and this young woman looks like she's on the best way to get there as well. Is she still conscious?"
"She was when we left the car. Kyla, can you hear me?"
Kyla slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was blurred but she could see Jarod. He was talking to her. Was this what if felt like to be dying? Was she dying? Was Parker already dead? Would she die? A doctor came to stand beside Jarod. A nurse was fixing an intravenous bottle and the doc was doing something with a syringe. Were they drugging her again? She felt Jarod's hand on her forehead. She tried to remain conscious. She was laid onto a bed and wheeled through the corridors of the hospital. The lights were flashing by like she was sitting in a roller coaster. She didn't dare to close her eyes for longer. The bed she was lying in was put in the same room as Miss Parker. Kyla tried to turn her head to get a closer look. Parker was hooked to many machines and a nurse was doing the same to her. Jarod had come along and was standing against the wall. It became harder to concentrate with the minute even though breathing seemed to be getting easier.
"How do you feel?" Jarod asked with a concerned look on his face and took a seat.
Kyla tried to answer but her voice didn't seem to be obeying her command. She only nodded faintly. Jarod looked at Parker's unconscious form. She seemed so frail and almost like dead. He looked back at Kyla. She had her eyes closed and her breath was rasping.
"Kyla?" he whispered. She didn't answer. She had fallen unconscious.
Someone was shaking her by the shoulders. She was still alive? Oh, right. She had changed universes. Had she just died? Had this universe with Jarod and Parker just ended? Where was she? She opened her eyes and looked at Jarod. Jarod? She looked around the room. Chicago. The other Pretender universe. She hoped that she'd get used to those shifts between the Pretender universes. It was easier to shift between different universes. Back to Star Trek might have been a lot easier.
"Sorry to wake you. We have to go. Where have you been?"
"Many universes. I have lost count. No idea how many I've been to. What time is it?"
"Time to go. Can you feel your legs?"
"No. How long have I been sleeping?"
"A few hours. You can try to sleep in the car. Don't forget your wig."
"If we have to keep up this masquerade for much longer I think I'll dye my hair. I hate wigs."
"Sure, we can do that once we are in our new hotel," Kira said.
Jarod helped her sit up and lifted her into the wheelchair. It felt funny after having spent so much time walking in other universes. She had to get used to it again. Somehow she felt the urge to jump up and run around. But her legs were without any feeling. If she tried to jump up she would fall to the ground - if she'd managed to jump up at all. She tried to remember what had happened in this universe. They had wanted to meet with a Profiler, with Rachel Burke, but she had been attacked by someone from the Centre - or so Jarod assumed. Now they were fleeing from Chicago to meet with another Profiler, with Samantha Waters. They were fleeing from the Centre's people and she didn't even had the chance to run away. She hated Jarod's idea. She hated herself for not being able to walk and she hoped that this would be over soon. And she hoped that Tinkerbell would soon be herself again and would come to her rescue. But if Tinkerbell hadn't even been able to make herself invisible it would take quite a long time for her to recover and gain back all her strength. She had to get along without the little Shiran for a while. It had worked before and it had to work again.
"We have to be much more careful now, Kyla. There has been a picture of you on the news. People are looking for you all over the country. Please try to act as inconspicuous as possible. Try not to draw attention to yourself by doing something stupid," Jarod explained while he was finishing packing the suitcase.
"Easier said than done. A girl in a wheelchair attracts a lot of attraction. Everybody is staring at me. I hope nobody starts to ask questions. Don't you have colored contact lenses for me? Blue eyes and brown hair looks funny. If my eyes turn to brown it should be harder to recognize me."
"Nice idea. But where do I get something special like that?" Kira asked. "I'm the only one who can walk around Chicago without anyone looking at me."
"An optometrist should provide you with everything you need. And don't worry about the money. The Centre has enough of it," Jarod grinned and handed Kira his purse. "And Kira, hurry, we need to get away from here soon."
