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An Imaginative View Of The World 46/?
by CHris
The voyage through the wormhole was longer than she anticipated. But then it stopped and the Stargate closed behind her. The four people in front of her turned around and pointed their weapons at her.
"Who are you? What do you want?"
Kyla put her hands up. This was new. She was in a universe where they didn't know who she was. She wasn't part of the team.
"Who are you?" Colonel Jack O'Neill asked again. Kyla just stared at him. She was deep in her thoughts.
"Put down the weapons," Major Samantha Carter said and stepped towards Kyla. "Take your hands down. Do you understand me? Can you tell me who you are?"
"I'm Kyla Parker."
She looked at her clothes. She was wearing a uniform like the others. The same equipment and even the same weapons. Even though O'Neill eyes her suspiciously she fingered for the protection band. It was still there. Then she searched for the implant in her arm. It felt different but it was definitely there. She had traveled back in time, to her own time, and it had come along? How was that possible? Carter was standing in front of her. She was unarmed and looked down on her.
"Kyla Parker? What are you doing here? Why are you wearing our clothes? What are you?"
"Would you please stop asking so many questions at once, Major?"
"You know me?"
"Yes, I know you. And to answer your other questions, I am as human as you are and I don't know what I'm doing here and why I'm wearing a U.S. Air force uniform."
"Carter, what's going on?"
"We have to inform General Hammond. I'm taking her to Earth and have Dr. Fraiser take a look at her. I have no idea what's going on."
"How can you be sure you can trust her? She could be a Goa'uld or whatever."
"She's no Goa'uld," Teal'c said and looked at Carter and Kyla, "Let's contact General Hammond to inform him that we will conduct the search without Major Carter."
Dr. Jackson hadn't said a word yet. He had been standing behind Teal'c and Jack. He looked at Kyla.
"She looks somehow familiar to me," he said.
"Stop talking about me like I'm not here," Kyla said angrily.
"Sorry. Come on, we've got to talk to General Hammond and then we're going home."
Kyla sat down on the stairs that were leading up to the Stargate. She felt exhausted. But somehow she was glad that she wasn't some kind of personality in this universe. The others were just as lost as she was.
"Parker, you have to get away from the Stargate."
Kyla got up and came to stand next to Major Carter who was standing in front of the M.A.L.P. The gate opened and she activated a link to the Stargate Centre.
"General Hammond, we have a problem. Asking permission to bring someone to the Stargate Centre."
"Who is it?"
"We don't know. Her name is Kyla Parker. She's wearing our uniform and knows who we are but we don't know anything about her."
"Where is she?"
"I'm here, General."
"A Human? Permission granted. Bring her here immediately."
"I want Dr. Fraiser to have a look at her. She looks a little sick."
"Permission granted. Tell the others to continue the mission without you. Hammond out."
Carter put her hand on Kyla's shoulder and gently pushed her towards the Stargate. Kyla wondered if she would emerge with Carter on the other side immediately. Normally this gate would bring her to another universe. She had thought to be able to spend a longer period in one universe. Carter pushed her through the gate and stepped through behind Kyla.
When they emerged from the gate again her hand was still on her shoulder. She hadn't changed universes? She smiled inwardly. Maybe she was in her own universe now and the switching would stop? She didn't know if this was her universe or if she wanted to end in this universe. She had always liked watching Stargate but it meant that there was another new universe where she could switch to if it hadn't ended yet. Another universe where she had to remember details, names and faces. But it had worked in the other universes – it would work here as well.
"Guns down," General Hammond ordered his men who were standing around the Stargate. Kyla and Carter walked down the ramp.
"Who are you? What are you?"
"My name's Kyla Parker. I'm a normal human woman. And I have no idea where I came from and how I ended up being with the SG-1 team."
"But you know about this secret missions. That makes me a little suspicious. Can you explain further?"
"She won't explain anything," came a commanding voice from the door, "She's coming with me now. She looks sick and I need to run a few tests to confirm who and what she is."
"An armed guard will be stationed at the door. I don't want to take risks."
"Hello, I'm Dr. Fraiser. Please come with me to the infirmary."
Kyla just stared at her. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. Should she laugh because she was happy that the Stargate hadn't brought her to another universe or should she cry because she had to attend another medical check. Dr. Fraiser looked at her. Carter's hand was still on her shoulder. This was something she had always dreamed of, wasn't it? She was inside the Cheyenne Mountain Complex and she was a part of the Stargate universe. Why did she feel like crying?
