Trust Series by Starbuck
Summary: A new pretend, a new friend
Categories: Indefinite Timeline Characters: All the characters
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 12605 Read: 6021 Published: 10/05/05 Updated: 10/05/05

1. 1. Marshals by Starbuck

2. 2. Opening the Doors by Starbuck

3. 3. To Catch A Killer by Starbuck

1. Marshals by Starbuck
Liberty, MO
July 22, 1997

“OK guys, we’ve got a fugitive to catch. You are all here because you are the best of the best and now is the time to show your stuff," John Keller addressed his small law enforcement group that was made up of two US Marshals, two violent crimes investigators, and a forensic psychologist.

“Here’s the 4-1-1 on our man," John stated as he passed out confidential documents to each member. “Read em, memorize em, then eat em. I want to see products here, people. Let’s get out there and get this man!"

Jarod quickly looked over the briefing he was handed, memorized it, then turned to the woman standing next to him and asked, “Do you think he really wants us to eat these?"

The woman studied him for a moment, then laughed when she realized he was being serious. “It’s just a figure of speech," she explained.

“Oh," Jarod said, thought for a moment, then smiled at the woman. “I’m Jarod Jones, US Marshal," he offered her his hand, which she took.

“Mary Davis, forensic psychologist," she informed him and smiled. “John’s got quite a sense of humor, so watch out," she warned with a laugh.

“Ready, Jarod?" A young woman behind him called.

Jarod turned to the girl and introduced her to his new acquaintance. “Holly, this is Mary Davis. Mary Davis, this is Holly Silver." The two exchanged hellos. “Holly is our newest member to the Kansas City Marshal department," Jarod explained to Mary.

Holly winced. She didn’t want to be known as the baby of the team. So much for trying to fit in. She would have to remember to have a word with Jarod about that later.

“Good to meet you, Holly," Mary said warmly. “It does not seem like long ago when I was the youngest of a team. You don’t have to worry," she motioned towards the three other men. “These are good guys." When Mary caught the eyes of the three men, she motioned for them to come over.

“Holly, Jarod, this is Mike Snow, John Keller, and Bobby Harp. Bobby and Mike are from the Violent Crimes Unit in Kansas City and John is…."

“The one who gets all the credit when we catch this bastard, so let’s get to work!" John interrupted and everyone burst out laughing.

“So, where do we start?" Mike asked after the laughter died down.

“We start with the locals. Mike, Bobby, you two take your pictures of the perp and walk Highway 23. Split it up and ask questions. Mary, you take these two Marshals to see the crime scene. Show em what you know." John dismissed his task force and they walked out of their meeting room.

Mary led Jarod and Holly out to the parking lot and stopped at her green Ford Explorer. “The crime site is not far from here. Just take a left out of here, go down four lights to Cornwell St., take a left. Then about two lights down on Bradwell take a right. It won’t be too hard to find, a block down and on your right. Got it?"

Jarod nodded his head.

“Just follow me, then," she stated and entered her car.

Jarod and Holly walked to their cranberry red Blazer and got in. Only then did Jarod realize how quiet Holly was being. He looked at her as she put her seatbelt on.

“You OK, Holly?" He asked with genuine concern.

“Yep, I’m fine. I’d just rather you not mention to everyone that I’m the rookie here."

Jarod smiled when he realized her worry. “Holly, you know that these teams are built on trust. You need to be honest about everything, or it could effect the outcome," he explained.

Holly sighed. “I know, Jarod. It’s just that, since I was the youngest in my family, I’ve always been the baby. I didn’t want to have to encounter that at work as well."

“Well, think of it this way. After this, you won’t be the baby anymore."

“What was it like when you were new?" She wondered.

“It was pretty much the same," Jarod answered as vaguely as possible.

Holly looked at him with a wry expression. “Thanks, Jarod. You’re a big help." Then she turned to the window to see the clearly marker crime scene.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
Same day

Miss Parker walked into her office and dumped papers on her desk. She was finally able to get away from her brother. The stupid boy was so persistent on catching Jarod; he failed to real all the clues along the way. Typical male. Never thinking with his brain- if there was one in that big head of his. She despised working with him, hated having to explain everything. A knock on her door interrupted her thoughts.

“WHAT!?" She might have blasted the door open with her words alone. A nervous, balding head peeked around the door. “What is it, Broots?" She asked a little calmer.

Broots stepped into the office. “Uh, we got something from Jarod," he mumbled out nervously.

“Does Lyle know?"

“Nnot yet…." He swallowed.

“Good. Let’s keep it that way." She walked towards the door and Broots stepped out. Miss Parker followed and the two walked to the tech.

As they entered, Sydney joined them and they gathered around a wooden crate that was just a little shorter than Miss Parker stood.

“Syd, you got a crowbar?" She asked, still staring at the box.

Sydney looked over to Broots who scurried off in search of one.

“What is your genius child up to, Syd? Have you heard from him?"

Broots returned and placed the crowbar in Miss Parker’s outstretched hand. She grabbed it and worked on the crate until she got one of the sides open. Packaging pieces fell out to reveal a sculpture. Miss Parker snapped her fingers at Broots and ordered him to take it out of the box.

Broots got a hold of it and dragged it out so they could view it better. Miss Parker let out a small gasp as realization hit her.

“Why, it’s you, Miss Parker!" Sydney reveled over the beauty of the thing. When the fact finally registered in Broots’s mind, he quickly backed away from the object, for he had accidentally grabbed the woman’s breast when he dragged it out. The woman was naked.

“What kind of sick…." Miss Parker fumed, trying to make sense out of it.

“Look at it, Miss Parker," Sydney urged her.

She got passed the fact that the woman, presumed to be her, was nude, and noticed the child. There was a small child, about the age of three, kneeling next to the woman, looking up towards her. One arm was outstretched; the child’s index finger was nearly touching the woman’s ring finger. The child, with a tender face that equally matched the woman’s, seemed to be crying out to her. The whole scene was touching, even to Miss Parker.

“It’s not me," Miss Parker whispered. “That’s my mother."

“Uh, it just says here, ‘Parker, May 19th, 1997.’" Broots informed everyone. He had stepped closer to study the sculpture.

“It’s your mother through you," Sydney corrected.

After another moment of quietly observing the beautiful sculpture, Miss Parker turned to Broots.

“Put it back in the crate and seal it. Have Sam take it to my house."

“You’re taking it home?" Sydney was a bit surprised.

“I don’t want anyone else to see it. No one is to know that we received something from Jarod today, got that?" She ordered.

Sydney nodded, relieved that she did not wish to destroy the artwork. He knew Jarod would be pleased when he found out.

“I wonder why the woman is naked," Broots asked the question that was troubling Miss Parker’s thoughts.

“It resembles truth," Sydney analyzed it as Broots put it back in the crate, careful now as to where he placed his hands- which made the task near impossible. “Truth, honesty, vulnerability," he concluded.

Miss Parker turned to him with raised eyebrows. “Let’s get back to work, OK?" It was not a question.

Liberty, MO

Jarod, Holly, and Mary were observing the crime scene where a young girl was murdered when the Deputy Chief urgently interrupted them.

“We’ve found our man!" He informed them and they all followed him out.

Jarod turned to Holly and said, “This is where the fun begins," with a smile.

“He’s headed for California, driving a dark green Jeep Cherokee with Illinois license plates ‘C 14872’."

They were outside in the parking lot now and stopped at the Deputy’s car. He handed them radios. “Start heading west on the interstate and we’ll let you know when we’ve spotted him."