"And bring some hair color for me as well, please," Kyla added and Kira left the room. "Don't you have a book for me to read? I have nothing to do and can't even go for a walk when I'm bored."
"We could talk about some things you and I need to know. I haven't told you everything yet. One thing is Rachel. There was this truck that tried to crash her car and the truck driver also had a gun and tried to shoot her. I haven't had time to tell you yet. We have to hurry and we have to be really careful. If they even shoot people we are in danger. Not only me but everybody who is with me. Maybe the police is searching for me as well, I don't know. If the Centre has actually called the police for help you're in greater danger. Then both are searching for us. I don't like it but I have to wear some make up as well. I'll grow a beard and dye my hair even though I hate the prospect of doing such a thing. But maybe it helps."
There was a knock at the door and Kira stormed back inside.
"We have to go. Hurry. There are people downstairs who are searching for Kyla."
"But if they're downstairs isn't it dangerous to go down right now? Or do you think they'll be searching the rooms?"
"They are preparing to search the rooms. Someone claims to have seen you entering the building. It's a fake but a good guess. I heard him say that you walked though those doors last night. Jarod, is there a backdoor where we can get out of the building without being seen?"
"Not that I know. We could leave through the hotel garage but we had to cross the entrance hall first."
"Less suspicious than packing things in our car in front of the huge front doors, don't you think? I'll go down and park the car in the garage. I'll come and get you then."
"No. You stay up here. You have to prepare Kyla for the trip down. Remember what I told you last night. Sorry, Kyla. It's for your own good."
Kyla looked from Jarod to Kira and back to Jarod. She didn't know what they had planned but she didn't like the sound of Jarod's voice at the moment. Kira sighed and nodded. Jarod grabbed the large suitcase and the car keys and left the room. Kira sat down on the bed in front of Kyla's wheelchair.
"I don't like it either, honey, but it's for your own good."
"What are you going to do?"
"You know I'm a doctor, do you?"
"Yes, I know, you told me. What are you going to do?"
"I don't like to do this to you but it won't hurt at all."
"Ssh, don't talk too loud. People might hear you and alert the hotel staff. Listen to me. This is only temporary and lasts for about one to two hours. It is some kind of sedative used with eye surgery. It sedated the eyes and its muscles. You won't be feeling anything and you won't be seeing much. But your pupils will dilate as wide as possible. The blue from your eyes will be nearly gone."
"You're making me blind? I can't walk and now you want me to be blind? What else are you planning?"
"There are a few backup plans. This was one of them. I don't like it very much either but there's nothing that can go wrong. The anesthetic will wear off after a few hours. I promise. It's nothing more than eye drops. They don't work immediately it takes a few minutes. So I apply the drops right now and until Jarod returns they will have taken affect. Don't worry."
"I need to go to the toilet first."
"You can do that afterwards. You won't be completely blind. Lean your head back."
She grabbed a small bottle from her pocket. With her fingers she gently opened Kyla's eyes a little wider and administered a few drops into each eye. She held the eye open for a few seconds so the substance could spread in the eye. When she let go of Kyla's head she blinked rapidly. It didn't feel different to normal eye drops but her vision started to blur.
"Don't panic. Things will be back to normal soon."
"Panic? You're kidding, are you? I can't run away from this because my legs don't work and I can't see if someone wants to attack me. And if someone attacks me I can't run away. I'M STUCK WITH YOU!"
"You are panicking," Kira stated, "Please keep your voice down. There's someone in the corridor. They might hear you."
"I'm not panicking. I'm just - panicking. God, this is weird. Give me something to dug my fingernails into or I'll start to scream. I'm trying not to panic, I promise."
"If you panic - there's always a backup plan."
"You're gonna sedate me, right?"
"Kinda, yes. So please remain calm, OK?"
A noise from the door made them look up. The door opened and Jarod came inside. Kyla could only see his outlines. It was like being inside a huge nebula and everything was blurred and it was getting worse. Because the pupils were dilated she couldn't focus anymore.
