I always knew this moment would come. Sooner or later, Jarod would have to make a decision regarding his relation with The Centre, particularly with Sydney and Miss Parker. After IOTH and Miss Parker's refusal to acknowledge any turning point, this was one of the possible paths that the story could go.
As for the story itself, it's touching without being sappy. It reminds me of that episode when Jarod suggests to Sydney that someday they could go on a fishing trip together. It's not an happy ending but it's one that offers closure to these two characters. (And a great start for a terrific series!)
Date: 17/09/13 11:30 pm
I read this full series of fiction a while back and didn't get a chance to write to say how great it was. I think my favorite part was Picking up the Pieces. I love the interaction between Miss Parker and Syndey and the way their relationship developed. I could imagine ever single scene as you wrote because you are so descriptive in you writing! You are a great writer and hope that you will write more here. It definitely helps me get my Pretender fix.
Good job!
P.S. I just finished your most recent story Terror and will definitely review that one too!
Author's Response:
Hi there!
I'm really glad you enjoyed the series - it was a fun run to write for me as well. There are several more longer pieces at my website, if you would like to check them out.
Reviewer: Twingirl10 Anonymous

Date: 25/02/08 11:46 pm
Another favorite that I enjoy rereading from time to time.
You write very descriptively and the characters are always true to form.
Thank you for sharing your talent

Date: 05/02/08 08:42 pm
You write beautifully. i wish i could write as fluently as you. can't wait to read the sequels.
Reviewer: Nipps Anonymous

Date: 19/01/06 01:45 am