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Disclaimer see part 1.
Note: I don't own the book "The real witches handbook of spells and rituals" by Kate West, I'm just borrowing it. Reminds me of a great time in New Zealand….
An Imaginative View Of The World 50/?
by CHris
Kyla opened her eyes when someone was shaking her violently. She felt disoriented. Where was she and what had just happened? Why was her hand hurting like mad? Giles was looking down on her, his hands still on her shoulder.
"Good Lord, what's the matter with you? You've been screaming like someone wanted to kill you."
"Where's Willow? Get Willow, please. I'm OK."
"WILLOW!" Giles barked down the stairs and immediately she came running upstairs.
"What happened? Honey, you alright?"
"I'm fine. What did you do? What does the protection spell do? It hurts like someone tried to cut off my hand. Do something."
"What happened?" Giles asked.
"I was in another universe – Stargate – and Fraiser wanted to cut the protection band off. It kind of exploded, gave her a real fright and disappeared only to re-appear as a tattoo on my wrist. Fraiser wanted to examine my skin under the microscope and wanted to take a small skin sample. When she touched me it exploded like a firecracker. I remember her screaming and flying away then it started to hurt like mad and I fainted."
"Sounds like real fun. That means it really worked. The only problem is that I don't know what it does to protect you and I have no idea how to undo it. Normally I would let the band disappear with a magic trick but the band itself is gone so plan 1 is opted out. The problem is that there's no back-up plan. We have to find another way."
"No back-up plan? You're funny. You have to find a way!"
"Kyla, calm down," Giles interrupted, "We have enough books. And there's the internet. We will find something to get rid of it or make it stop working."
He didn't sound very convincing but neither Kyla nor Willow said anything. Nobody knew where to start searching. Kyla massaged her wrist to make the pain go away.
"We'll try a simple spell first. I hope it works somehow."
"Don't do anything stupid, OK? I can live with a tattoo on my wrist as long as it doesn't do anything to me. I have to convince people to stay away from it. I don't see any problem with that."
"Do you think you can convince Fraiser to leave you alone?"
"She's OK, Willow. Don't worry, I will find a way to explain it to her but I'm sure you'll find a way to make it disappear."
"Thanks for your trust in me, honey, but I'm not sure I can manage this time."
"You will. Now get to work and tell me what to do. I don't wanna sit around and watch you working. I need something to occupy my mind."
"You can help me," Giles interrupted, "We all go to the Magic Box. Willow and Buffy can look at the books and you can help me with some other things."
"What about Dawn?" Buffy asked.
"She can look after herself. She's a 14-year-old. I'm sure she'll manage a few hours on her own without burning down the house. Just lock your room, Willow."
The three girls smiled and made their way down the stairs and out the door. Kyla was glad that not every door turned out to be a gate to another universe. She hoped she would have some time in this universe to get something like order into the chaos in her mind. At least sort out what was happening and what had happened so far. She felt like was starting to forget the details that had happened in each universe and she was afraid that one of those details would one day save somebody's life.
She had never really been to the Magic Box. The bells at the entrance rang and she felt like she was in a completely new world. It smelled like frankincense and many exotic herbs. There were strange objects all over the place and even Anyanka looked different than she had on TV. Willow and Buffy climbed up the stairs to look at the books and Giles made her come to the training room with him.
"We need to talk. You remember the amulet? I've found out what it really means and what it does to you."
"What it does to me? What do you mean? I thought you said something about healing powers."
"I did indeed. In a very old book I have found something about an Egyptian God named Osiris who was said to have intense healing powers. This God also created a demon whom he called Soriso – which means smiling in Italian – or is a little like his name backwards. This demon was meant to harm people so he could claim to be the greatest God and heal them all."
"This sounds like Stargate to me and not demons and vampires."
"I know it sounds odd. But the book said that this amulet once belonged to Osiris before Soriso stole it from him to undo the harm he had caused."
"But why did he attack us? And why did he leave the amulet behind?"
"He was supposed to be dead forever but he isn't. But he isn't going to harm anyone again. Without the amulet he is powerless. He can only cause pain and the book said he doesn't want to cause pain anymore that's why he stole the amulet."