"Brave little girl," Jarod whispered into her ear. "But I'm sure you don't want to see what's going on in the entrance hall. People are acting really weird down there. Remain calm. You're starting to panic again. Kira, take the suitcase over there. Kyla, hold that bag for me, will you? Do you think you can manage this?"
"I'm trying. It's so weird. Is this really me? Am I really Kyla Parker?"
"No, you're Gwendolyn Lewellyn. No mo re talking, we're leaving. Nothing left behind? OK, here we go."
Kira opened the door and they stepped onto the corridor. A few people were standing in front of the elevator. They looked at Kyla but she didn't realize it. She was holding onto the bag Jarod had given her without knowing what it was. It was her anchor. Someone's hand squeezed her shoulder.
"You alright, honey?" Kira's voice asked and Kyla only nodded. The elevator doors opened and the people stepped back to let the police officers out. Kyla didn't see them clearly. Just three huge men in dark clothes. Their eyes ran over the people standing in front of the elevator and then they walked away. A man motioned Jarod and Kira to get inside the elevator first and he gladly accepted the offer. They had survived the first check. The police officers hadn't noticed anything and they were obviously only searching for the girl and not for him. A few more people squeezed inside the elevator and then they went down. They were like a huge group coming from the elevator. Nobody seemed to be looking at them. Jarod was thankful that they were the last people coming from the elevator. They had a few people to hide behind. They walked briskly through the entrance hall and into the garage. Jarod lifted Kyla from the wheelchair and carried her up the stairs. Kira took the chair and carried it upstairs. When they had reached the car Jarod put Kyla down in the backseat of the car.
"We managed it. We have reached the car. Let's hope we get out of Chicago in one piece. Kira, have you seen anything strange?"
"Sorry to spoil your cheeriness. There was a sweeper team in front of the main doors. Give the front seat to Kyla and hide yourself on the backseat under those blankets. I'll drive the car. Where are we going?"
"South. Ohio. We're meeting Sam in a café in a small town called Findlay. I'll stay hidden until we're out of town. Kyla, are you alright?"
Kyla nodded while Jarod lifted her from the backseat and sat her down beside Kira. She fingered for the seatbelt while Jarod sat down in the back. He took the jackets and curled himself up covering himself with everything he could find. Kira looked into the mirror.
"It looks somehow conspicuous. Kyla, give me your bag or toss it back yourself. How are your eyes?"
"Worse than ever. I can't see anything. It feels so weird. Can we go now?"
"You're panicking again. Now toss the bag in the back."
"Sorry Jarod," Kyla grinned and leaned back. She was afraid to close her eyes. She hated being helpless. She hoped that her eyes would be back to normal soon. She saw a light coming up to them.
"OK, there's the exit. Let's hope they don't see us. Kyla, hold on to something this might be a rough ride. And Jarod, you should find something as well, they're coming over here."
One of the sweepers came walking towards their car. Kira pretended not to see him and kept driving towards the road. Another car let her into the steady stream of cars and even the traffic lights seemed to have mercy on her. It went as smoothly as possible. In the rear view mirror she could see the sweepers talking and waving towards her car before she turned around the next corner. She knew they were discussing their car and the possibility that the were going to follow them were extremely high even though she had no idea how they could know that they were hiding something. There was heavy traffic all over Chicago and when they had nearly reached the highway Kira caught a glimpse of a black Lincoln behind them.
"They are following us," she stated. "Steady yourself, we're going a little faster."
"No, don't," Jarod's muffled voice came from the backseat. "That would arouse their suspicion. Just keep on driving like you normally would. No need to draw their attention towards us. Let them overtake if possible. If we start to drive faster they will follow us like a bird its prey. Act like any normal person."
Kira nodded and kept driving. The Lincoln came ever nearer until it was behind them. They were driving up the ramp to the highway with the black car right at their tail. Kira watched them discussing and tried not to draw any attention towards their car.
