r30; and Jarod makes four by Rising Sun
Summary: Parker becomes pregnant with twins, but working at the Center can it be that simple?
Categories: Indefinite Timeline Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance, Vignette
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2936 Read: 2801 Published: 19/05/05 Updated: 19/05/05
… and Jarod makes four by Rising Sun
Mickey's Twin Challenge as posted to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ffchallange/

Jarod was extremely considerate of her, making sure she rested and ate properly. The downside of the latter was that she had gained far more weight than she would have liked. The obstetrician was not concerned, fifty-three pounds was a bit much but Parker had been on the thin side and she was carrying twins.

Tell Me
* How she ended up pregnant (Was it by choice or did the Centre do it?)
*Is this happening now or is this a few years down the line?
*Are her & Jarod together as a couple now?
*Are the twins her's and Jarod's?
*How doe the Centre fit into all this?
*Are the twins the only children she has?

All ratings and lengths ok

Parker had waltzed into the Center with her usual sav voir fare that belied what was to come.

The tell tale signs began around mid morning but Parker was a headstrong woman in all things and she continued with her schedule. Sydney spotted the subtle change but made no comment – not yet.

A few hours later it was lunchtime and Parker dared not eat. Sydney had had enough. “Parker? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She breathed heavily. It was obviously a lie.

“Parker.” He insisted, “It’s the ulcer isn’t it.”

“Don’t you have something to do or some lab rat to observe?” She retaliated.

“Now that you mention it.” He picked up the phone. He watched the ghostly pale Parker and spoke “Please bring my car around. Thank you.”

Parker suddenly doubled over. “Oh GOD!”

Sydney caught her. “Come on we are going to the hospital.”

“No” She gasped.

“That was not a question, Parker.”

“Give me a minute.” She begged.

He misunderstood her motive. “Delay can be dangerous.” He warned.

“I know, but this is the Center. I need to walk out of here and not lean on you.” She explained.

“I understand.”

She took a rallying breath and stood tall.

“Ready?” He asked.

She nodded. The two walked out with Sydney as close as a second skin could get. Lyle spotted them as they spotted him.

“Syd.” She groaned softly.

“I know. Don’t stop. That is the key.”

Parker nodded slightly.

Lyle sauntered up to the duo. “Off somewhere?”

“Somewhere.” She growled more from pain than her normal reaction to her brother.

“Don’t forget we have a meeting with the Old Man.” He grinned.

“She won’t” Sydney answered as the elevator doors opened.

One down one to go; they managed to get out of the range of the insistent security cameras. “You can relax now.” He informed her.

From the back seat he could hear her revert to a primitive state as the ulcer imposed itself on every fiber of her being. It was all she could do to breathe; speech was out of the question. He put the pedal to the metal.

The days of Sydney displaying his macho side were over before Parker was born but his concern for the woman over rode his usual logic. He screeched up to the entrance of the A&E Department of the Hospital, jumped out and carried a semi conscious Parker in.

The sight of the old man carrying the young woman sprang the staff into action. Even as the tech placed her on a gurney the doctor was demanding “What happened”

"Ulcer.” Sydney puffed.

“Got it. Take a rest. You did good. We’ll take care of your daughter.” The team disappeared deeper into the hospital.

His breathing was too laboured to correct the man. Two hours later the Doctor reappeared. Sydney jumped up. “Well?”

“As I said. You did good. We got to her in time. It was touch and go there for a minute but she’ll live.”

“May I see her?” the relief was physical.

“Of course. She’s still under but you can stay in the room if you wish.”

“Thank you.” Sydney followed the man.

Left alone Sydney looked at Parker, so peaceful so beautiful. “Oh Parker what am I going to do with you?” He wondered. “All this pain and to what end?”

He sat with her for a while. Then stood to leave. “Rest assured this is our secret. No one will know.” He walked out the door.

+ + +

Parker began to emerge from the anesthesia. Where was she? The memory flooded back. She had had the good fortune to collapse in front of Sydney. “Syd.” She mumbled. She needed water.

“She’s waking up.”

She heard the voice; there were people in her room? Who was there? She rolled over and went back to sleep.

+ + +

Parker awoke to a sun lit room. “Morning Parker.” She zoomed in on the source. “Syd.”

“How do you feel?” He asked.

“How do you think? Get me out of here.”