Carter gently pushed her forward and Fraiser took her by the arm. Together they kind of escorted her to the infirmary.
"Sit down on the bed and take off your equipment. Hand the guns to Major Carter."
"Sam, calm down. Nobody seemed to notice and she didn't use them. We shouldn't have problems with her."
"Don't talk about me like I'm not here," Kyla protested weakly.
"OK, for the protocol. What's your name?"
"Kyla Parker."
"May I call you Kyla?"
"Where do you come from?"
"Like Colonel O'Neill? Where?"
"White Bear Lake, that's near Minneapolis."
"Definitely human. I know it's not very nice but I need to do some tests. I need a blood sample. And I need you to tell me what's been going on."
"What do you mean? I came through the Stargate from – from the future. Can I talk to General Hammond about that?"
"You can but we have to finish here first. Would you please lie down?"
Kyla laid down and Dr. Fraiser and a few meds wheeled masses of computers and other equipment next to the bed.
"What's that supposed to be?" Kyla asked, "Haven't you had a chance to ask your computers if they know something? And would you please get General Hammond? That would make a lot of things easier."
Fraiser and Carter looked at each other and Carter nodded. She took the phone from the wall and asked Hammond to come down to the infirmary. It took a few minutes but when he finally entered the room he looked anything but happy.
"She insisted, General."
"Do you think you are in a condition to insist on anything?"
"Yes, I do. And I wanted you to hear my whole story."
Kyla once more told her story and they even seemed to know the TV shows she was talking about. When she came to the point where the implant started to play an important role Dr. Fraiser insisted on having a look at Kyla's arm. It was still there but without 24th century technology it wasn't visible.
"Would you mind if I x-rayed that? I need to x-ray you anyway, though."
"I know that I don't belong here but there's really nothing in your computers?"
"I haven't had time to look that up, Kyla, but I think it should be time by now to do so. Janet, do the x-ray and I'll get on the computer."
Kyla had to take off her black shirt for the x-ray. She stared at her wrist. The protection band was still there.
"We have to take that off."
"That's impossible. I can't take it off."
"Then we cut it off. And don't try to stop me. I will do it."
She took a pair of scissors off the table and came to stand beside Kyla who wanted to pull her arm away. But Dr. Fraiser held her and wanted to cut the band. A white light appeared and the band was gone. But only the band itself. A dark green line was still visible but it was like a tattoo on Kyla's wrist. Fraiser yelped.
"What was that? What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything. Like I told you, this is some kind of protection spell and it worked. Now nobody can take it away from me. Didn't you want to do an x-ray?"
Kyla smiled. So Willow was still with her and the protection spell really worked. She had always been afraid that something like that would happen. She was just glad that nothing had happened to Dr. Fraiser. Everybody would have made her responsible for that. Even though Sam Carter was still in the same room she doubted that she had seen or heard what had been going on but suddenly she was standing next to her and pointing a weapon at her.
"Don't try to do anything stupid or I will shoot you. There was nothing in the computers about you – at least not in the military way. I found someone named Kyla Parker who lives in White Bear lake. Just tell me if this is you: born in St. Paul, member of the local ballet performance group, currently living with Michelle Parker at –"
"Stop, yes, that's me – at least I think so. Would you please put the gun away?"
"Sam, please. She didn't do anything, she warned not to do it but I did it anyway."
"Where is the band you cut off?"
""Good question. There was nothing. There was a white light and then the green line appeared on her skin as if the band itself disappeared."
Carter put the gun into her waistband and stepped towards her. She took Kyla's hand and examined the green line around her wrist. She didn't look very happy.
"You wanted to do an x-ray. Would that line be visible as well?"
"Maybe, if we are lucky but only as a faint shadow. But there are a few other medical examinations I want to do and maybe they can help to find out more about that thing. Have you found any medical files on our young lady?"
"I'm still here, hello!"
Samantha and Janet just looked at her and smiled and continued their conversation as if she wasn't there. The telephone on the wall rang and Dr. Fraser took the receiver. She didn't say a word for a few minutes but ended the call with a short "Yes, sir," and hung up. She looked at Kyla and somehow she didn't like that look. The same look appeared on Samantha Carter's face and they walked straight towards her. Not good at all.
"Sorry," Carter mumbled and took Kyla by the shoulders. She gently pushed her onto the bed she had been sitting on. From the corner of her eyes she saw a quick movement and felt something cold at her neck. Morphine Sulfate, she thought before she blacked out.
