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Title: Thoughts
By Chris
Rated: PG
Spoilers: None
Category: S
The usual disclaimers apply: I don't own them and I never will..
The room is dark, the only light comes from the fire. Miss Parker dressed only in a huge blue sweater which once belonged to Thomas and woolen socks is sitting on a blanket in front of the fireplace. She's holding a glass filled with whiskey. She's staring into the flames her mind wandering back to happy times she's spent with Thomas in this place. She can almost feel his breath on her neck, can almost feel his warm fingers caressing her skin. A tear finds its way down her cheek when she sips her whiskey and more memories come flooding back into her mind.
By Chris
Rated: PG
Spoilers: None
Category: S
The usual disclaimers apply: I don't own them and I never will..
The room is dark, the only light comes from the fire. Miss Parker dressed only in a huge blue sweater which once belonged to Thomas and woolen socks is sitting on a blanket in front of the fireplace. She's holding a glass filled with whiskey. She's staring into the flames her mind wandering back to happy times she's spent with Thomas in this place. She can almost feel his breath on her neck, can almost feel his warm fingers caressing her skin. A tear finds its way down her cheek when she sips her whiskey and more memories come flooding back into her mind.