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An Imaginative View Of The World 47/?
by CHris
A warm wind was caressing her face and soft music was playing in the background. She slowly opened her eyes. She was sitting in a car. Next to her someone else was sleeping. She was sitting in the back and a man smiled through the rear view mirror at her.
"Hey Kyla, how are you?" he whispered.
"Fine so far, how is she?"
"I don't know. She's been sleeping for quite a while now but not very easily. I don't know if I can dare to use any anaesthetics to make her sleep easier. How are your legs?"
"I don't know. Can I sit in the front with you? And I need a toilet."
"There's a roadhouse a few miles ahead where we can stop. Can you feel her pulse? How is she?"
"She feels cold and her pulse is irregular. What's happening here? That can't be the drug, can it?"
"Maybe Lyle has been extra unfair and has created some kind of virus? Not only a drug but something more lethal? But that would mean that everybody you had contact with is affected. I can't feel anything. Have there been any cases of illness in the other places you've been?"
"No. It has always been me who has been killed or drugged or otherwise sedated. Somehow I feel like a magnet to things like that."
Jarod grinned. He stirred the car from the highway to the roadhouse and stopped. When he pulled the keys from the ignition Kira woke up. She smiled weakly but remained in her seat. Kyla opened the door and wanted to get out. Thanks to Jarod's fast reaction she didn't hit the ground. She had completely forgotten that her legs didn't work like they used to do.
"A little early, honey, isn’t it? Do you feel anything?"
"Yes, it hurts."
"Good sign," Jarod grinned and lifted her up. "Do you want to try to do a few steps or do you want the wheelchair?"
"I want my legs back," she hissed but smiled. "Let's do a few steps but towards the toilet please."
It was hard but her legs were returning to normal – very slowly. While she was sitting on the toilet she tried to remember what had happened in this universe. They were on their way to somewhere to meet with someone. That someone was Samantha Waters but where was somewhere? She would find out soon enough. She pulled herself up and opened the door. Jarod was waiting outside and put his arm around her waist to help her. She leaned into him and together they walked back to the car. Kira was standing outside the car with a bottle of water in her hands. But something seemed wrong.
"Jarod, there's a black Lincoln over there," Kira whispered, "and I think they're watching us. Don't panic, Kyla, we'll manage. They're looking for us, yes, but I think they're looking for a bunch of people who are looking and behaving different. They're not looking for a pregnant woman and a girl who can't walk. They're searching for a trio of good-looking and healthy people."
"That's it, I knew that something was wrong. Where did you get the pillow from?"
Kira grinned and helped Kyla into the front seat. She got into the car and Jarod started the car. Slowly they drove towards the highway while Kira watched the black car. The men sitting inside had closed the doors and had started their car as well. They were following them in a close distance. Jarod cursed under his breath. But when he drove onto the highway they drove off into the opposite direction. Kyla and Kira exhaled.
"We have to get to Findlay as soon as possible. Kyla needs a new hairdo and so do you, Jarod. And I need a smaller pillow or at least something that looks more like a pregnant belly than this thing. They're not searching for me but I want to be prepared. And once they put a pregnant woman into their wanted add I can take the pillow away and change into someone else. God, I was so scared they might catch us. That they have recognized Jarod – nice moustache by the way," she said and grinned broadly. Kyla looked at him. She hadn't even realized that he had a beard. She had been too concerned with herself and her legs. They were returning to normal. Her knee hurt. That would mean that she would be able to walk again very soon and that she would get a chance to run away if she had to. That had been the one thing she had feared most: not being able to run while the sweepers were chasing them. And rolling in a wheelchair might be fun when you had the chance to stand up afterwards and walk away but not when you were trying to escape a group of well-trained killers.
"How do you feel, Kira? Is everything OK?"
"Yeah, I'm better. Don't know what happened but the idea of being pregnant was great. I don't think I would have had the idea with the pillow if you hadn't mentioned that earlier. The black car has already been there when we arrived. When did you put on that moustache?"
"While we were driving and the two of you were sleeping. Don't worry, they won't get us. They haven't caught me the last 7 years. They won't do so the next 7 years, I promise."
"If you say so. How long until we are in Findlay?"