"What does that mean for me?"
"If the ancient legend is true you have the healing powers once you wear the amulet. You've been hurt by Soriso and he left the amulet as an apology. We have to try. Something really harmless."
"Exactly what we've been trying to do before you stopped us."
She looked at the amulet Giles was handing her. A small golden object that looked more like the symbol she had seen on a book than anything else. But she couldn't remember which book.
"I haven't been sure back then, Kyla. I'm not sure now but I know more than before. We have to try. Something like a little cut on the arm that heals easily of it should go wrong."
Kyla nodded and turned on the heal to leave the room. She felt uneasy in Giles' presence. Even though it hat felt like a dream when she had fallen asleep in his arms in the broad daylight it was different. Things looked more real now even though they couldn't be too real, could they? She walked back into the main room where Anya smiled at her. Kyla smiled back and fled up the steep stairs to where Willow and Buffy were sitting with their books.
"I don't know why he made me come to the other room with him but I think he found out about the amulet. And I've got another idea. He said the amulet came from a demon named Soriso that was created by an Egyptian God named Osiris."
"I know the story, yes. What was your idea?"
"If the amulet gives me healing powers – can it be that it outnumbers your spell?"
"You mean that – if it really works – we can cut off your hand with the protection band and it will re-grow? Wow, that sounds weird!"
"Well, I haven't thought that far but yes, that might work. Giles wants to test his theory with a small knife before we jump to conclusions. By the way, what have you found out? I want another option before you want to cut off my hand which I might need somewhere else."
Willow grinned and showed her a book. It was written in letters that seemed familiar but she wasn't able to read it. But Willow was. It took her a while to realize that those were Goa'uld signs. It seemed wrong. It seemed so wrong to see the book in Willow's hands – and even more wrong to see a book written in those letters. She had never seen a single book on TV that had been written by the Goa'uld. They had stone walls that held those signs but not books.
"Where did you get this book?"
"You mean it looks a lot like the signs from Stargate, right?"
"How do you know?"
"Girl, do you think I have never seen an episode? I don't know how many times you made me watch it with you. But the signs look different and they mean different things. This is an old Gaelic writing. It says something about a protection spell and how it went wrong. A young woman was sent to a nearby village to get something to eat. It was deep winter and there were many wolves and they believed trolls inhabited the forest. To ensure her safety the Magician or whatever you want to call her performed this spell. In the forest she was attacked by wolves but the protection spell started to sparkle and sent the wolves away. Later on her way she encountered a man who had fled from prison. He wanted to rob her and during her fight he pulled the band apart. It kind of exploded and killed him. The band itself was gone but a small line remained on her wrist. She returned safely to her village and was never harmed again. The Magician – the woman who wrote this book – has her own theory on what happened. She states that she had a constant connection with the girl and her ghost had been walking with her. Sounds weird. No, I think she wasn't ready to admit that she was wrong."
"How does this help us?" Buffy asked who was sitting on the floor next to them with a book on her knees.
"It doesn't help us but now I know that I'm not the first witch who did something like this and it went wrong. Buffy, the book you have, that's it!"
"What? That's a book about the modern witch," she said after looking at the title.
"Doesn't matter. Those spells are simple without any side-effects. I don't know why Giles is keeping a book like this up here."
"Because the book isn't as simple as it looks," Giles said who had been climbing up the stairs without anyone noticing. He sat down and took the book from Buffy's hands. "The spells might look simple and they might be as simple as they look but the initiation rites aren't. I don't want a teenage Wicca explore her strength and find out about those rites."
"Why not?"
"Even the rite of self-initiation is described to its very detail. A young woman wants to be a witch and performs the rites. After the witches' rights she would be a witch and has to be accepted even though she might have neither talent nor any knowledge about really being a witch. No way!"
"And why did you keep the book?"
"Why? Aren't you glad you can use it now?"
"Sorry. I am glad you kept it. At first I want to try an invisibility spell. Maybe that works as well?"