Jarod and Holly rushed to their car, Mary to hers.

“Are you getting excited yet?" Jarod asked Holly as they pulled out onto the main street.

“I was excited the second I met my partner," she smiled, but did not turn towards him. She kept her eyes forward. “I was afraid that I’d get stuck with a mean, old ogre who would hate me no matter what."

“Well, I don’t know about the old part, but I don’t consider myself mean," he smiled at her. “However, there is one person who might disagree on that," he said as an after thought.

“Who would that be?"

“Just an old friend of mine."

“What’d you do to get on their bad side?"

“Well, I tend to call her at odd hours of the night."

“Hey, you could do that to me and I won’t get mad!"

Jarod laughed with her.

“So, why don’t you wait until a decent hour?"

“I am, what they call, a workaholic. I call her whenever I am done with a job, and that always ends up being in the middle of the night. By the time a decent hour rolls around, I’m on the job again."

Holly nodded her head in understanding. “Does she know that?"

“Yes, she does. That’s probably the only reason why she hasn’t killed me for it. Yet."

Holly laughed; not knowing that Jarod was being literal.

“OK, folks," John’s voice came over the radio. “The target has been spotted on I-90, heading west. Be advised. BOLO for a dark green Jeep Cherokee, license plates C14872. Whoever spots him first gets to be the first to spot him. Call it in."

“So," Holly continued their conversation from before. “Have you and this ‘old friend’ of yours dated?"

This idea brought a smile to his face and he held his laugh in. “No, we never dated. When we were friends, I didn’t even know what dating was," Jarod admitted.

“You’re not friends anymore?"

“She would say that, yes."

“Do you have a picture?" Holly was insistent on proving him wrong.

Jarod looked at his partner and realized she wasn’t going to let this go. He took out his wallet and showed her a picture.

“She’s very pretty. Did she know this was being taken?" She studied it.

“No. Someone was spying on her and I took the pictures from him. I destroyed all of them except for that one. Before, I never had a picture of her," he explained.

“How come you two never dated?"

“I picked that picture to keep because she looks like her mother in it. Her mother was like a mother to me."

“Oh, so you two are practically siblings?" She thought she understood.

“Yeah, something like that," Jarod saw an exit and took it.

“Who’s this?" She asked, showing him another picture.

“That’s my mom. She was dead when I was a child."

“Was dead? You make it sound like she’s alive again."

Jarod didn’t respond.

“I know what that’s like," Holly’s tone was somber. She closed the wallet and handed it back to Jarod.

“Your mother died when you were young?" Jarod’s voice took on a softer tone as well.

“Both of my parents. They were murdered. No one was charged for it, no one seemed to care. My sister said it was because my parents were on the brink of exposing some bad people, but somehow those bad people found out." Holly spoke with detachment. “That’s all I know. I was only six when they died. My family was split up and we were put in separate foster homes. My brother died in a car accident when her was 17. My sister was poisoned by a jealous boyfriend and died in the hospital. Obviously, my family is cursed," she tried to make light of the situation.

“Seems that way, doesn’t it? My friend’s mother was murdered as well, and she does not have much of a father either. I mean, her father does not really care for her. He’s a bad man."

“Is he who was stalking her?"

Jarod shook his head. “No, but she can’t see how bad he is."

“And I thought my life was messed up."

“You’d be surprised," Jarod answered.

“I guess so."

“Is that why you decided to go into this line of work?" Jarod wondered.

“I guess subconsciously it was one of the reasons. How about you?"

“I just like to help people," he answered.

“Back to vagueness," Holly pointed out with a smile. “We’ve all got out secrets."

“Hey," Jarod pointed. “There’s out man! Call it in."

The Centre
Blue Cove

“That’s no good, Broots," Miss Parker was disappointed. “Try again." She sighed and straightened up from leaning over the computer. Looking at Sydney, she shook her head. They had been searching for Jarod among the artist population. All three looked up when the door to the room made a hissing sound as it opened.

“Rumor has it that Jarod sent us a present," Lyle stated cockily as he sauntered in the room with hands in his packets. He grinned at his sister, waiting for an explanation.

“What, you’ve got MPD now? Who’s ‘us’?" Miss Parker stared her brother down.

Lyle tilted his head and smiled even broader. “Come now, Parker, share the wealth. I sniffed you out."

“So, what do you want Lyle? A bone for finding the loot?"

Ignoring her retort, “I would like to see it."

“You know, I don’t believe your name was addressed on the label."

“Where is it, Parker?" He was losing patience.

Miss Parker stared at her brother and narrowed her eyes. “It’s over there," she pointed to a box in the corner.

Lyle sauntered over to the box and examined it from a distance. Miss Parker walked over to him and whispered in his ear.

“It’s not gonna bite!"

“What’s in it?"

“Broots," Miss Parker snapped her fingers bringing Broots to her side. “Open the box for Mr. Lyle."

“Ye..yes Miss Parker."

Lyle watched intently as Broots opened the box. From where he was, once the lid was open, all he could see was packaging. He looked at his sister, who responded with a raised eyebrow. Finally he made up his mind and approached the box. Searching through it, he finally came upon a small cardboard can with a metal lid.

“Raisins? Why would Jarod send us…." He opened the lid and something flew out at him, causing him to jump back while throwing the can away from himself. The room burst with laughter- mainly Miss Parker’s.

Once Lyle realized what had happened, he did his best to keep the color out of his face and regain his composure. He eyed the fake snake, now lying limp on the ground, then looked to his smirking sister.

“Very funny, Sis. I just wish I could have been here to laugh when YOU opened the can up." With that he walked out of the room, pushing the now empty can into Miss Parker’s arms. Laughter followed him out.

“Do, do you think that was wise, Miss Parker?" Broots worried.

“Relax, Broots. It’s MY problem, not yours. Now, get back to work," she smiled at him, trying not to laugh from the memory of her brother’s face when he opened the can. It had been a gift of Jarod’s, just not today’s. She new it would come in handy sometime.

Crescent City, Kansas

“So, what do we do now?" Holly began to feel the thrill of the chase. The rush that she had always dreamt of when she decided to join the US Marshals Service.

“Now, we tail him until back-up arrives. Then we get him!" Jarod was excited as well.

“Who would have thought we’d be the first to find him."

“Thrilling, isn’t it?"

“Maybe we’ll get this all done before it’s late and you can call your friend at a decent hour," Holly suggested.

“You just don’t give up, do you?"

“I have a feel for this sort of thing," she explained mysteriously. “I think she means a lot to you, but something is holding you back.

“You assume that I have feelings for her that go beyond friendship."

“Am I right?" She smiled.

“I’m afraid not, Holly." Jarod shook his head.

“Yeah, right."

“All you’d have to do is meet her and you would understand. She has a very thick head, making it hard for her to see the obvious. It’s really rather annoying," Jarod explained.

“Maybe I will."

“Will what?" Jarod had lost her.

“Meet her."

“Why would you do that?" Jarod was a bit alarmed.

“I don’t know. Maybe we are kindred souls. I mean, not having any parents and all."

“What would you accomplish from meeting her?" Jarod was trying hard to understand.

“You sound like you don’t want me to."

“It’s not that… it’s just…."

“Just what? There are our reinforcements!"