"Another 2 hours or so. It's still 130 miles away. I don't want to risk another stop, do you think you can manage that?"
"We could sleep for a little while or we could switch drivers again," Kira suggested.
"I don't mind what you're doing but we're not stopping the car. That was close enough. If you can sleep that would be great so we could use the night for discussions but if you think you're fit that's fine with me too."
Jarod was obviously nervous so she decided to say nothing. She opened the window and enjoyed the warm wind again. The last time it had made her sleepy but this time she just enjoyed it. She was worried about Kira. What if the drug Lyle had created hadn't been a drug but a virus? But would that make sense? No, it wouldn't, she was sure about that.
She stared at her reflection in the window. She didn't look like herself anymore. She looked strange. She closed her eyes. Who was she anyway?
"Kyla?" her mother's voice whispered and she felt someone taking her hand. She opened her eyes again. That was her mother's voice and her mother was looking at her. She was lying in bed and her mother looked down on her. She was sitting on a chair next to the bed. She saw cables and other strange things that connected her to lots of machines and she heard strange sounds she couldn't identify. She didn't know where she was or why she wasn't sitting in the car anymore but she assumed that this was the universe she called reality. Could it be real?
"You're awake? How do you feel?"
Kyla found herself unable to answer. Her voice didn't work.
"Don't speak. There are cables in your throat to make it easier for you to breathe. Thank God, you're alive."
She didn't like it here. And she wanted to get away from here as soon as possible. Her mother got up and stepped through the door. When she came back in a woman in white clothes accompanied her. She looked like Dr. Janet Fraiser from Stargate. That was kind of a déja vue, wasn't it? She had seen that woman in hospital before when she had been in another universe, the universe with Michelle Parker. Was this real? Was this where she belonged? That couldn't be real. This had to be another universe.
"She's awake? That's much too early. She needs more time to heal. Kyla, don't worry, but I will have to put you back to sleep again. You're so lucky to have a mother like that. She's been here ever since you came here. But don't worry, you'll be fine soon."
She took a syringe and pushed the needle into the IV bottle that was hanging next to her bed. From one second to the next she felt sleepy and fell asleep again.
An Imaginative View Of The World 47/?
by CHris
A warm wind was caressing her face and soft music was playing in the background. She slowly opened her eyes. She was sitting in a car. Next to her someone else was sleeping. She was sitting in the back and a man smiled through the rear view mirror at her.
"Hey Kyla, how are you?" he whispered.
"Fine so far, how is she?"
"I don't know. She's been sleeping for quite a while now but not very easily. I don't know if I can dare to use any anaesthetics to make her sleep easier. How are your legs?"
"I don't know. Can I sit in the front with you? And I need a toilet."
"There's a roadhouse a few miles ahead where we can stop. Can you feel her pulse? How is she?"
"She feels cold and her pulse is irregular. What's happening here? That can't be the drug, can it?"
"Maybe Lyle has been extra unfair and has created some kind of virus? Not only a drug but something more lethal? But that would mean that everybody you had contact with is affected. I can't feel anything. Have there been any cases of illness in the other places you've been?"
"No. It has always been me who has been killed or drugged or otherwise sedated. Somehow I feel like a magnet to things like that."
Jarod grinned. He stirred the car from the highway to the roadhouse and stopped. When he pulled the keys from the ignition Kira woke up. She smiled weakly but remained in her seat. Kyla opened the door and wanted to get out. Thanks to Jarod's fast reaction she didn't hit the ground. She had completely forgotten that her legs didn't work like they used to do.
"A little early, honey, isn’t it? Do you feel anything?"
"Yes, it hurts."
"Good sign," Jarod grinned and lifted her up. "Do you want to try to do a few steps or do you want the wheelchair?"
"I want my legs back," she hissed but smiled. "Let's do a few steps but towards the toilet please."
It was hard but her legs were returning to normal – very slowly. While she was sitting on the toilet she tried to remember what had happened in this universe. They were on their way to somewhere to meet with someone. That someone was Samantha Waters but where was somewhere? She would find out soon enough. She pulled herself up and opened the door. Jarod was waiting outside and put his arm around her waist to help her. She leaned into him and together they walked back to the car. Kira was standing outside the car with a bottle of water in her hands. But something seemed wrong.