"Invisibility? What's the use of that? The band would still be there."
"It would, Kyla, yes, but you wouldn't be reminded of it all the time. No perfect plan but it's a start."
"I don't mind if you do magic in here but please go to the back room. I don't want everybody watching you," Giles interrupted when Willow started reading out loud from the book. The girls nodded and one after one climbed down the ladder.
"Wait! I know which book it was!"
They were standing around the table in the middle of the room and stared at Kyla. Buffy looked at the book in her hands but Kyla shook her head.
"No, I mean the book with the symbol. The amulet Giles gave me reminded me of a symbol I have seen on a book. That's the Never-ending Story. A German book. There have been films made of it. With two little boys and a flying white dragon. The symbol gives its bearer the power to speak for the queen of the fairy tale world or something like this. But it was this symbol. Two snakes holding each other's tails. But what does it have to do with us?"
"Nothing, Kyla," Giles said from the door, "The book has been written not so long ago and the author needed some kind of model to form this amulet. And maybe he has read Egyptian mythology."
"Possibly. Now lets try the amulet and make the protection band invisible. Come on, let's go to the other room if Giles doesn't want us in here."
Willow took Kyla by the arm and pulled her towards the backroom. The others followed. Buffy was still holding the book. She closed the door behind her and they were alone. Willow ordered Kyla to sit down and took Buffy by the arm.
"If it goes wrong you have to hold her," she whispered to Buffy, "She might have more strength than we anticipate. And she has the amulet. Be careful."
Willow sat down in front of Kyla and took her hand. She looked at Buffy who was crouching down behind Kyla and nodded. Kyla and Willow simply stared at each other. Willow just mumbled the words except for the last words.
"Blessed be," she spoke out loud and the world seemed to explode. The room filled with smoke and Willow was thrown backwards. Buffy and Kyla screamed and Giles came running into the room. He picked up the unconscious form of Willow and carried her out of the room. When he came back he pulled the windows open and helped Kyla up. She was swearing and held her wrist. Buffy stood up and massaged her head.
"You alright?"
"Yeah, just hit my head on the wall. How are you?"
"It hurts. How's Willow?"
"Unconscious. She's in the other room."
Kyla sat down next to Willow and gently slapped her face. Her wrist hurt but she tried to ignore it. There had been flames coming from the band and had scorched her skin. What had gone wrong? Willow opened her eyes and smiled weakly.
"Hey there," Kyla said smiling and helped her to sit up.
"Did it work?"
"No," Kyla said and looked at her wrist, "But the amulet does," she added with a surprised look on her face.
"What do you mean?" Giles and Willow asked simultaneously.
"When Willow performed the spell there were flames coming from the band and my skin was burnt. Now there's nothing left. She showed them her wrist. Both the burns and the band were gone.
"So, Willow, tell me. Did the invisibility spell work or did the amulet do this?"
"Good question. We can't be sure. You know you can try the thing with the knife."
"No," Giles protested, "Leave the knife out of your plans. Kyla, I know you won't like it but we'll do some training. Just you and Buffy. And no holding back today. If the amulet works you should have the same power as Buffy."
"And if it doesn't work?"
"We'll see soon enough before something bad happens. Willow, are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just need something to drink and a morale booster for my self-conscience. Normally my spells don't go wrong."
"Nothing went wrong, Will, it just had a different outcome than we expected."
"Do you mean it or do you just say it to cheer me up?"
"I mean it, honey. You get some rest and I go and have a fight with Buffy. I can think of better things but if Giles thinks that this is the way to find it out, well, he's the Watcher."
Willow kissed her on the cheek and Kyla followed Giles and Buffy back to the training room. Buffy was changing her shoes and mentioned her to do the same. Kyla wasn't astonished to find her favorite blue training shoes standing in a corner.
The fight didn't take long. Before Kyla had even had the chance to come close to Buffy she was hit by her foot against her chest. All air was pressed from her lungs and she found herself sitting on the floor gasping for air. Quickly Giles was next to her and held her by the shoulders but she couldn't breathe. Stars were dancing in front of her eyes and then there was blackness.