"Can they stop us like the police?"
"No," Jarod muffled.
"Can you drive a little slower? I think I'm starting to get sick."
"Can we dare to stop the car?"
"Not yet, Kira. I can do for a few more minutes. Are they still next to us?"
"Right behind us. How are your eyes? Can you feel your feet?"
"My eyes are not changing but I think there's a prickling in my toes but nothing distinct yet. Can you stop? Please?"
Kira pulled the car onto the right lane and onto the gravel. She jumped from the car and ran around to help Kyla. Jarod remained hidden under the jackets even though he would have liked to help.
"Sorry I couldn't walk away from the car," Kyla apologized and took a gulp of water from the bottle Kira had given her. She tried to rinse her mouth from the bad taste that was left. She leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes. Kira dabbed her forehead with a wet cloth and helped her sit up right again. She sat down on the driver's seat and started the car again.
"The black Lincoln is gone. Maybe they're waiting for us further down the road but I hope they have given up. Kyla, are you feeling better now?"
"If you can leave the window open I think it'll be OK. What about Jarod? Can't he sit up again?"
"Not yet," Jarod said, "I'll stay down for a little longer. Maybe they'll be waiting."
They drove on in silence. Kyla leaned against the window and held her face into the fresh air. She had never been able to close her eyes while being in the car when she wasn't sleeping and not being able to see didn't make things better. But it seemed to her that things were getting clearer. It had been about an hour since Kira had administered the sedative to her eyes.
"Can it be that my eyes are getting better? I think things are getting clearer."
"About one hour, yes, that can be. But it will take a while. What about your legs?"
"There's a tickling in the middle toe on the left. I hope this means I will be able to walk again?"
"There's the Lincoln," Kira suddenly said.
"Where?" Jarod asked. Kyla simply stared at the same spot she had been staring at the whole time. She hadn't seen anything.
"On the other side of the road. They're driving back. You can come from hiding. They're gone."
"How are you feeling, Kyla? Are you fit enough to survive about 6 hours of driving?" Jarod asked.
"If my eyes are getting better I think I will manage, yes. Can't we stop until my eyes are working? By the way, I'm starving."
"Nice idea," Kira said, "I'd like some breakfast as well."
They stopped at the next roadhouse and got out of the car. Jarod lifted Kyla into the wheelchair and they went inside. People were staring at them as always. Kyla was oblivious to the danger they were in. Jarod chose a table in a distant corner of the room and tried to hide the girl in the wheelchair from most people's eyes. He didn't want to give them a closer look at Kyla. There might be someone who recognized the girl from the news. She was officially kidnapped and people were searching for her. They ordered breakfast for three and Jarod leaned back.
"We have to hurry. I'm not sure if our masquerade will work every time. People might recognize Kyla. There's a picture on the news at the very moment," he said after looking at the TV set for a second.
"What kind of photo?"
"The one from your ID. That's how it looks."
"I always thought this picture doesn't look like me at all. I don't think people will recognize me from that. But who knows. Did they say anything else?"
"I don't know. I just saw your picture. I don't want to arouse suspicion. They might remember me when I go talking to them. We have to wait until tonight. I think we'll have a TV in our room. I've booked a motel room for the three of us. I hope you can live with that."
"Sure. Another night with the two of you won't do me any harm and I need your help anyway."
Their breakfast arrived and without another word they started. Kyla had difficulties finding her plate and the food. She asked Kira to help her. She had no idea how but it worked. Kira cut her pancakes in pieces and handed her the fork. With one hand she held the plate and with the other she managed to get the food to her mouth. It was like eating with your eyes closed but somehow it worked. When she was finished her sight had become a little better and she hoped that she could see everything by the time they had reached Ohio.
Kyla was already sitting in the car and Jarod closed the door. He held Kira by the arm and stopped her. Kyla didn't see them so they could remain standing beside the car.