An Imaginative View Of The World 46/?
by CHris
The voyage through the wormhole was longer than she anticipated. But then it stopped and the Stargate closed behind her. The four people in front of her turned around and pointed their weapons at her.
"Who are you? What do you want?"
Kyla put her hands up. This was new. She was in a universe where they didn't know who she was. She wasn't part of the team.
"Who are you?" Colonel Jack O'Neill asked again. Kyla just stared at him. She was deep in her thoughts.
"Put down the weapons," Major Samantha Carter said and stepped towards Kyla. "Take your hands down. Do you understand me? Can you tell me who you are?"
"I'm Kyla Parker."
She looked at her clothes. She was wearing a uniform like the others. The same equipment and even the same weapons. Even though O'Neill eyes her suspiciously she fingered for the protection band. It was still there. Then she searched for the implant in her arm. It felt different but it was definitely there. She had traveled back in time, to her own time, and it had come along? How was that possible? Carter was standing in front of her. She was unarmed and looked down on her.
"Kyla Parker? What are you doing here? Why are you wearing our clothes? What are you?"
"Would you please stop asking so many questions at once, Major?"
"You know me?"
"Yes, I know you. And to answer your other questions, I am as human as you are and I don't know what I'm doing here and why I'm wearing a U.S. Air force uniform."
"Carter, what's going on?"
"We have to inform General Hammond. I'm taking her to Earth and have Dr. Fraiser take a look at her. I have no idea what's going on."
"How can you be sure you can trust her? She could be a Goa'uld or whatever."
"She's no Goa'uld," Teal'c said and looked at Carter and Kyla, "Let's contact General Hammond to inform him that we will conduct the search without Major Carter."
Dr. Jackson hadn't said a word yet. He had been standing behind Teal'c and Jack. He looked at Kyla.
"She looks somehow familiar to me," he said.
"Stop talking about me like I'm not here," Kyla said angrily.
"Sorry. Come on, we've got to talk to General Hammond and then we're going home."
Kyla sat down on the stairs that were leading up to the Stargate. She felt exhausted. But somehow she was glad that she wasn't some kind of personality in this universe. The others were just as lost as she was.
"Parker, you have to get away from the Stargate."
Kyla got up and came to stand next to Major Carter who was standing in front of the M.A.L.P. The gate opened and she activated a link to the Stargate Centre.
"General Hammond, we have a problem. Asking permission to bring someone to the Stargate Centre."
"Who is it?"
"We don't know. Her name is Kyla Parker. She's wearing our uniform and knows who we are but we don't know anything about her."
"Where is she?"
"I'm here, General."
"A Human? Permission granted. Bring her here immediately."
"I want Dr. Fraiser to have a look at her. She looks a little sick."
"Permission granted. Tell the others to continue the mission without you. Hammond out."
Carter put her hand on Kyla's shoulder and gently pushed her towards the Stargate. Kyla wondered if she would emerge with Carter on the other side immediately. Normally this gate would bring her to another universe. She had thought to be able to spend a longer period in one universe. Carter pushed her through the gate and stepped through behind Kyla.
When they emerged from the gate again her hand was still on her shoulder. She hadn't changed universes? She smiled inwardly. Maybe she was in her own universe now and the switching would stop? She didn't know if this was her universe or if she wanted to end in this universe. She had always liked watching Stargate but it meant that there was another new universe where she could switch to if it hadn't ended yet. Another universe where she had to remember details, names and faces. But it had worked in the other universes – it would work here as well.
"Guns down," General Hammond ordered his men who were standing around the Stargate. Kyla and Carter walked down the ramp.
"Who are you? What are you?"
"My name's Kyla Parker. I'm a normal human woman. And I have no idea where I came from and how I ended up being with the SG-1 team."
"But you know about this secret missions. That makes me a little suspicious. Can you explain further?"
"She won't explain anything," came a commanding voice from the door, "She's coming with me now. She looks sick and I need to run a few tests to confirm who and what she is."
"An armed guard will be stationed at the door. I don't want to take risks."
"Hello, I'm Dr. Fraiser. Please come with me to the infirmary."
Kyla just stared at her. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. Should she laugh because she was happy that the Stargate hadn't brought her to another universe or should she cry because she had to attend another medical check. Dr. Fraiser looked at her. Carter's hand was still on her shoulder. This was something she had always dreamed of, wasn't it? She was inside the Cheyenne Mountain Complex and she was a part of the Stargate universe. Why did she feel like crying?