Note: I don't own the book "The real witches handbook of spells and rituals" by Kate West, I'm just borrowing it. Reminds me of a great time in New Zealand….
An Imaginative View Of The World 50/?
by CHris
Kyla opened her eyes when someone was shaking her violently. She felt disoriented. Where was she and what had just happened? Why was her hand hurting like mad? Giles was looking down on her, his hands still on her shoulder.
"Good Lord, what's the matter with you? You've been screaming like someone wanted to kill you."
"Where's Willow? Get Willow, please. I'm OK."
"WILLOW!" Giles barked down the stairs and immediately she came running upstairs.
"What happened? Honey, you alright?"
"I'm fine. What did you do? What does the protection spell do? It hurts like someone tried to cut off my hand. Do something."
"What happened?" Giles asked.
"I was in another universe – Stargate – and Fraiser wanted to cut the protection band off. It kind of exploded, gave her a real fright and disappeared only to re-appear as a tattoo on my wrist. Fraiser wanted to examine my skin under the microscope and wanted to take a small skin sample. When she touched me it exploded like a firecracker. I remember her screaming and flying away then it started to hurt like mad and I fainted."
"Sounds like real fun. That means it really worked. The only problem is that I don't know what it does to protect you and I have no idea how to undo it. Normally I would let the band disappear with a magic trick but the band itself is gone so plan 1 is opted out. The problem is that there's no back-up plan. We have to find another way."
"No back-up plan? You're funny. You have to find a way!"
"Kyla, calm down," Giles interrupted, "We have enough books. And there's the internet. We will find something to get rid of it or make it stop working."
He didn't sound very convincing but neither Kyla nor Willow said anything. Nobody knew where to start searching. Kyla massaged her wrist to make the pain go away.
"We'll try a simple spell first. I hope it works somehow."
"Don't do anything stupid, OK? I can live with a tattoo on my wrist as long as it doesn't do anything to me. I have to convince people to stay away from it. I don't see any problem with that."
"Do you think you can convince Fraiser to leave you alone?"
"She's OK, Willow. Don't worry, I will find a way to explain it to her but I'm sure you'll find a way to make it disappear."
"Thanks for your trust in me, honey, but I'm not sure I can manage this time."
"You will. Now get to work and tell me what to do. I don't wanna sit around and watch you working. I need something to occupy my mind."
"You can help me," Giles interrupted, "We all go to the Magic Box. Willow and Buffy can look at the books and you can help me with some other things."
"What about Dawn?" Buffy asked.
"She can look after herself. She's a 14-year-old. I'm sure she'll manage a few hours on her own without burning down the house. Just lock your room, Willow."
The three girls smiled and made their way down the stairs and out the door. Kyla was glad that not every door turned out to be a gate to another universe. She hoped she would have some time in this universe to get something like order into the chaos in her mind. At least sort out what was happening and what had happened so far. She felt like was starting to forget the details that had happened in each universe and she was afraid that one of those details would one day save somebody's life.
She had never really been to the Magic Box. The bells at the entrance rang and she felt like she was in a completely new world. It smelled like frankincense and many exotic herbs. There were strange objects all over the place and even Anyanka looked different than she had on TV. Willow and Buffy climbed up the stairs to look at the books and Giles made her come to the training room with him.
"We need to talk. You remember the amulet? I've found out what it really means and what it does to you."
"What it does to me? What do you mean? I thought you said something about healing powers."
"I did indeed. In a very old book I have found something about an Egyptian God named Osiris who was said to have intense healing powers. This God also created a demon whom he called Soriso – which means smiling in Italian – or is a little like his name backwards. This demon was meant to harm people so he could claim to be the greatest God and heal them all."
"This sounds like Stargate to me and not demons and vampires."
"I know it sounds odd. But the book said that this amulet once belonged to Osiris before Soriso stole it from him to undo the harm he had caused."
"But why did he attack us? And why did he leave the amulet behind?"
"He was supposed to be dead forever but he isn't. But he isn't going to harm anyone again. Without the amulet he is powerless. He can only cause pain and the book said he doesn't want to cause pain anymore that's why he stole the amulet."