"We have to be careful. People are staring at her. It's only a matter of time before someone really recognizes her. The incident in Chicago should have taught us a lesson. Even though it was just a fake it was damn close."
"I know, Jarod. I'm not feeling very secure either. You're hunted by Centre personnel, Kyla's face is all over the news. I'm the only one no one wants. We have to be really careful. It's good that Kyla's sitting in the back again so people don't see her on first sight when they're approaching the car. On the other hand, if someone wants to see her they see her no matter where she sits. We have to get going. We have been here long enough. There's a picture of Kyla on the news again," Kira said after glancing back at the roadhouse. "Let's get going."
"You've been talking about me", Kyla stated when Kira and Jarod sat down on the front seats.
"Sorry, yes. We have held a kind of war council. We have a problem. There are so many news channels that are broadcasting your picture. We can't be sure people won't recognize you. We have to go into hiding again. And we're meeting with Sam tonight. I'm not sure if the Centre doesn't have its eyes on her. We might be watched. And if the Police can do anything for their benefit the Centre will ask them for their help. They might have found out that you are with me and might provide a deal to the police. I don't know how far they will go with that. Now let's get going. We've been here long enough."
Kira nodded and turned the ignition key. The car gave a few strange sounds before the engines started. They didn't like the sounds but they had to hurry when they wanted to be in Ohio to meet with Samantha later the day.
"Try to sleep," Kira suggested to Jarod and Kyla. "And Kyla, if you're lucky your eyes will be back to normal again when you wake up again. Depends on how long you sleep but it will be much better then. Jarod, you should get some sleep as well. It might be that we have to leave again in a hurry tonight."
"I can't sleep again. I have been sleeping too much."
"You should try. You need rest. Your eyes need rest and you --"
"OK, I'll try. But don't expect me to sleep for too long. I'm not tired at all."
Kyla leaned back. She didn't want to admit that she was tired again. She had been sleeping enough but all this fuss about her not being able to walk and being nearly blind had confused and tired her. She knew she'd panic again if something happened and she wouldn't be able to see properly or be able to run away. She had to sleep and hope that she would spend enough time in other universes and sleep long enough to wake up to be herself again. And she hoped that Tinkerbell would be with her again soon. She missed the little Shiran. She closed her eyes and leaned against the cool window. She opened it a little bit to let in some fresh air. She hoped she would fall asleep soon so she wouldn't have to hear Jarod and Kira whispering in the front. She didn't want to listen and didn't want to hear what they were saying. Just sleep and leave this world.
She opened one eye. She was still in the car and not able to see properly. It hadn't worked. She was still there. She closed her eyes again and told herself to fall asleep. And this time it worked. When Kira looked into the rear view mirror she saw Kyla's head fall slightly to one side and her body relaxed. She had fallen asleep. Kira smiled and concentrated on the road again.
She turned around and pulled the blanket around her tighter. She opened her eyes. Where was she? She hadn't had a blanket in the car and she could see the room clearly. She turned around. She was in her quarters aboard the Enterprise. She smiled. The last time she had been here she had learned a lot about spatial anomalies. Maybe this was the cause of all the shifting. She got up and got dressed then she sat down at her desk. Her wrist itched. She looked down. Willow's protection band. She had completely forgotten about it. It was still there. She wondered when she would be back in Willow's world. She had liked it there.
She remembered the padd under her pillow. She picked it up and put it onto the table. She had no idea where to start her search. She looked at the box on her table. Hadn't Geordie said that it would tell them if an anomaly would occur? Had something gone wrong or did her shifting work without anomalies? She looked at the box. A few lights were blinking. The doorbell rang.
"Come in."
The door opened and Geordie entered the room. He smiled at her and walked towards the box.
"Have you had a good night?"
"Yes, thank you. What does this box do exactly? Is it supposed to beep or something like that?"
"No. It just stores information. And the lights tell me that there is a lot of information. Care to give me a hand?"
"I don't think I'm fit for that yet. Can I watch?"
