After the scales were balanced, the time came to face some "Truth and Consequences". Like the preceding story, this is another good example of knowing your characters, whether they're the ones created by SLM and CVS and company or by author, and having a story to tell. Cleaning house at The Centre would never be an easy task and MMB shows us how hard and dangerous it could be.
This is a great story (in quality as in quantity) with plenty of action, drama, suspense and romance, but it's not without his fails. Sydney's continued incapacity for one. It's coherent, considering the time-frame, but I'd prefer to see him more mobile. The other thing I didn't enjoy so much was the excess of emotion and crying in some parts. I understand the necessity of those moments, but sometimes I think we were prying too much. Having too much of anything has the risk of turning it unimportant.
Even so, that attention to the emotional aspects of the characters is one of MMB's trademarks. In fact, I dare say she is probably one of the few who can indulge in that kind of thing and still keep her readers interested.
Date: 17/09/13 11:35 pm
This is great! This is definitely a DVD addition to the series! If any updates that would be great too! It sounds like it's dangling at the last chapter.
Reviewer: electricq Anonymous

Date: 31/12/09 02:29 am
I haven't read all the others, but I'm looking forward to it, if this is any indication of your skill.
Literature-wise, well done. Nice flow, especially hard w/ an epic like this, smooth story line, nicely rounded characters. That's NOT easy in an epic.
The only thing I hated was the language used. Too bad symbols didn't replace the words or something. I can understand the need from the bad guys, but not J, MP, etc. Understand it, but hate it nonetheless.
I finished reading 'Resolutions' just today, so a review is imminent, but just wanted you to know you're an excellent writer. Keep it up!
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed

Date: 22/02/07 07:05 pm
what a wonderful continuation of Balancing the Scales. you excell at the interelationships between characters. The ability to keep such an epic piece moving and intriguing takes skill and talent. well done.
Reviewer: Zipp Anonymous

Date: 12/10/05 01:42 am