"What does that mean for me?"
"If the ancient legend is true you have the healing powers once you wear the amulet. You've been hurt by Soriso and he left the amulet as an apology. We have to try. Something really harmless."
"Exactly what we've been trying to do before you stopped us."
She looked at the amulet Giles was handing her. A small golden object that looked more like the symbol she had seen on a book than anything else. But she couldn't remember which book.
"I haven't been sure back then, Kyla. I'm not sure now but I know more than before. We have to try. Something like a little cut on the arm that heals easily of it should go wrong."
Kyla nodded and turned on the heal to leave the room. She felt uneasy in Giles' presence. Even though it hat felt like a dream when she had fallen asleep in his arms in the broad daylight it was different. Things looked more real now even though they couldn't be too real, could they? She walked back into the main room where Anya smiled at her. Kyla smiled back and fled up the steep stairs to where Willow and Buffy were sitting with their books.
"I don't know why he made me come to the other room with him but I think he found out about the amulet. And I've got another idea. He said the amulet came from a demon named Soriso that was created by an Egyptian God named Osiris."
"I know the story, yes. What was your idea?"
"If the amulet gives me healing powers – can it be that it outnumbers your spell?"
"You mean that – if it really works – we can cut off your hand with the protection band and it will re-grow? Wow, that sounds weird!"
"Well, I haven't thought that far but yes, that might work. Giles wants to test his theory with a small knife before we jump to conclusions. By the way, what have you found out? I want another option before you want to cut off my hand which I might need somewhere else."
Willow grinned and showed her a book. It was written in letters that seemed familiar but she wasn't able to read it. But Willow was. It took her a while to realize that those were Goa'uld signs. It seemed wrong. It seemed so wrong to see the book in Willow's hands – and even more wrong to see a book written in those letters. She had never seen a single book on TV that had been written by the Goa'uld. They had stone walls that held those signs but not books.
"Where did you get this book?"
"You mean it looks a lot like the signs from Stargate, right?"
"How do you know?"
"Girl, do you think I have never seen an episode? I don't know how many times you made me watch it with you. But the signs look different and they mean different things. This is an old Gaelic writing. It says something about a protection spell and how it went wrong. A young woman was sent to a nearby village to get something to eat. It was deep winter and there were many wolves and they believed trolls inhabited the forest. To ensure her safety the Magician or whatever you want to call her performed this spell. In the forest she was attacked by wolves but the protection spell started to sparkle and sent the wolves away. Later on her way she encountered a man who had fled from prison. He wanted to rob her and during her fight he pulled the band apart. It kind of exploded and killed him. The band itself was gone but a small line remained on her wrist. She returned safely to her village and was never harmed again. The Magician – the woman who wrote this book – has her own theory on what happened. She states that she had a constant connection with the girl and her ghost had been walking with her. Sounds weird. No, I think she wasn't ready to admit that she was wrong."
"How does this help us?" Buffy asked who was sitting on the floor next to them with a book on her knees.
"It doesn't help us but now I know that I'm not the first witch who did something like this and it went wrong. Buffy, the book you have, that's it!"
"What? That's a book about the modern witch," she said after looking at the title.
"Doesn't matter. Those spells are simple without any side-effects. I don't know why Giles is keeping a book like this up here."
"Because the book isn't as simple as it looks," Giles said who had been climbing up the stairs without anyone noticing. He sat down and took the book from Buffy's hands. "The spells might look simple and they might be as simple as they look but the initiation rites aren't. I don't want a teenage Wicca explore her strength and find out about those rites."
"Why not?"
"Even the rite of self-initiation is described to its very detail. A young woman wants to be a witch and performs the rites. After the witches' rights she would be a witch and has to be accepted even though she might have neither talent nor any knowledge about really being a witch. No way!"
"And why did you keep the book?"
"Why? Aren't you glad you can use it now?"
"Sorry. I am glad you kept it. At first I want to try an invisibility spell. Maybe that works as well?"
"Invisibility? What's the use of that? The band would still be there."
