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Disclaimer: NBC and MTM own them, I don't. Please don't sue, I have no money.. The title and the song were taken from The Corrs. I do not own them either.
This is a sequel to "Only when I sleep", I suggest you read this one first.

Title: What can I do
By: Chris
Rated: G

I haven't slept at all in days
It's been so long since we have talked
And I have been here many times
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong

Jarod was walking around the room even though it was well after midnight. He was looking at a photo in his hands. It was young Miss Parker, crying. He had taken the photo from one of the DSA's and printed it out. He had started loving her from the first time he had seen her. She was so perfect and he felt that they had something in common. He didn't know what it was or why he had this feeling but it was there. He lighted a candle and laid the picture on the table beside it.

What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there

He had seen Parker the day before, when she was close to catching him. He had escaped but the look on her face had been burned into his memory. She had looked somehow different, somehow as if something was missing in her life. He loved her so much it hurts but he was afraid to tell her. She had rejected him so often, all she was thinking about was bringing him back to the Centre. No, she could never truly love him again. She had cried on his shoulders and they had held each other in the arms but that was all long ago and he was trying to forget it, trying to forget that he had loved her, trying to forget her.

There's only so much I can take
And I just got to let it go
And who knows I might feel better
If I don't try and I don't hope

No, he could never forget her, he loved her and how could someone just forget the love of his life? He had even thought of returning to the Centre, letting himself be caught so Parker would be free of the Centre and could live the life she wanted to live. But what about his freedom? He had become accustomed to his life and couldn't imagine to life in the Centre again. All those experiments he so badly wanted to forget, the people in there, who lived only for their career. No, he couldn't, he had to stay away from her, even though it killed him from the inside.

What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there

His cell phone rang. What if this was Parker? No, it's in the middle of the night, she wouldn't call him that late. Would she call him at all? He took the phone.

No more waiting, no more aching
No more fighting, no more trying

She'd never call you. No, it wasn't her, just someone who had dialed the wrong number. But maybe he should call her? Ask her how she was and if she could think of loving him. Never would she admit that she loved him, she would bark at him in her oh so wonderful voice, ask him what he'd be thinking about, calling her in the middle of the night.

Maybe there's nothing more to say
And in a funny way I'm calm
Because the power is not mine
I'm just going to let it fly..

No, leave it the way it is, she's out of reach for you, he told himself. She was superior to him. In the Centre, yes, but inside? What if she loved him? What if she was afraid to admit it? No, he had to stop thinking that way. Got o bed and sleep, he told himself. He took of his clothes and went to bed. He stared at the ceiling and turned in his sheets. He stared at the clock on his nightstand: 3.48 am. Time to sleep. Maybe in his dreams he would see her again, maybe she would smile at him again.

What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there

He closed his eyes and before he fell asleep he heard a little voice in his head.

Love me...

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