“OK, team, this is how it’s gonna work," John’s voice boomed from the radio speaker. “We’re gonna box him in- one car in front, that would be Bobby, one to his left will be Jarod, and Mike in the rear. Mary, you get positioned in front of Jarod but give him space. I’m in your rear, Jarod. Let’s move!" The cars got into position with a line of squads about ten yards behind. “Now, when I say, Bobby, you are going to start slowing down, the rest of you follow. We have to do this together and do it right to make it work. Eventually he’ll have to stop. Be ready for resistance!" John warned. When he was sure everyone was mentally ready for what they were to do, he signaled them to begin. “Now, Bobby!"

Bobby released the gas pedal and let his car slow, watching the rear-view mirror. The car behind him slowed as well, but when Bobby did not increase his speed, the car behind began getting close. Bobby could see the driver looking to his left to see if he could get around. Jarod was there so there was nowhere to go.

Jarod noticed the perp look to his left to try to get around Bobby. When he realized he was blocked in, he hit the wheel. Looking in the rear-view mirror, Jarod was sure the man saw the line of squads not too far behind. Panic seemed to settle in. The square of 6 cars were nearing 30mph now, soon they would be stopped.

All of a sudden, the perp slammed on the breaks, causing John to swerve to the right to avoid rear-ending the car. Just as soon as the man could get out of the car, all those on the team followed. He ran to the right of the highway into commercial businesses, trying to get away. Jarod and Holly were right behind him.

The man ran relentlessly, knocking into people, trying to lose his pursuers in the crowds. They were gaining on him, though, and he could not see any way out.

When she felt they were close enough, Holly shouted to the man, “US Marshals! Stop where you are!"

As predicted, the man kept going. He eventually found a break between two store buildings and ran into it. Jarod let Holly follow the man’s exact moves, while Jarod ran into the store beyond the gangway and caught up with the man outside the back door of the store.

“Freeze!" Jarod pointed his gun at the man, causing results. The man froze at the sight of the gun, not less than five inches from his face. Holly almost ran into the man as she rounded the corner.

“Sheesh!" She screamed at the surprise.

“Handcuff him," Jarod ordered Holly. He looked at the man with disgust. It took a lot of strength to keep his mouth shut.

“Ok," Holly’s breathing was heavy, as was everyone else’s. She yanked the chain between the cuffs and dragged the man back through the gangway, Jarod following close behind.

John greeted them at the other end and smiled at Holly as he passed the felon on to a uniformed officer.

“Good job, Holly." He nodded at Jarod.

Holly stood where she was, Jarod next to her, both trying to catch their breaths. Then, Jarod turned to Holly and put his had on her shoulder. “You did good, Kid!" He exclaimed.

Holly narrowed her eyes and lunged at Jarod.

He had anticipated such a reaction and was prepared. He just stepped around and grabbed her waist from behind so she would not fall.

“I’m just kidding!" He exclaimed and they both burst out laughing. “It’s been good working with you. And, I would not mind if you went to meet my ‘friend’."

Holly smiled at his resignation.

“She could use a friend, and I think you would be a good one."

“Thanks, Jarod. I think that if she’s got you, she’s all right."

Jarod smiled and motioned towards the car.

“Common, I’ll give you her name and address."

“Wait a minute. Am I going to get a new partner?" Holly was confused at his previous statement. “I thought that I was going to stay with you until my supervision was up?"

“Normally, you would, but I have to move on. This is not where I want to be," he explained.

“What, the pay’s not good enough?" She smiled as she put her seatbelt on.

Jarod smiled back and started the car. “Something like that."

“I think I will call you Mr. Vague from now on," she said with a laugh.

When they were back at their station in Kansas City, Holly asked Jarod to wait for her so he could walk her to her car.

“Here’s the name and address," he handed her a piece of paper.

“Does ‘Miss Parker’ have a name?" She asked, reading what he had written.

“You’ll have to ask her that," Jarod grinned.

“OK, Mr. Vague. This is my car. I suggest you go home and give this poor woman a call," she held up the piece of paper. “If it doesn’t get you on her good side, at least it will surprise her that your call is earlier than usual," she smiled broadly at Jarod. “It’s been fun!"

Jarod smiled and closed the door for her, waving as she drove off. After he looked around, Jarod pulled out his cell phone and pressed speed dial. He was uncertain that she would even be home at such an early hour. He was surprised when he got an answer.

“WHAT?" A hint of tiredness was in her usually threatening voice. Only Jarod would have heard it.

“Did you get your present?"

“Jarod?" She found it hard to hide her surprise. This made him smile. Holly was right.

“The one and only!" He said cheerfully, for he knew it would bug her.

“What time is it? Have all my clocks stopped working?" She wondered, causing the man on the other end to chuckle. She let a little smile grace her lips. She had no idea she could make him laugh.


“Well, what?" She knew perfectly well what he was asking.

“How about the statue?"

She sighed heavily into the receiver. She sat in her living room, on the couch with a glass of scotch in her hand, staring at the work of art.

“It’s beautiful," she admitted, and that brought a delighted grin to Jarod’s face. She hadn’t gotten rid of it, and she even liked it!

“Do you know who it is?" He asked, it was important that she did.

“My mother." She stated, not truly believing.

“Only partly, Parker. It’s the image of your mother that I see in you," his voice was gentle. He knew her mother was a touchy subject.

Miss Parker pressed her eyes closed and thought about what he said.

“I think you can figure out the rest." Though he wanted to talk more with her, he hung up. He hoped she would understand.

To Be Continued...
2. Opening the Doors by Starbuck
Miss Parker’s House
Blue Cove, Delaware
August 3, 1999
7:30 p.m.

Miss Parker had just gotten settled on her couch after work when she heard a knock on her door. She was not expecting anyone. Grabbing her gun, she went to the door. Looking through the peephole, she could see a girl of about 20 years she did not recognize standing on the other side of the door.

Opening the door just enough to stick her head out, she firmly informed the girl, “What ever it is, I’m not buying," then soundly shut the door.

Miss Parker had not had a chance to step away from the door when a nock came again. This time, after she put her gun in her back holster, she swiftly swung the door wide open and blasted a less than welcoming greeting the girl.


The girl grinned slightly at the greeting and simply asked, “Miss Parker?"

“Who wants to know?" She studied the girl, wondering if she should know her.

“My name is Holly Silver. I worked with Jarod a couple of years ago and…."

“Jarod?!" Miss Parker narrowed her eyes. “You know where he is?"

Holly sighed heavily. “I was hoping you would."

Miss Parker pushed air out of her nose in a silent laugh. “Now, why on earth would I know where Jarod is?"

“He still calls you, doesn’t he?" Panic was seeping into Holly’s voice.

“He told you that?" Miss Parker could not understand why Jarod would confide so much in anyone. She could easily use this girl to get him.

“He said that’s why you don’t like him anymore," Holly was unsure of whether she should be telling this bitter woman anything about Jarod. It didn’t help when Miss Parker laughed at what she had said.

“Is that so?" She shook her head. “There’s a lot he didn’t tell you, I imagine. How did you find me?" She was curious.

“Jarod gave me you address."

“He WHAT!?" Why was Jarod sending this girl to bother her?

“Um, I think I will just go," Holly began to back away. Before she knew it, Miss Parker leaned out and grabbed her, dragging her into the house. Miss Parker pushed Holly past the entrance and slammed the door behind, locking it.

Holly immediately turned around. She didn’t think it wise to have her back to this woman. Why had she not brought her gun with her? Holly regretted her decision to leave her gun in the car.

“What…?" Holly began to question, but was interrupted.

“No. I ask the questions. You are going to tell me all you know about me, about Jarod, and anything else I want to know or he told you."