His relief showed. “Welcome back.” He got sober “Parker you HAVE to give up smoking, drink and this hunt for Jarod. You almost died last yesterday!”

She paused at the suggestion. “Do I give up sex too? For that sounds like a blue print for a Convent.” She returned to her first concern. “How long do I have to stay in this place? With people coming and going at all times of the day and night.”

He sighed; she was a grown woman and he’d said his piece. “This is a hospital, Parker. The service is twenty four seven.”

“When Sydney?”

“Two days more.”

Too shocked to speak her jaw dropped.

“And you WILL stay put.” He ordered.

+ + +

Parker dreamed. What else was there to do? She was stuck in the damned place.

She was with Jarod and the bunny rabbit.

“Jarod.” She muttered. She wanted to play with the rabbit too.

“Hurry up!” a voice urged.

She was sprayed and her sleep deepened.

+ + +

To be truthful if with no one but herself the two days of enforced incarceration was just what she had needed. She was tired and being forced to stay still and all she had really done was eat and sleep.

With a stinging admonishment from the doctor she was released. Sydney colleted her.

“It’s Friday. I told all who needed to know that you had a lead on Jarod, that you had followed it and would be in on Monday sometime.”

“Why Syd was that a lie?” she teased.

“An exaggeration of the truth.” He clarified.


Parker was in a meeting with Brootes and Sydney when she felt nauseous.

“What?” Brootes asked as Parker suddenly walked out.

“I don’t know.” Sydney replied, “Stay here.” He followed her and waited outside the ladies. After five minutes he pushed the door and walked in. “Parker?”

She raised her head from the sink. “This is the ladies.” She said.

"Then neither of us should be in here." He thought. Instead he said, “I was worried. The past six weeks you have seemed fine.”

“This is different.” She explained as she stood and attended to her appearance. She looked up at the TV camera and then at the man. “Not here.”

Satisfied that she was all right, he nodded and left.

“Why Sydney a new fetish?” Lyle asked as he caught the man emerging from the ladies facility. His attention shifted as Parker barreled out and crashed into the two. Without a word Parker and Sydney walked away. Lyle’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. But suspicion of what he had not a clue.


Parker was ready to burst. She had arranged to meet Sydney at the restaurant and he was late. She briefly reviewed the events that had them suddenly in cahoots but there you had it. She needed to talk and well… that’s what he did – listen.

“Sorry.” he apologized as he joined her.

“Milk.” She ordered.

His approval showed. “I’m glad to see the change.”

“You ain’t seen nothing yet.” She informed him.


“How does one become pregnant?” She asked suddenly.

The question surprised him. “You don’t know?”

She snapped, “Of course I do. What OTHER ways are there?”

“Artificial insemination.” He replied.

“That it? Sex and AI?”

He shrugged. “As far as I know. E-mail is good but not that good and the Immaculate Conception was over two thousand years ago there hasn’t been another since. There is Alien abduction.”

She pulled a face “Funny.”

He remembered the scene in the bathroom “You are pregnant.”

“Six weeks.”

For a moment both were silent.

“Do I say congratulations? Who is the father?”

“No and I don’t know.”

“Say again?”

“I don’t know who the father is.” She repeated.

Sydney’s forehead wrinkled. “How…” He didn’t know what to ask.

“The question is not how but what. What am I to do?”

He got down to details “There are two options: go to term or abort.”

“Or run.”

“Run? Why run?” the suggestion threw him.

“Remember I told you about my hallucinations while at the hospital?” He nodded “I don’t think they were.”

“Alien abduction?” he suggested.

She glared at him. “I think I was artificially inseminated. By whom and why I don’t know but I have my suspicions.”

“No one knew where you were.” He was convinced.

“Someone ALWAYS knows.”

“But why run?”

“Two reasons. First – I am NOT about to become a lab rat. Are was clear on that!”

“Crystal.” He assured her.

“Second – My child will not be raised in that place. I was raised there and look how I turned out.”

“Beautiful and intelligent.” Sydney was nothing if not gallant.

“Nice try Syd.”

“That explains the milk.” He said.

“That explains the milk.” She concurred.


The e-mail had one phrase. “Call me. Syd.”


“Hello?” Sydney replied to the call.

“Sydney. Something wrong?” Jarod asked.

“Parker has disappeared.”