Carter gently pushed her forward and Fraiser took her by the arm. Together they kind of escorted her to the infirmary.
"Sit down on the bed and take off your equipment. Hand the guns to Major Carter."
"Sam, calm down. Nobody seemed to notice and she didn't use them. We shouldn't have problems with her."
"Don't talk about me like I'm not here," Kyla protested weakly.
"OK, for the protocol. What's your name?"
"Kyla Parker."
"May I call you Kyla?"
"Where do you come from?"
"Like Colonel O'Neill? Where?"
"White Bear Lake, that's near Minneapolis."
"Definitely human. I know it's not very nice but I need to do some tests. I need a blood sample. And I need you to tell me what's been going on."
"What do you mean? I came through the Stargate from – from the future. Can I talk to General Hammond about that?"
"You can but we have to finish here first. Would you please lie down?"
Kyla laid down and Dr. Fraiser and a few meds wheeled masses of computers and other equipment next to the bed.
"What's that supposed to be?" Kyla asked, "Haven't you had a chance to ask your computers if they know something? And would you please get General Hammond? That would make a lot of things easier."
Fraiser and Carter looked at each other and Carter nodded. She took the phone from the wall and asked Hammond to come down to the infirmary. It took a few minutes but when he finally entered the room he looked anything but happy.
"She insisted, General."
"Do you think you are in a condition to insist on anything?"
"Yes, I do. And I wanted you to hear my whole story."
Kyla once more told her story and they even seemed to know the TV shows she was talking about. When she came to the point where the implant started to play an important role Dr. Fraiser insisted on having a look at Kyla's arm. It was still there but without 24th century technology it wasn't visible.
"Would you mind if I x-rayed that? I need to x-ray you anyway, though."
"I know that I don't belong here but there's really nothing in your computers?"
"I haven't had time to look that up, Kyla, but I think it should be time by now to do so. Janet, do the x-ray and I'll get on the computer."
Kyla had to take off her black shirt for the x-ray. She stared at her wrist. The protection band was still there.
"We have to take that off."
"That's impossible. I can't take it off."
"Then we cut it off. And don't try to stop me. I will do it."
She took a pair of scissors off the table and came to stand beside Kyla who wanted to pull her arm away. But Dr. Fraiser held her and wanted to cut the band. A white light appeared and the band was gone. But only the band itself. A dark green line was still visible but it was like a tattoo on Kyla's wrist. Fraiser yelped.
"What was that? What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything. Like I told you, this is some kind of protection spell and it worked. Now nobody can take it away from me. Didn't you want to do an x-ray?"
Kyla smiled. So Willow was still with her and the protection spell really worked. She had always been afraid that something like that would happen. She was just glad that nothing had happened to Dr. Fraiser. Everybody would have made her responsible for that. Even though Sam Carter was still in the same room she doubted that she had seen or heard what had been going on but suddenly she was standing next to her and pointing a weapon at her.
"Don't try to do anything stupid or I will shoot you. There was nothing in the computers about you – at least not in the military way. I found someone named Kyla Parker who lives in White Bear lake. Just tell me if this is you: born in St. Paul, member of the local ballet performance group, currently living with Michelle Parker at –"
"Stop, yes, that's me – at least I think so. Would you please put the gun away?"
"Sam, please. She didn't do anything, she warned not to do it but I did it anyway."
"Where is the band you cut off?"
""Good question. There was nothing. There was a white light and then the green line appeared on her skin as if the band itself disappeared."
Carter put the gun into her waistband and stepped towards her. She took Kyla's hand and examined the green line around her wrist. She didn't look very happy.
"You wanted to do an x-ray. Would that line be visible as well?"
"Maybe, if we are lucky but only as a faint shadow. But there are a few other medical examinations I want to do and maybe they can help to find out more about that thing. Have you found any medical files on our young lady?"
"I'm still here, hello!"
Samantha and Janet just looked at her and smiled and continued their conversation as if she wasn't there. The telephone on the wall rang and Dr. Fraser took the receiver. She didn't say a word for a few minutes but ended the call with a short "Yes, sir," and hung up. She looked at Kyla and somehow she didn't like that look. The same look appeared on Samantha Carter's face and they walked straight towards her. Not good at all.
"Sorry," Carter mumbled and took Kyla by the shoulders. She gently pushed her onto the bed she had been sitting on. From the corner of her eyes she saw a quick movement and felt something cold at her neck. Morphine Sulfate, she thought before she blacked out.