Apparently Jarod was right. This woman did not seem to care about him in a friendly way. Why then, was she so interested in hearing about him?

“I don’t have to tell you anything." Holly stated defiantly, tempted to take her badge out and stick it in Miss Parker’s face. Her statement was only challenged with a glare that could kill. “All right," Holly gave in. “What exactly do you want to know?"

“First, I want to know where you met Jarod."

“Like I said, we worked together."

“Doing what?"

“We were looking for someone."

“You with missing persons?"

“Yeah." Holly felt better with this lie than informing Miss Parker of the truth. “Can we sit down?" She figured she’d be talking for awhile and at least wanted to be comfortable. Miss Parker motioned to the dining table. Holly took a seat gladly, but Miss Parker remained standing.


“And when we found who we were looking for, Jarod took off."

Miss Parker nodded her head knowingly. “Where was this?"

“Kansas City."

Miss Parker searched her memory. Two years ago- they never went to Kansas City in search of Jarod. Just how many pretends did he slip by without them knowing? “Now about me," she ordered Holly to go on.

“Um, we were just talking once, in the car. He told me that you thought him mean for calling you at late hours. You know, that’s the only time he gets a chance to call," Holly wanted to make sure Miss Parker knew the reason, though why Jarod would call her was beyond Holly’s reasoning.

Miss Parker nodded her head. “Yeah, I know. That’s the only reason why he’s still alive." Miss Parker knew she could say that without the girl getting suspicious.

“That’s EXACTLY what Jarod said," Holly smiled. She could have sworn a smile broke Miss Parker’s face as well. If one had, it was gone as quickly as it came.

“Go on."

“Well, I asked if you two had dated…."

“HA!" Miss Parker’s laugh was harsh at this suggestion.

“Yeah, he had basically the same reaction." Miss Parker raised an eyebrow. “He really is a great guy. I can’t see why you would not want to be friends with him…."

“What else?" Miss Parker cut in.

Holly sighed. ‘I tried, Jarod,’ she thought. “I asked for a picture."

This obviously got Miss Parker’s attention. She had been looking out the window, but once the words were out of Holly’s mouth, she snapped her head back to face Holly.


“He showed me one," Holly simply stated. She couldn’t understand why that fact was so significant. Whatever the reason, it caused Miss Parker to finally take a seat.

“He had a picture of me?" She was rather surprised.

“Yep. He said it was his favorite because you looke like your mother in it."

Miss Parker gave a little sad laugh and smile. They sat in silence; Miss Parker lost in her thoughts, Holly observing her.

“Any thing else?" Miss Parker broke the silence.

“Nope. That’s about it. Before he left, he gave me your address."

“And you thought that I’d know where he was? Why do you want to know?"

“I need his help."

Miss Parker nodded slowly. “Well," she stood, walking to the door. “I can’t help you. I have no idea where he is."

“But does he still call you?" Holly begged.

“Yes, he does, but he would never willingly tell me where he is."

“Maybe I could talk to him the next time he calls," she suggested.

Miss Parker shook her head. “I have no way of knowing when he will call next. He doesn’t keep to a schedule, you know." She was ready to kick this girl out.

“Please, Miss Parker! I REALLY need his help!"


“I can’t explain."

Miss Parker opened her door and motioned for the girl to leave.

“Miss Parker…."

“Leave. Now."

Holly left her seat and slowly walked to the door. In all resignation, she asked quietly “Would your mother have kicked me out?" as she walked past Miss Parker and out the door.

Miss Parker’s eyes widened. What did this girl know about her mother? Quickly, she grabbed Holly’s arm and pulled her back in.

“What do you know about my mother?" She demanded to know. Confusion and fear were evident in Holly’s face from the acid tone Miss Parker used. Miss Parker stared intently into Holly’s eyes.

Holly had never heard such a harsh tone before. Apparently she had struck a nerve. “Jarod, he uh, hetold me she was killed."

“Did he say by whom?" Her tone did not change.

“No, he didn’t…."

Miss Parker shoved Holly back into her house. This time, when the door shut, the whole house rattled. Holly was sincerely afraid.

“What I would like to know," Miss Parker circled Holly like she was her prey, “is why Jarod is disclosing all this personal information about me to strangers."

Holly followed Miss Parker with her eyes. She didn’t know how to answer that and she was afraid of relating this to Miss Parker.

Miss Parker stopped circling Holly and glared at the girl. “All right," she said. “You will stay here until he calls again." From her voice, Holly could tell there was not an option. Miss Parker grabbed Holly’s arm and pulled her towards another part of the house. Opening a door, she pulled Holly inside the room. “Here. You will stay in here." They were in a guestroom. Holly thought it was beautiful, but resigned from saying anything. Miss Parker left her side, and Holly let out a sigh. She tensed again when Miss Parker returned, carrying towels in her arms.

“Here," she shoved them into Holly’s arms. “The bathroom is over there," she pointed in one direction. “There are sweats to sleep in the armoire. Don’t you DARE poke around in any of my stuff. If you want something, ask." With that, Miss Parker turned and left, closing the door behind her. Holly sighed again.

After a few moments to recollect herself, Holly stepped out of her room and retraced her steps back to the kitchen. Just beyond she saw Miss Parker sitting on the couch in the living room with a cup in her hand. Holly stopped in the kitchen and studied her. Miss Parker seemed kind of sad. Maybe it was just the dim lighting.

“You need something?" She heard Miss Parker ask in a tone not so harsh.

“No. Well, I was wondering if we could talk."

Miss Parker looked up then at the girl with a questioning gaze. “What about?"

Holly shrugged her shoulders. “I dunno, stuff. Whatever it is girls talk about?" What on earth had evoked her to say that?

Miss Parker let a small, sad smile grace her lips. “I can’t help you there, Holly."

Holly didn’t let the fact go by that it was the first time Miss Parker had addressed her by name.

“Jarod wouldn’t tell me your first name," Holly suddenly remembered as she walked to the couch and sat sideways so she could face Miss Parker.

“He probably doesn’t remember."

“I think he does. He just wouldn’t tell me."

“It’s not important," Miss Parker dismissed the subject of conversation and Holly knew better than to push.

Holly looked nervously around the room for ideas of conversation. For whatever reason, she really wanted to be friends with Miss Parker. Their lives seemed so much alike. Holly’s eyes rested on something standing across from them, against the wall. She looked at it for a moment, then got up to get a closer look. Once she had one, she gasped.

“Oh my gosh!" She nearly whispered. “This is so incredible!" She turned to look at Miss Parker, then back at the statue. “It’s you!"

Miss Parker sighed and said, “That’s what I’ve been told."

“You really are beautiful, Miss Parker. Where did you get this made? The expressions are just exquisite!"

“Jarod did it," she said in a small voice.

“Wow. I would never have guessed." Holly was amazed.

“Oh yes. Jarod is a man of many talents." There was acid in her voice again.

“He really does like you, you know." Holly walked back over to the couch and took her position again.

“Where would you get an idea like that?"

“Miss Parker, my whole life, I’ve studied people. I have a very keen sense about how people feel from the way they speak and act. It’s very entertaining when you’ve nothing better to do. I know that he cares about you." She looked sideways at Miss Parker who seemed to be thinking about this.

“But what was it that made you think he cares?" She was trying not to sound very interested.

“Oh, let’s see. Shall we start with the fact that you two grew up together?"

“Hardly!" Miss Parker laughed out.