"I'll download the information into the computer and send you a copy. You can look through it if you want. You're still supposed to remain in your quarters."
"What happens if an anomaly occurs?"
"It was supposed to beep but it looks like a malfunction. There has been an anomaly. I'll talk to the Doctor and the Captain. I think there's a problem. Stay where you are. I'll be back soon, OK?"
"Sure, I won't go anywhere. I have to finish some research I've started. "
There had been an anomaly so that meant that there was a connection between the shifting and an occurring anomaly. But why were those anomalies connected to her? Why was she the only one on the ship who was affected by them? Maybe there was more to this and nobody had been able to find out yet. She had to find out what it was and why it was her who was affected.
"Dr. Crusher to Ensign Parker. Please report to sickbay immediately."
"On my way."
She got up and left her quarters. She had gotten an order from the CMO. She hoped that this order overruled the Captain's order of remaining in her quarters. She entered the turbolift and got out in front of sickbay only moments later. The doors opened for her and she entered. Dr. Crusher, Geordie and Data were waiting for her.
"Hello Kyla. I have analysed the data from the anomalies. It seems that the anomaly creates a connection between several parallel universes. Data has created a sub dermal chip that Dr. Crusher will implant in your arm. It is some kind of tracking device."
"You haven't had time to say something yourself, Kyla," Dr. Crusher interrupted, "Have you changed universes last night? Everything would be meaningless if nothing happened to you."
"I did. I went to bed last night and woke in another universe. I changed a few times and woke up again in my bed this morning. What do your readings tell about the anomaly? I haven't had time to check those readings yet."
"Not very much, I'm afraid. Just that the anomaly occurred and that a connection had been established. If it's possible we can track you with this device and maybe even bring you back if you want to. Depends on where you're going you might even want to work with them to improve the technology."
"Do you think that's possible?"
"Of course. If there's a universe in the future they might even know a way to close the anomaly immediately and send you back to your own universe and restore everything. I'm not sure how technology will evolve but it might be possible," Geordie answered.
Dr. Crusher showed her the little implant they were about to bring under her skin. She had not much of an idea about 24th century medicine but she hoped it wouldn't hurt much. She was afraid of needles and everything connected to it. She tried not to look at it but then she was curious and dared to look. Dr. Crusher was nearly finished and was already running a skin healing device over her arm. Except for a small hard knob she could feel there was nothing to be seen. No scar and not even a tinge of red. She smiled at Dr. Crusher. Geordie smiled as well and even Data had a smile playing across his lips. He looked almost human. Dr. Crusher and Geordie checked the sensor readings from the little device in her arm and told her that she was free to return to her quarters again. She didn't know what she was supposed to do there but she left sickbay with a smile on her face and was even looking forward to getting back to her quarters. She longed for a cup of tea and the wonderful view from her window. She knew that she should be working on a way back to her normal world but she didn't feel like returning there right now. She needed and wanted some rest. She had always tried to be a hero in each universe, had to run away from the bad guys or work hard on something else. She wanted to enjoy herself. She had always wished to be in the Star Trek world. Why not enjoy being here for a while? She walked through the corridors and into the turbolift to her quarters. She looked at the book on the table. Harry Potter. Why not sit down on the sofa with a cup of tea and the book like she had used to do at home? It had always been one of her favourite pastimes. But first she had to change into something more comfortable. Of course she liked her uniform with the shiny badge but for a comfortable afternoon she needed something more suiting. She went to the closet and looked inside. It seemed like the Kyla from this universe (if there really existed one) liked the same clothes she did - only in a little more futuristic way. She chose a rose-colored shirt and matching trousers. She ordered hot peppermint tea from the replicator and sat down on the sofa. Reading and getting some rest sounded wonderful. Maybe someone would come to visit her.