"It would, Kyla, yes, but you wouldn't be reminded of it all the time. No perfect plan but it's a start."
"I don't mind if you do magic in here but please go to the back room. I don't want everybody watching you," Giles interrupted when Willow started reading out loud from the book. The girls nodded and one after one climbed down the ladder.
"Wait! I know which book it was!"
They were standing around the table in the middle of the room and stared at Kyla. Buffy looked at the book in her hands but Kyla shook her head.
"No, I mean the book with the symbol. The amulet Giles gave me reminded me of a symbol I have seen on a book. That's the Never-ending Story. A German book. There have been films made of it. With two little boys and a flying white dragon. The symbol gives its bearer the power to speak for the queen of the fairy tale world or something like this. But it was this symbol. Two snakes holding each other's tails. But what does it have to do with us?"
"Nothing, Kyla," Giles said from the door, "The book has been written not so long ago and the author needed some kind of model to form this amulet. And maybe he has read Egyptian mythology."
"Possibly. Now lets try the amulet and make the protection band invisible. Come on, let's go to the other room if Giles doesn't want us in here."
Willow took Kyla by the arm and pulled her towards the backroom. The others followed. Buffy was still holding the book. She closed the door behind her and they were alone. Willow ordered Kyla to sit down and took Buffy by the arm.
"If it goes wrong you have to hold her," she whispered to Buffy, "She might have more strength than we anticipate. And she has the amulet. Be careful."
Willow sat down in front of Kyla and took her hand. She looked at Buffy who was crouching down behind Kyla and nodded. Kyla and Willow simply stared at each other. Willow just mumbled the words except for the last words.
"Blessed be," she spoke out loud and the world seemed to explode. The room filled with smoke and Willow was thrown backwards. Buffy and Kyla screamed and Giles came running into the room. He picked up the unconscious form of Willow and carried her out of the room. When he came back he pulled the windows open and helped Kyla up. She was swearing and held her wrist. Buffy stood up and massaged her head.
"You alright?"
"Yeah, just hit my head on the wall. How are you?"
"It hurts. How's Willow?"
"Unconscious. She's in the other room."
Kyla sat down next to Willow and gently slapped her face. Her wrist hurt but she tried to ignore it. There had been flames coming from the band and had scorched her skin. What had gone wrong? Willow opened her eyes and smiled weakly.
"Hey there," Kyla said smiling and helped her to sit up.
"Did it work?"
"No," Kyla said and looked at her wrist, "But the amulet does," she added with a surprised look on her face.
"What do you mean?" Giles and Willow asked simultaneously.
"When Willow performed the spell there were flames coming from the band and my skin was burnt. Now there's nothing left. She showed them her wrist. Both the burns and the band were gone.
"So, Willow, tell me. Did the invisibility spell work or did the amulet do this?"
"Good question. We can't be sure. You know you can try the thing with the knife."
"No," Giles protested, "Leave the knife out of your plans. Kyla, I know you won't like it but we'll do some training. Just you and Buffy. And no holding back today. If the amulet works you should have the same power as Buffy."
"And if it doesn't work?"
"We'll see soon enough before something bad happens. Willow, are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just need something to drink and a morale booster for my self-conscience. Normally my spells don't go wrong."
"Nothing went wrong, Will, it just had a different outcome than we expected."
"Do you mean it or do you just say it to cheer me up?"
"I mean it, honey. You get some rest and I go and have a fight with Buffy. I can think of better things but if Giles thinks that this is the way to find it out, well, he's the Watcher."
Willow kissed her on the cheek and Kyla followed Giles and Buffy back to the training room. Buffy was changing her shoes and mentioned her to do the same. Kyla wasn't astonished to find her favorite blue training shoes standing in a corner.
The fight didn't take long. Before Kyla had even had the chance to come close to Buffy she was hit by her foot against her chest. All air was pressed from her lungs and she found herself sitting on the floor gasping for air. Quickly Giles was next to her and held her by the shoulders but she couldn't breathe. Stars were dancing in front of her eyes and then there was blackness.