“That’s what he said, anyway. That you two were like siblings. And then there’s the phone calls."

“I’m not sure I would consider that a sign of caring. It would be more caring if he’d let me sleep at night."

“And lastly," Holly continued despite Miss Parker’s reply. “He carries your picture around in his wallet. They say pictures are a reminder of a person’s soul. That’s why they are so important to people. They feel that if they have a picture of someone they love, they somehow have a connection with that person, a piece of their soul."

Miss Parker was silent.

“Do you have a picture of him?"

“No, I don’t," she lied. She hardly thought the one she carried around to ask people if they’d seen him would count.

“Why’s that? Why don’t you like him?"

Miss Parker glared at Holly now, and Holly felt like she had crossed a line somewhere. Miss Parker and Jarod sure did have one thing in common, if anything. They both had those seemingly innocent questions that they’d rather die for than answer.

Finally, Miss Parker turned her face and resumed to her thoughts.

“I didn’t have a mother either when I was growing up," Holly finally admitted, hoping to get Miss Parker to open up to her. From the look on her face, Holly thought it just might be possible.

“Why are you telling me all this personal stuff?"

Holly shrugged her shoulders and watched Miss Parker, wondering if she’d ask a question or if Holly would have to continue on her own.

“My mother was murdered as well. My father too."

This caught Miss Parker’s immediate attention.

“Then my brother and sister. We’ve all got our times of extreme bad luck. In your case and mine, well, we just hit the jackpot."

“And I thought I was cold," Miss Parker noted Holly’s detachment.

“I never got to know my parents. I guess you knew your mom pretty well. I wasn’t very close with my brother and sister either."

“Tell me, Holly, why is it that you are here?"

“To find Jarod."

“Is that all?"


“Then can we just not talk? I like to sit in silence, if you don’t mind."

“OK," Holly was a bit hurt.

Holly sat silently as Miss Parker asked, studying the woman. She guessed that Miss Parker had once been a smoker, and she was dying for one now, but something had made her quit. While Holly watched Miss Parker, she also concluded that she did care about Jarod, even though she probably would not ever admit it, even on her deathbed. This caused Holly to wonder why someone would hide such feelings without even giving a hint. She was trying to figure out what Miss Parker’s situation could be that would cause this state when she noticed Miss Parker looking at her.

“Could you NOT stare at me? Didn’t anyone teach you manners?" Miss Parker chastised Holly.

“Sorry," she mumbled in response, turning her body to sit like Miss Parker.

Again in silence, Holly was left with a lot to think about. Every now and then she would sneak a glance at Miss Parker.

“Um, Miss Parker?"

Miss Parker let out a violent sigh. “What?" she asked through clenched teeth.

“Can I have something to eat? I’ve not eaten since this morning."

Miss Parker turned to look at Holly, then motioned to the kitchen. “Help yourself. I’m going to bed."

“You’re not going to eat anything?"

“No, I’m fine with my scotch," she replied while retreating to her room.

“No wonder you’re so skinny," Holly muttered under her breath as she went to the kitchen in search of food.



Miss Parker jolted up at the sound of the phone screaming in her ear. Why the hell had she not unplugged it?

“WHAT!?" She shouted into the receiver.

“Good morning, Miss Parker!"

That damn voice! Now she remembered why she hadn’t unplugged it. She wanted to get Holly out of her house as soon as possible.

“Jarod, you have hell to pay for!"

“What did I do now?" he asked innocently.

“That girl, that Holly girl. She’s looking for you! Why the HELL did you give her my address?"

“Holly?" Jarod tried to recall who Miss Parker was talking about.

“Oh, don’t tell me you can’t remember all the girls you sleep with. I didn’t think there would be THAT many!" She growled into the phone. “Two years ago!" She shouted. “Does that ring a bell?"

“WHAT? What makes you think I slept with her? You are out of line, Miss Parker," he growled angrily back.

This made Miss Parker smirk. She made him angry for once!

“Out of line my ass. You can be such a jerk sometimes."

“What’s wrong with you Miss Parker?" She had never called him a jerk before.

“You want to know what’s wrong? How about having a stranger coming to your door who seems to know a hell of a lot about you, looking for someone you don’t even know how to get a hold of…."

“OK, OK, I get your point. I’m sorry. She was in need of an understanding friend and I thought you could help," Jarod stated truthfully.

He thought she could befriend this girl?

“Jarod, you shouldn’t have told her so much about me."

“I didn’t really tell her anything," Jarod was defensive.

“You told her about my mother."

“Oh. Well, I just thought you could help her out…."

“Forget it, Jarod. Why don’t I go wake your friend up and you can have your midnight talk with her and for once let me get some sleep."

Before Jarod could respond he was put on hold. He had no idea she’d get so upset about something like this. Hopefully it was just the early hour.

“Jarod?" A small, tired voice broke into his thoughts.


“Oh Jarod!" The voice was much more awake now. “I’m SO glad you called! I need your help! I don’t think my brother and sister’s deaths were coincidental. I think someone is trying to kill off my family, and I’m the only one left. Jarod, someone’s trying to kill me!"

Jarod thought for a moment. He had realized when she first told him about her family that something was amiss, but he pushed it to the back of his mind.

“OK, Holly, calm down. Does Miss Parker know?"

“No," she responded in a small voice.

“Well, don’t you think she ought to know that her life could be in danger, as long as you are there?" Jarod was a bit cross.

Holly swallowed. “I never thought…."

“You have to tell her. She’ll know what to do. I will call you tomorrow while Miss Parker’s at work and we’ll set a meeting, OK? You are not to tell her about that part. Got that?"

“Yes Jarod. Thank you," she was able to get in before the line went dead.

Hanging up the phone, Holly wondered if Jarod meant that she should tell Miss Parker now or in the morning. She decided she might as well get it over with now.

Walking over to Miss Parker’s bedroom, Holly rapped on the door. Opening it, she poked her head in and called out to the form on the bed. “Miss Parker?"

There was no answer, so Holly stepped in the room and walked over to the bed. Hesitating for a moment, she placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder and shook her gently at first. This got no response, so Holly tried a bit harder. “Miss Parker?" she said a little louder.

All of a sudden, Holly felt herself flying through the air and landed on the bed with a grunt. When she opened her eyes, all she could see was the silver gun stuck in her face.

“AAHHH!!!" She screamed and tried to get away.

“HOLLY!" She heard Miss Parker shout.

“HELP ME!!" Then the gun was moved and Holly was let go. Without thinking, Holly rolled off the bed and slid underneath, hoping she could hide from the person with the gun.

When she looked out, the light in the room had been turned on and the sheet covering the gap between the mattress and the floor was lifted. Holly squeezed her eyes shut, wishing it all away.

“Holly," she heard Miss Parker call her calmly. Holly, slowly opened one eye, then the other when she saw Miss Parker’s head peering at her.

“Oh, Miss Parker!" Holly was relieved. “There was someone!" She tried to explain as she crawled out from under the bed. “There was someone in here with a gun!" She looked around the room nervously.

“It’s alright, Holly." Miss Parker tried to calm the girl down.

Holly looked quizzically at Miss Parker, then over to something shining on the nightstand. It was the gun.

“It was you!" Holly quickly backed away from Miss Parker, her eyes open wide.

“Well, Holly," Miss Parker tried to explain, “you startled me!"

“I startled YOU?!" Holly found it hard to breathe.

“What did you come in here for?" Miss Parker did not wish to explain her gun.

“What?" Holly could not focus on anything but the memory of the gun in her face.