“Disappeared as in a Center backed event?” He asked.

“No disappeared as in voluntary – she is on the run and I fear that sweepers will be put on her.” He was worried. “Jarod you there?”

“Yes.” The younger man assured the older. “The Center has turned against one of their own? Well not the first time I suppose but a Parker?”

“Jarod, focus.” Sydney told him.

“Why is she running?… Sydney?… Why is she running?”

He finally gave the answer. “She’s pregnant and doesn’t want her child raised here the way she was.”

“Smart woman.” Jarod jibed “So what do you want me to do?”

“Find her. I know you love her, Jarod. Keep her safe.” He was ready to beg.

“What do you know of my feelings?” He didn’t need to be asked he would find her.

“You are a Pretender. We shouldn’t be able to find you. But we keep doing so. I know you are not keeping close to me and frankly I’m old not blind. Parker is a formidable woman. Beautiful too. Find her, Jarod – Please.”

“I will.” He hung up.

Sydney heaved a sigh of relief.


Finding Parker before the sweepers had been kids play to Jarod.

An armed Parker on his trail was hazardous to one’s health. An armed and pregnant Parker was a dangerous force to be reckoned with. Somehow he’d managed to talk her down. For not only was she pregnant but was borderline hysterical; seeing him almost tipped her over.

Jarod experience in a myriad of professions made him the ideal caretaker. He was extremely considerate of her, making sure she rested and ate properly. The downside of the latter was that she had gained far more weight than she would have liked. The obstetrician was not concerned, fifty-three pounds was a bit much but Parker had been on the thin side and she was carrying twins. She in turn now felt as sense of security with him.

One day it all overwhelmed her “Thank you.”

“For?” He prompted.

“All that you have done for me and my unborn twins.”

“You are welcome.” He replied and joined her on the couch.

“Why?” She continued. “After all that I have put you through why help me?”

“It’s all part of my big plan to get you to leave the Center. Although in the end you took care of that yourself.” He explained.

“You never asked me what happened.”

“Not my business.”

She adjusted herself. “You take in a pregnant woman on the run and the circumstances are not you business?”

“I know you and I know the Center. You either have no use for the poor Bastard other than his sperm or the Center has been experimenting on you. If it is the latter then the fact that you went on the run indicates to me that the insemination was not consensual. Now that you are a mother to be your formidable maternal instincts have kicked in.”

“You’ve been brooding over this haven’t you?”

“Of course there is the short version.” He told her.

“Short version?” She prompted.

"That I’m in love with you and a man in love will do anything for the woman he loves.” He confessed safe that she was too far along in the pregnancy to do him bodily harm.

“You love me?” She sort confirmation.

“Don’t act like you didn’t know. I have been yours since we were children and you hunting me down never changed that.” He said.

“I suppose I did know but never wanted to face it.” She confessed.

“Marry me.” He proposed.

“Don’t do that!” She rapped him.

“Don’t do what?”


“Why? “

“The fact of the matter is that AI or not I’m carrying another man’s child.” She explained.

“They will need a father. You will need help and I need a family.” He rationalized “I need you. Marry me, Parker.”

She was weakening.

He pressed, “There are four lives at stake here. Don’t scatter us. Marry me have the babies and lets be a family.“

“But I don’t love you.” A baby kicked her.

With a raised eyebrow he responded “Ever the baby knew that was a lie.”

She grinned, “It’s a conspiracy.”

He knelt before her and placed his mouth on her belly. “Hello in there so what do you say? Do you all want me to be the daddy?” The twins moved. He grinned up at her. “I take that to be a yes.”

She laughed, “OK I’ll marry you. You crazy cote.”

“Crazy for you.” He corrected.


“… and the crazy thing is Syd.” Jarod told the man over the phone. “The DNA test we did when the babies were born; showed that the Center used my sperm! The kids are mine!!! I have a family!”

“I’m happy for all of you.” Sydney hung up the phone and smiled – a happy ending for the Center. A rarity indeed.


Disclaimer: Pretender characters portrayed belong to NBC and TNT. No copyright infringement intended. All other characters depicted are purely fictional and any similarities to actual people are purely coincidental.

Feedback: Send it.

Permission to archive: Permission granted.

Story written – November 3, 2002

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This story archived at http://www.pretendercentre.com/missingpieces/viewstory.php?sid=1834