Summary: The story of poor little Timmy, one of the Centre's forgotten victims.
Categories: Prequel Characters: Angelo, Catherine Parker, Mr Raines
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7
Completed: Yes
Word count: 9989
Read: 17216
Published: 10/05/05
Updated: 10/05/05
Chapter 5 by jacci
Timmy Pt 5
When Timmy woke, he couldn’t remember where he was. He looked around the little room and then it came crashing in on him. He sat up on the little cot and pulled his knees up to his chest, hugging them. He wanted it all to be a bad dream, he wanted it all to go away.
He couldn’t tell if it was morning or not and he cried silently for his mommy. When he ran out of tears he took a look around at the room. He could not remember a time when he had ever cried so much before and he felt like a little baby. Benny would laugh at him if he knew.
Timmy got up and tried to open the door. He knew it wouldn’t work, but he tried anyway. He banged his tiny fists against the big cold door and slid down and curled into a ball when he finally ran out of energy.
When the door opened, Timmy looked up to see a big man. He was different from the man from before, but he had the same clothes on. Timmy knew by now that the big men that wore those clothes were scary and he knew that he should do what he was told.
“Hey kid, it's time for breakfast. Then we going to get you showered and then get you to work.”
At the mention of breakfast, Timmy’s tummy let out a big grumble and he opened his eyes wide in fright. The big men didn’t like noise. He scrambled back so the man couldn’t grab him.
But the big man just laughed.
“C'mon kid. I’m not going to hurt you. But it's chow time and the boss doesn’t like to be kept waiting. Although I gotta tell ya, I don’t envy you one little bit.”
Timmy looked up. This man seemed to be a bit different. He seemed nice. He put his hand out and let the man take it. He scrunched himself up in case the man squeezed like the other ones did. But he didn’t and Timmy walked out the door with him.
“What's your name kid? My name’s Ted.”
Timmy looked up at him and decided that maybe it would be okay to tell this man his name. His mommy and daddy weren’t here and he was scared and this man was a lot nicer than the other ones. Maybe this man could help him. He had already told other people his name, so he guessed it would be alright.
As they walked along, Timmy was beginning to feel a little bit less scared. So far, this man whose name was Ted hadn’t hurt him. But Timmy was worried about the shower. Only grown ups had showers. Timmy always had a bath with Benny.
When they got to the shower room, Timmy asked if he could use the toilet and the man let him. He was looking around for a bathtub, hoping the man had made a mistake. When he came back out, the man told him to stand still while he took his pyjamas off.
Timmy stood very still and he could see feel his face going red as the man took his pants down. The man pushed him into the shower and turned the water on.
Timmy stood under the warm water, trying to hide his private bits. The man laughed at him.
“Don’t worry kid, it aint nothing I haven’t seen before. Here’s the soap. Wash and then go and brush your teeth.”
Timmy did as he was told, and even though he was still a little bit scared, he felt good too. His mommy told him he was too little to have a shower all by himself. But he smiled when the man said that he was doing a good job.
He got out of the shower and let the man dry him off and he got into some clothes that looked like what they wore in those kung fu shows that daddy used to like to watch. They were grey and ugly, and the material was not very nice, but his pyjamas were gone.
They were soon on their way to breakfast. Timmy was really hungry now and he was looking forward to some food. For the moment, he forgot all about mommy and Benny and his hand snuck up into Ted’s hand. Ted looked down and ruffled his hair. Timmy smiled and hoped that the other men wouldn’t come back. He liked Ted.
They went into a really big room with a big mirror on one side. Timmy sat at the table and there was a bowl of stuff in front of him. He looked at the bowl and then up at Ted. Timmy was hungry, but he wasn’t THAT hungry. He moved his spoon around in the gloopy mess.
“It's good for you.” Ted said.
When mommy said that things were good for you, what she really meant was that it tasted yucky. He spooned some of it into his mouth and scrunched up his face. It was yucky alright. His tummy was telling him that it didn’t matter that it was yucky, but his tongue was telling him to spit it out.
“Eat it son.”
Timmy swung around to see the nasty Doctor from yesterday. Timmy was scared of this Doctor and so he did what he was told.
By the time he was finished, he thought he was going to be sick, but the doctor watched him until every spoonful was gone.
Timmy did all kinds of tests and puzzles and he was so busy he almost forgot where he was. The doctor seemed very excited by some of the things that Timmy did, and he yelled at him sometimes too. Timmy tried his hardest and by the end of the day he was really tired.
Timmy was too tired to care anymore, and Dr Raines was telling him that he needed to do better. But he had had enough. He was tired and he was hungry and his clothes were scratchy and he hadn’t been allowed to play all day long. He wanted to talk to his mommy and he wanted to go home.
“When can I see my mommy? When can I go home?”
“You are home Timmy.” Dr Raines looked down and stroked Timmy’s tear-stained face. “Your mommy sent you here because you are special. She gave you to me so I can mould you to reach your full potential.”
Timmy didn’t like it when the doctor touched him. It gave him creepy feelings. But when the doctor touched him this time, Timmy closed his eyes and felt hate wash through him. Hate for somebody named Sydney. Timmy knew all about hate. He knew that his daddy hated his mommy now, and that had something to do with Benny somehow.
Timmy looked up at the Doctor, he never had such strong feelings before, not even from Benny. He was really scared and he got up and ran to the door. But Ted was there and scooped him up before he could get through it. He felt safer in with Ted, Ted didn’t have all kinds of bad feelings.
“What do you want me to do with him Dr Raines?”
“Take him back to his space. We are done for today.”
Timmy didn’t think he would be happy to be locked back in that tiny horrible room, but he was so happy to be away from that doctor and all the bad feelings that he had.
He didn’t know what time it was, but it felt like it was past his bed-time. He hated not knowing if it was day-time or night-time. He was hungry again, but he curled up on the cot and fell asleep and dreamed of birthday cake and spaghetti.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.