She leaned back on the sofa and looked out of the window. Stars were streaking by. She had no idea on which mission they were or where they were headed. And she found she didn't even care. She leaned back and opened the book. She read page after page, drank her tea and enjoyed herself. And with the time she got sleepy. It wasn't late. It wasn't evening - it wasn't even noon yet. But she laid the book aside and curled herself up on the sofa and closed her eyes.
"I knew you'd come eventually," she heard a voice behind her. She immediately knew she had changed universes again. She turned around and faced a man with an enormous beard, a crooked nose and half-moon spectacles. He wore a long purple robe and was looking at her in a bemused sort of way. Kyla looked at him.
"Professor Dumbledore?"
"Yes, Kyla, you're at Hogwarts. You have only little time in our world."
Kyla looked around the room. It was sparsely lit and there was only a huge mirror with strange writings leaning against the wall. Otherwise the room was empty. Dumbledore put his hand on her shoulder and pushed her towards the mirror. She knew that mirror from the books and movies. It was the mirror of Erised. It showed ones deepest wishes. Harry Potter had seen himself with his parents. He had never known his parents for they had been killed when he had been just one year old. His best friend Ron had seen himself being Head Boy and leader of the Quidditch team (a ball game played on broomsticks) because all his older brothers had achieved high things and everybody expected him to do the same. She wondered what she would see. She dared to look into the mirror. Dumbledore smiled and tightened his grip on her shoulder assuringly.
"The most content person in the world, the one without wishes would only see himself the way he is. What do you see?"
"I see you and me standing in front of the mirror. Does it work with non-magical people?"
"It works with everyone, Kyla. What do you wish most?"
"I want to be home. I want all these shifts to end and be just myself again. But still - I only see me in this mirror."
"That means that you are the most content person in the world. You don't have a heart's wish. Are you sure you want to go back? Are you sure you know where you belong?"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you know where you really belong? Do you really know what is your reality? Do you know where you have to go once you think you've finished your shifting?"
Dumbledore looked down on her. She felt strangely out of place with her normal clothes. Dumbledore didn't seem to notice. And he seemed to know a lot about her and what was happening to her. How else could he have he known about her shifting? She had never been to a Harry Potter universe before, had she? She looked at Dumbledore and was about to ask all the questions she had in her head but he simply shook his head and mentioned her to look at the mirror again. In a whirl of colours she saw all the universes she had been to. Dumbledore was smiling at her. That was where he got to know about her? And what did he mean with knowing about her own reality? She had no idea what he was talking about. Dumbledore seemed to read her mind. With a wave of his wand the universe around her disappeared. She was in no universe at all. She was in that bubble again. Was it a bubble? It was nothing. No light just infinite darkness. She wondered where she'd be when she'd be in a universe again. In the darkness she fingered for the implant in her arm. It was there. Had it been there when she had been with Dumbledore? She fingered for Willow's protection band. It was there as well. A little light appeared in front of her. Tinkerbell was back. Without saying a word she spread her little stars in the darkness and they emerged from the darkness into the bright light.
With a *pop* she re-appeared. She was on the bridge of the Enterprise. Everybody was staring at her. The security personnel had even drawn their phasers and were pointing them at her. Was Tinkerbell with her?
"Put down your weapons," Captain Archer said. "Where did you come from and what are you doing on the bridge? You don't have the security clearance to enter this room."
"Ensign Parker? What are you doing here? You said you were stuck in the turbolift?!" T'Pol said with a somewhat accusing voice.
"There's no time. I know what's been causing this. We're in grave danger."
"Causing what? Except for the turbolift nothing has happened."
"I've been caught in the turbolift when a little Shiran came to me," she pointed at Tinkerbell who was sitting on her shoulder, "She told me we were surrounded by Kinkans that were a threat to us."
"What is a Shiran? Who are the Kinkans? I have never heard of those species before." Archer asked.
"I am a Shiran," Tinkerbell said with her voice magically enhanced. "We are a bringer of luck and we try to stop the Kinkans from destroying whatever comes in their way. They are an evil race you haven't encountered yet. They don't live in normal space and time. They live in subspace and they destroy everything. You have to get away from here soon or they'll destroy you."