"Jarod, there's a black Lincoln over there," Kira whispered, "and I think they're watching us. Don't panic, Kyla, we'll manage. They're looking for us, yes, but I think they're looking for a bunch of people who are looking and behaving different. They're not looking for a pregnant woman and a girl who can't walk. They're searching for a trio of good-looking and healthy people."
"That's it, I knew that something was wrong. Where did you get the pillow from?"
Kira grinned and helped Kyla into the front seat. She got into the car and Jarod started the car. Slowly they drove towards the highway while Kira watched the black car. The men sitting inside had closed the doors and had started their car as well. They were following them in a close distance. Jarod cursed under his breath. But when he drove onto the highway they drove off into the opposite direction. Kyla and Kira exhaled.
"We have to get to Findlay as soon as possible. Kyla needs a new hairdo and so do you, Jarod. And I need a smaller pillow or at least something that looks more like a pregnant belly than this thing. They're not searching for me but I want to be prepared. And once they put a pregnant woman into their wanted add I can take the pillow away and change into someone else. God, I was so scared they might catch us. That they have recognized Jarod – nice moustache by the way," she said and grinned broadly. Kyla looked at him. She hadn't even realized that he had a beard. She had been too concerned with herself and her legs. They were returning to normal. Her knee hurt. That would mean that she would be able to walk again very soon and that she would get a chance to run away if she had to. That had been the one thing she had feared most: not being able to run while the sweepers were chasing them. And rolling in a wheelchair might be fun when you had the chance to stand up afterwards and walk away but not when you were trying to escape a group of well-trained killers.
"How do you feel, Kira? Is everything OK?"
"Yeah, I'm better. Don't know what happened but the idea of being pregnant was great. I don't think I would have had the idea with the pillow if you hadn't mentioned that earlier. The black car has already been there when we arrived. When did you put on that moustache?"
"While we were driving and the two of you were sleeping. Don't worry, they won't get us. They haven't caught me the last 7 years. They won't do so the next 7 years, I promise."
"If you say so. How long until we are in Findlay?"
"Another 2 hours or so. It's still 130 miles away. I don't want to risk another stop, do you think you can manage that?"
"We could sleep for a little while or we could switch drivers again," Kira suggested.
"I don't mind what you're doing but we're not stopping the car. That was close enough. If you can sleep that would be great so we could use the night for discussions but if you think you're fit that's fine with me too."
Jarod was obviously nervous so she decided to say nothing. She opened the window and enjoyed the warm wind again. The last time it had made her sleepy but this time she just enjoyed it. She was worried about Kira. What if the drug Lyle had created hadn't been a drug but a virus? But would that make sense? No, it wouldn't, she was sure about that.
She stared at her reflection in the window. She didn't look like herself anymore. She looked strange. She closed her eyes. Who was she anyway?
"Kyla?" her mother's voice whispered and she felt someone taking her hand. She opened her eyes again. That was her mother's voice and her mother was looking at her. She was lying in bed and her mother looked down on her. She was sitting on a chair next to the bed. She saw cables and other strange things that connected her to lots of machines and she heard strange sounds she couldn't identify. She didn't know where she was or why she wasn't sitting in the car anymore but she assumed that this was the universe she called reality. Could it be real?
"You're awake? How do you feel?"
Kyla found herself unable to answer. Her voice didn't work.
"Don't speak. There are cables in your throat to make it easier for you to breathe. Thank God, you're alive."
She didn't like it here. And she wanted to get away from here as soon as possible. Her mother got up and stepped through the door. When she came back in a woman in white clothes accompanied her. She looked like Dr. Janet Fraiser from Stargate. That was kind of a déja vue, wasn't it? She had seen that woman in hospital before when she had been in another universe, the universe with Michelle Parker. Was this real? Was this where she belonged? That couldn't be real. This had to be another universe.
"She's awake? That's much too early. She needs more time to heal. Kyla, don't worry, but I will have to put you back to sleep again. You're so lucky to have a mother like that. She's been here ever since you came here. But don't worry, you'll be fine soon."
She took a syringe and pushed the needle into the IV bottle that was hanging next to her bed. From one second to the next she felt sleepy and fell asleep again.