“You came in here and woke me. Why? What did Jarod say?"

“He uh," Holly swallowed, trying to get a grip on herself. “He told me to tell you why I am here."

“Well? Why are you here?"

“Someone’s trying to kill me," Holly confessed.

“Oh, so NOW you tell me," Miss Parker threw her hand up in the air.

“I’m sorry!" Holly cried.

“Yeah, well, what if whoever’s after you followed you here? We could both be dead!" Miss Parker was just as cross as Jarod had been.

“I’m really sorry, Miss Parker," Holly sank to the bed. “I’m just so scared, I’m not thinking straight." She could no longer keep the tears. She silently sobbed, her back to Miss Parker.

Miss Parker felt odd with girl crying on her bed, and a bit guilty for being so harsh. She walked over to Holly and gently put her arms around the girl.

“It’s OK, Holly," she comforted. “I’m glad you told me now and didn’t wait until morning."

Holly lost all control and cried. She turned and hugged Miss Parker, welcoming the comfort. It felt so good to be held. Holly couldn’t remember the last time anyone had held her or been this close to her.

Miss Parker gently rubbed Holly’s back, trying to calm the girl. She knew exactly what it felt like to be alone at times such as this. Miss Parker realized that she would do anything to help Holly until she was safe from all threat. It was what her mother would have done.

While Holly cried, Miss Parker wondered how on earth she was going to get Jarod to help her. She knew she could not help Holly without his help, but she also knew how much Jarod trusted her. She would have to figure something out in the morning. Right now she was too tired.


“Yeah?" Holly’s crying slowed for a moment so she could hear Miss Parker.

“We really need to get some sleep."

“Yeah, I guess so." Holly agreed, but did not move.

Miss Parker sighed. “Would you like to sleep in here tonight?" Miss Parker asked.

Holly nodded her head as she wiped her eyes. “Please?"

“All right," Miss Parker got up and pushed the covers of her bed back. Both women crawled in and pulled the covers up for protection.

“Thanks Miss Parker," Holly whispered as she fell asleep.

“You’re welcome," she answered, but sleep did not come for her until later.



Miss Parker woke first that morning and found Holly in her arms. She remembered what had happened the night before and let out a soft laugh. She bet Jarod, or anyone for that matter, would not believe their eyes if they saw Miss Parker now, comforting the young woman, who had been like a little child in fright the previous night. Then she got a glance at the clock and groaned. She had overslept. Reaching over Holly, she grabbed the phone and turned away.

“Sydney." He co-worker answered.


“Miss Parker, you all right?" His concern was not hard to hear.

“Yeah, I’m fine," she whispered into the phone, trying not to wake Holly. “I’m not coming to work today, OK? I’m just a little sick."

“Are you sure you’re ok, Miss Parker?"

“Yeah Syd," she reassured the older man. “I just need some rest, OK? Call me if you need anything," she told him, knowing full well that he would not.

“OK. Hope you feel better."

Miss Parker was just about to place the phone down when it rang. Holly stirred and Miss Parker answered it.

“What?" she was still whispering.

“Holly?" Miss Parker recognized the voice.

“No, Jarod, it’s me," she corrected him.

“Miss Parker!?" He was obviously surprised to hear her answer the phone.

“Five points for the genius," she stated comically.

“What are you doing home?"

“What? A girl can’t decide to sleep in?" She wondered why he was calling. Then she realized he had probably planned on meeting with Holly while she was at work and out of the way. It bothered her because she wanted to help Holly as well, but Jarod wanted to do it by himself.

“Where’s Holly?" He was asking her.

“She’s right here, Jarod. She’s still sleeping," she informed him.

“No I’m not," Holly murmured as she slowly awakened.

“Jarod, what is it with you and waking people up when they are trying to get some sleep?" She demanded to know. She could hear the smile in his voice when he answered.

“Oh, just you, Miss Parker. No one else is as fun to wake up. You’re my favorite person for that. I figured as long as I’m not getting any sleep, you shouldn’t be either."

“Very funny, Jarod," Miss Parker answered, her tone strongly contradicted her words. She pulled the phone away from her mouth and called to Holly. “Prince Charming wants to talk to you," Jarod heard her say.

Prince Charming?

“Hello?" A sleepy voice answered.

“Well, I guess we’ll have to set up a meeting another time," Jarod told Holly, trying to figure out when that could be.

“Jarod, it’s all right. Miss Parker wants to help too," she informed him.

“I bet she does," Jarod answered sarcastically.

“No, really," Holly began to explain when Jarod heard Miss Parker demand for the phone.

“Jarod, I am going to help," she said as she walked to her bathroom so Holly could no longer hear their conversation.

“No way, Parker. I’m not going to let you trick me into helping you drag me back to The Centre." His usual kind tone was gone.

Miss Parker sighed heavily. “I really want to help, Jarod."

Jarod thought that she truly meant what she was saying. Or was that what he wanted to hear?

“Sorry Parker," he was saying. “I just don’t trust you…."

“DAMNIT JAROD!" She screamed. She knew no other way to get him to believe her.

“How can you expect me to trust you?" Jarod shot back, not appreciating her yelling at him.

Miss Parker was silent for a moment. “I don’t know, Jarod. I don’t know."

The two hung on the phone in silence, then Miss Parker finally heard Jarod sigh.

“Let me think about it," he said and ended the call.

At least he was going to take time to think, Miss Parker thought. She guessed that was all she could ask him to do at this point, with her track record.

“Well?" Holly wondered when Miss Parker emerged from the bathroom.

“He’ll call back," she informed her.

To Be Continued...
3. To Catch A Killer by Starbuck
Miss Parker’s House
Blue Cove, Delaware
10pm, 1999

Holly enjoyed spending the whole day with Miss Parker. Though the woman was preoccupied with worry about Jarod calling back, they were able to have some fun. Miss Parker had opened up a little and related stories about her childhood- things about her mother that she could remember and adventures she went on with Jarod. Holly loved Miss Parker’s stories. Holly in return, related all the times she herself had gotten into trouble with her foster parents when she got into things she shouldn’t have. Though their upbringing may have been as different as night and day, Holly enjoyed the fact that she and Miss Parker were much alike as children. Now they were playing Scrabble, still waiting for Jarod’s call.

“That’s not a word! You cheat, Miss Parker!"

“It is too a word! Look it up," she challenged.

Holly could not control her laughter. Miss Parker was a bad loser.

The shrill ringing of the phone abruptly interrupted their game. Miss Parker stared at it, almost not wanting to pick it up.


“Have I got the right number?"

Miss Parker gave a little smile. “Yes, Jarod, it’s me." Her stomach was in knots.

“Ah. I see a day with Holly has changed you mood slightly?"

“Only slightly. What is it you’ve decided?"

She could hear him sigh, a sign that he was rethinking his decision one last time. She wondered if that was a good sign.

“I will trust you. Just this once."

Holly had no idea what Jarod was saying to Miss Parker, but she could tell it was something good, from the expression on Miss Parker’s face. She looked like she was going to cry and jump for joy at the same time. Holly felt the happiness catching, even though she didn’t know what it was.

“Ok, so what now?" Miss Parker tried to keep the excitement out of her voice, but Jarod could hear it.

“Now we discuss insurance."

“Insurance?" Miss Parker was baffled.

“You know there are conditions to trust…." Miss Parker’s face fell. He didn’t trust her. “It has to be earned. We obviously don’t have time for that, so I need insurance."