To underline Tinkerbell's words the ship rocked violently. The alarms started to blare and damage reports from all over the ship came in.
"How can we be sure you're not one of them? How do we now you're not working for them?"
"I can't prove it. I can only hope you trust me or else you're dead."
Even though T'Pol didn't seem very happy Captain Archer nodded. He didn't look very happy though.
"What do we have to do? Anything that hurts them?"
"You can't kill them," said Tinkerbell, her voice still magnified. She jumped up and flew towards Archer. She sat down on his shoulder and spoke into his ear. Her voice was suddenly back to normal. Only Archer could hear what she was saying. He nodded a few times and Tinkerbell remained seated on his shoulder. Archer gave a few commands and everyone seemed to be ignoring Kyla who was standing in the middle of the room. She felt like a discarded toy. She tried not to stand in the way while people bustled all around her. She didn't dare asking what was going on around her. She wasn't even allowed to be on the bridge so she simply contented herself on watching the whole thing. The ship rocketed wildly once more and the lights started to flicker. A station behind her dissolved in flames and scared screams could be heard all over the bridge. Kyla tried to steady herself and grabbed onto the railing. She saw Tinkerbell flying towards her.
"Don't you think you'll be safer in your other universes?" she asked and even though there was complete chaos on the bridge she heard her as if she was sitting directly in her ear.
"The Kyla who belongs to this universe has to stay here. I can't just leave. If the Enterprise is going down Ensign Kyla Parker from the Enterprise is going down with her. That's how it's supposed to be."
"The universe ends for you and so does it for me if I get caught in the middle of this battle. I didn't know there were different universes and I didn't know it was possible to shift between them."
"So why don't you come with me once this universe is finished for me?"
"You mean once Kyla Parker is dead in this universe?"
"Yes, exactly. I won't be returning to this universe any more. I guess that's a good thing."
"Once you are dead in this universe my job is done. If I succeed I will b rewarded. If I fail I will be punished. That's how things go. I don't think I will be able to stay with you."
"We'll see. Can you tell me anything about the Kinkans?"
"I can tell you as much as I told your captain but I'm not sure I'm allowed to do it."
Through all the chaos around her she heard Tinkerbell telling her about a race called Kinkans that destroyed everything that got too near to their realm. They didn't care if those people had good or bad intentions. Everything that moved got killed and nobody had ever been able to stop them. Kyla shivered. If they had gotten too near to the realm than Enterprise was doomed. Tinkerbell told her that she had taught the captain how to modify their hull plating so the Kinkans couldn't get into their ship but that had been about all she could have done for them. There was always the option of abandoning ship but Archer hadn't thought about this option yet.
"But if you can make wished come true can't you just wish them away?"
"I can't wish a whole race into extinction. I'm too weak for that."
"Can't you just wish those away who are threatening the ship?"
"They would be gone and the next would follow. There's no use in that."
"If you wish them away again?"
"You know what happens if I grant too many wishes. I'll get weak and weaker until I can't even fly. No. You'd need something more powerful than a single Shiran. You'd need a Q."
"But the Enterprise haven't encountered the Q yet. It's not until Picard's first mission aboard the Enterprise D that the Q bother humans the first time, isn't it?"
"I can't look into the future, Kyla. How do you know?"
"Don't bother. This is part of my shifting. But if a Q is needed why not call for them?"
"They are not interested in helping weak and feeble species in their struggle for survival. They will sit in their chairs and watch this battle with amusement. And there's no way I know to call them. If they want to help they'll come but I doubt they will."
The ship rocketed wildly. Kyla tried to hold onto something but was thrown across the room by an explosion that destroyed the science station behind her. She saw Hoshi Sato trying to hold onto something as well. She heard screams of fear and pain and then she hit the ground. Another direct hit to the ship and Kyla lost consciousness.