I hate you, MMB! Someone needed to tell you this and that someone is me. Why did you have to finish this series with such a good and long story? I had other things to do, maybe not as interesting as re-reading "Resolutions", but still. I have a life, you know? I have stories to write, stories to type, a girlfriend, I can't afford to spend this much time completely absorbed by one story.
I congratulate you for a very pleasant journey, but now it's time to focus on my own stories, okay? No more interruptions! I'll just have a quick peek at "Mindtrap" and that will be it.
Date: 17/09/13 11:36 pm
This was an interesting sequel. I swas surprised to find it since I read the first storyline of this storyset. This would've been several months worth of episodes if the series had taken on the many plots and twists of all this. Too bad for Charles and Angelo dieing early on. It felt kind of incomplete to not have them around. I would've liked to see some of the reporter's take on his succeeding article.
Reviewer: electricq Anonymous

Date: 07/04/10 12:57 am
The character/girl whom Kevin meets earlier in the story(Chapter 2), and teases him, was named Cricket. Suddenly, in this chapter, you've changed her name to Crystal. And when I was doing an entire search of the story for the name, you use both, and have the character (as Crystal) refer to Cricket as another character (Chapter 15).
This is obviously a major error, as the names must have gotten mixed up in your head at some point. You really will want to edit this and fix it.
Reviewer: AcaciaJules Anonymous

Date: 09/01/10 06:36 am
one of the best and most complete pretender stories i have ever read. It may be long, but it is well wroth the read!
Reviewer: janeway Anonymous

Date: 23/05/08 07:34 am
Well I have finally finished reading your stories and I loved all of them! The way you made the characters true to the series impressed me a lot and it was all very believable - meant life went on hold for a long while but it was worth it. Thanks for a great read!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

Date: 11/05/08 07:25 pm
as usual, whenever I get done reading this thing, awesome! u kept me so addicted to this from start to finish, I've neglected pretty much everything else in RL.... grr, now back to real life... ah, but what a way to go...
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed

Date: 09/08/07 01:29 pm
I saw less of the words I mentioned before... good job! :p
Heh, anyway, on to the review...
You kept up the connecting pieces beautifully. With 4 or so separate subplots, that's no little thing. I never suspected Crystal's connection w/ another subplot, and I never foresaw how Kevin was related. In the early chapters, though, I noticed the character Kevin was talking to was Cricket, then the next chapter, it was Crystal. That confused me a bit, but otherwise, easy to distinguish. I saw Cricket was mentioned as a 3rd companion, but I figured the Cricket Kevin encountered was actually Crystal, since the conversations were congruent to each other. And I loved how you brought in another colleague of Syd's, another one of the good guys! Oh, and the best part, Ginger!!!!! I kept on reading (remember, I just came in on T&C), and I was impatient to get back to the CA scene as each of the other differnt subplots had to have their turn. Wow, this whole epic of yours sure is addicting...
Well, time to go back to where it all began, 'Retrospective', and go from there! Thanks for such a great ending.
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed

Date: 22/02/07 07:14 pm
This is one of the longest fics I ever read ;^)
But I loved it :^)
The only thing I didn't really like was imagining Jarod with a beard ;^)
And you forgot to put 'Romance' among the genres ;^)
Anyway, it took me a very long time to read it, but I loved every minute of it. Thank you for this great story...

Date: 18/01/07 12:16 pm
i just loved your stories thank you for them you are a very talented writer
Reviewer: dee Anonymous

Date: 16/05/06 06:27 am