“I see," Miss Parker’s tone was back to acid, leaving Holly confused. What could make Miss Parker go from utter joy to pained anger so quickly?

“I have something of your mother’s…."

Miss Parker slammed the phone down. She was sick of him dangling her mother in front of her; she could not take the anxiety anymore.

“What did he say?" Holly wished she knew what Jarod’s side of the conversation entailed. Miss Parker’s side was not much of a clue.

“He can’t help," Miss Parker told Holly.

Holly’s face paled, and she sat, trying to read Miss Parker’s face. Was she hearing right? Jarod was not going to help her fend against a killer?

“What are we going to do now?" Holly began to cry.

“You’ve still got me," Miss Parker reminded her.

“Yes, I know, but…."

The phone rang again. Miss Parker had a pretty good idea who it was, but she answered anyway.

“What?" She spat into the phone.

“Miss Parker," Jarod’s tone was strict.

“Yeah, thanks, but no thanks," she equaled his tone and hung up. “Solicitor," Miss Parker shrugged her shoulders, answering Holly’s questioning expression.

Miss Parker and Holly were silent as they put the game away and cleared the rest of the table. Then Holly could not wait any longer.

“So what are we going to do?"

“I’m not sure yet," Miss Parker answered. “Let’s sleep on it and we’ll think of something in the morning."

Holly could tell that Miss Parker was physically and emotionally tired. What had gone on during that conversation with Jarod?

There was a knock on the door and Holly moved to answer it when Miss Parker held her back.

“What if it’s your killer?" Miss Parker whispered as she pulled out her gun. Cautiously, she went to the door and looked through the peephole.

“UURRGH!" She grunted and yanked the door open. Glaring at her on the front step was Jarod.

“Nice to see you too, Parker," he greeted in a harsh tone and pushed past her into the house.

“Well, I’m surprised you even used the door this time," she shot back, locking the door shut behind him.

“I can’t BELIEVE you…." Jarod was scolding Miss Parker when he noticed Holly in the room, confused as ever.

“Hello, Holly," he managed in a softer tone.

“What’s going on?" She wanted to know everything and thought that maybe Jarod had changed since she last saw him, from the way he had entered the house. Miss Parker hadn’t even invited him in.

“Jarod doesn’t know how to get the hint when he’s not wanted." Miss Parker spat in his direction.

“Not wanted? Who said he wasn’t wanted? Did you tell him that Miss Parker?"

“Not in so many words," Jarod said loudly under his breath.

“What is WRONG with you two? You’re acting like children!" Holly scolded both of them. Looking at Miss Parker, she reinstated, “We need his help, Miss Parker. And you," she turned to Jarod. “Have you no manners? You can’t just barge into someone’s home like that, yelling and all. You weren’t even invited in!"

Miss Parker was amused to see Jarod shrink back from her scolding. At lease someone could get through to him.

“Maybe you can teach him a thing or two about phone etiquette," Miss Parker added.

“ME!?" Jarod shouted. “I need to be taught about…."

“ENOUGH!" Holly stopped them before they got uncontrollable. “MAN! Do I have to put you two in the corner?" Holly glared at each, daring them to continue again.

Miss Parker looked away and tried to remember how she had gotten into this mess. Everything began with Jarod. She just wanted to leap across the space between them and ring his little neck. Then he had the nerve to actually start laughing! Miss Parker turned her head sharply to look at him and found a big grin plastered on his face. Was he actually laughing at her? And now Holly was joining in. They could both just go to hell, Miss Parker fumed.

“You can both find the door. I want you out of my house," she ordered as she walked briskly to her room and slammed the door.

Jarod and Holly stopped laughing and looked at each other. They both winced when they heard Miss Parker’s bathroom door slam.

“What do we do now?" Holly wondered, not thinking of leaving for one second.

“We give her a little time to calm down and then I’ll go talk to her." Jarod answered knowingly.

“You sure I shouldn’t?" Holly questioned.

Jarod shook his head. “No, I must apologize to her. She made me so angry, I stopped thinking."

Holly smiled. “There’s the Jarod I know! You hungry?"


Holly handed him the rest of the pizza Miss Parker had ordered earlier for dinner. Miss Parker had hardly eaten any, so there was plenty left for him.

When Jarod finished eating, he gave a heavy sigh and headed towards Miss Parker’s bedroom door without a word to Holly. Holly took a seat and waited.

Jarod entered her room and found it empty. She must still be in the bathroom. He knocked gently on the door and when there was no answer, he tried the knob. It was unlocked, so he entered.

Inside, he found Miss Parker sitting on the floor in the corner next to the sink. It looked like she had been crying.

“I thought I told you to leave." Her voice was low and menacing, but cracked a little.

“I’m sorry, Miss Parker."

“What for?" she asked, but did not care for an answer.

“For a lot of things."

“I thought I told you to leave," she repeated.

“We’re not leaving," he stated firmly.

“Of course not. Why should I expect you to leave when neither of you were invited in the first place?" She spat out. Jarod held his tongue.

“What is it that has you so upset?" He pleaded with her to answer.

“I don’t want to talk to you."

Jarod took a seat on the floor right next to her. “Well, that’s tough, because I’m not going anywhere until you do."

“I’m so tired of this, Jarod," she finally said after a long moment of silence.

“Me too, Miss Parker."

“I’m tired of all the games you make me play, the tricks you do to me, making me do things, just to get something you found that belonged to my mother."

What she said was not exactly what Jarod had thought she had meant by ‘this’, but he was just glad she was talking.

“Oh," he responded dumbly.

“Oh? Is that all you can say?" She looked at him accusingly as a tear ran down her cheek. Jarod looked back with a hurt look that mirrored hers. “But I am also angry, because I understand why." She finally concluded.

“Well, I don’t…."

“Just don’t say anything," she told him. She knew he probably would never imagine her admitting that she understood why he played all those games and tricks on her. “I know you think that I can just up and leave it all behind, but you have to realize that I CAN’T."

“Yes you…."

“NO!" She shouted. The sound was so loud; it left them both with ringing in their ears. “No, Jarod," she whispered this time.

“Alright, Parker. You win, for now. I will lay off, just for the moment, because we have a killer to catch." He said and stood, holding his hand out for her. Thankfully, she took it and he helped her up. Before she realized it, Jarod had her in quick, tight embrace, then let her go. She wondered if she had imagined. Her vision had gone dim for a moment because she had gotten up too fast. She decided not to say anything.

Holly stood when the two emerged from Miss Parker’s room and smiled when she saw that Miss Parker had calmed.

“Are we ready to get to work?" She asked eagerly.

“Ok, let me fill you both in on what I found out. The good news is that I have a pretty good idea of who our killer is…."


Blue Cove, Delaware
Hyatt Hotel

Jarod had found out what had gone on while Holly’s parents were still alive, that made them suspicious of the people they worked with. It had not taken long for Jarod to narrow the list down to one man, the suspected killer of Holly’s family. It became clear that he was the one when Jarod found out he was at the Hyatt in Blue Cove and had checked in just one day after Holly arrived. It made Jarod weary, thinking what might have happened had they waited a day longer to do anything about this problem.

“I don’t see it as such a coincidence that you showed up here in Blue Cove, Derrick, just a day after Holly. You were responsible for not only the death of her parents, but her brother and sister as well, weren’t you?" Jarod accused the man.

“I don’t know what you are talking about," Derrick sat in his own bedroom, handcuffed and tied to a chair. This man who now had him bound to a chair had woken him in the middle of the night. “I was just taking a vacation. Some friends invited me here…."

“If you care to spare your life, Derrick, I suggest you start telling the truth."

That was Miss Parker’s cue and she walked in, gun in hand.

“You see," Jarod began to explain, “my friend here is a very angry person. Someone killed her mother, someone just like you. She has yet to find the identity of that person, but you see, Derrick, right now, vengeance on you is just as good for her. Until she finds her own mother’s killer."

“Please! Don’t kill me!" Derrick begged while keeping his eyes fixed on the gun. When he looked up and saw the expression on the gun holder’s face, he paled. “All right," he resigned. “It was me. I killed her family. Her parents were getting into business that did not concern them. I warned them to butt out, but they wouldn’t listen," he confessed. “I had no other choice. Then when I found out that their daughter was following in their footsteps, finding out things that she shouldn’t have- I had to eliminate her. If she knew so much, it was a great possibility that the other two did as well. I could not take any chances."

Miss Parker pushed the gun against the man’s head and pulled the trigger. The man screamed, to her satisfaction and then slumped in the chair. Jarod rewound the tape in his packed and pressed play. They had recorded the whole confession.

At the sound of his voice, Derrick lifted his head. “I’m, I’m not dead?"

Miss Parker leaned down to level with the man and whispered harshly in his ear, “Oh, but you will wish you were." Then she hit Derrick in the back of the neck with her gun, knocking him out. Jarod watched her closely.

“You’ve got incredible control, Miss Parker," he gratified her.

She looked up at him and tears were in her eyes again. “I’m beginning to think that I will never find him," she whispered.

“We will," Jarod insisted. “I want him found just as much as you, Miss Parker.

“I wish I could help you out, Jarod, but…."

“I know," he grabbed her hand and held it gently. “I would never ask you to take any chances that will result in death or torture. You know that I wouldn’t."

“Sometimes I like to think that you are wrong about everyone. Daddy, especially. My mother married him, Jarod. There must be something there that we don’t see," she pleaded with her eyes for him to agree.

“Maybe," was all he would give her.


Crown Hotels
Blue Cove

Holly had been put up in another hotel for the night, just incase anything should go wrong. She was told to get some rest, but how could Jarod and Miss Parker expect her to sleep while they were facing her killer? Holly had wanted to go with them, but they both strongly disagreed and she did not doubt that they would have tied her to the bed if she had not finally agreed to stay at the hotel. All she could do was pace the room until they got back.

When she heard someone at the door, she flung it open before he got a chance to. The man out in the hall smiled at her and she wrapped her arms around him.

“Thank you SO much!" Her gratefulness overwhelming her, brining tears to her eyes. “I owe my life to you and Miss Parker," she finally let him enter the room.

“We got his confession on tape and left all the evidence at the police station. You will probably be asked to testify on your family’s behalf, but other than that, Derrick Mates is as good as in prison for life," Jarod informed her.

“Where’s Miss Parker?" Holly was a bit worried.

“Don’t worry. She went to leave the stuff at the police station and will be here shortly. I, on the other hand, must leave."

“Already?" Holly was disappointed.

“Yes, so you take care, and you know how to reach me, if need be," Jarod embraced her once again. “But next time, please let Miss Parker know you are coming first."

“Okay, Jarod. Thanks again," she smiled as he left the room.

True to his word, Miss Parker arrived shortly after and caught Jarod in the parking lot.

“Jarod, where are you going?" Jarod froze at the sound of her voice, his back to her.

“I have to go," he said stiffly, without turning to see her.

It was then that Miss Parker realized what was going on. “You thought that I’d come back with sweepers, didn’t you?" she accused.

Finally, Jarod turned to look at her. “The thought never crossed your mind?"

Miss Parker could not keep the truth from showing in her face and Jarod nodded his head.

“Well, of course it did, Jarod. That’s my job! But what matters is that I chose not to," she pointed out.

Jarod studied her and was reassured that Catherine was still in Miss Parker, that there was hope yet. This would fuel him for years to come and he would continue to help her.

“I’m sorry, Miss Parker, but I really have to go." He turned and got into the car. Miss Parker stared after him as he took off without looking back. She sighed heavily and went inside.

Holly greeted Miss Parker just the same as Jarod, but realized that her mind was elsewhere.

“What is bothering you, Miss Parker?" Holly was concerned.

Miss Parker quickly hid her emotions and smiled at Holly.

“Nothing at all. You will be leaving in the morning?"

“Yes," Holly was visibly sad.

“Well, I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to be here to see you off. I must go to work before they send a search party for me."

Holly looked like she was going to cry, but nodded her head.

“Well, then, good bye," Miss Parker turned to leave, but was tackled by Holly in such an embrace, she would have thought one of them was going to die.

“Thank you, Miss Parker. Really," Holly whispered, then let go.

Miss Parker left then, trying not to let her emotions take over her.


Miss Parker’s Office
The Centre

Miss Parker looked up from the file she was reading when Lyle came barging into her office.

“What do you want?" she snapped at him.

“Jarod was spotted in Blue Cove last night," he informed her in what seemed to be an accusing voice.

“Yeah, and?" she was worried for a moment that they had captured him. Then Jarod would think she had something to do with it and he would never trust her again.

“And, doesn’t that strike you as rather odd? That he’d come so close?" Lyle was hinting something and it was irritating her that he wouldn’t come right out and say it.

“What the hell are you implying, Lyle," she growled at him.

“He didn’t happen to come into contact with you, did he?"

So that was it. Lyle thought that Jarod had been to see her. Did they know any of the truth?

“Now why would Rat Boy come to see me, Lyle? He’s a genius, not a stupid." She talked like she was explaining something to a three-year-old child.

“Who knows what that freak is thinking," Lyle shot back.

Miss Parker wondered why he was so insistent.

“No, Lyle. If I had had the opportunity of coming across Jarod, I would have stuck a gun in his face and walked him into the Centre."

“For your sake, I hope you are telling the truth," Lyle warned and left the office.

Miss Parker glared after him and wished she could put a bullet through his head, brother or not. Nevertheless, she would have to be careful the next few weeks.


Miss Parker’s House

Miss Parker was for once having a good dream, about a life away from the Centre, when the shrill voice of the phone woke her. Couldn’t Jarod give it a rest for at least a little while?

“What?" She didn’t bother to make her voice threatening. She was too sleepy to even try.

“You know that I can help you leave the Centre, Miss Parker," he began. It didn’t take long for Miss Parker to come out of sleep and build up her anger.

Miss Parker shook her head. “You of all people," she responded, “should know that it’s not that easy. No one walks away from the Centre." She did her best to keep her voice under control.

“Do you think the Centre can track me because they’re that good?" Jarod almost laughed out. This caught Miss Parker’s attention. “You put too much faith in that place, Miss Parker. They only find me because I let them."

“Why would you do that?" She asked doubtful of what he was saying. “You’re a genius and you claim something so stupid."

“I do it," Jarod answered wishing he could be there to see her reaction, “because of you."

Miss Parker was afraid she had heard him wrong.


“And Sydney, of course," Jarod continued. “He would kill himself over worry if I just cut all ties. Poor Broots is just along for the ride. Once I have all my answers, and you yours, that will be the end."

“So we play this game until then?" Miss Parker whispered. “But then, if I went with you, you wouldn’t be able to find your answers. Why would you give that up, give your family up, for me?"

Jarod sighed heavily. He thought the answer was plain to see. “To save my childhood friend… and Catherine’s daughter."
This story archived at