Reviews For Residuum
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Title: Chapter 1

Correction..The blizzard that trapped Parker with Jarod in a cabin in the middle of nowhere in


I first read this thinking "there are no blizzards HERE in Texas!"

And "Jarod would never be dark"

You were right by the way about everything.

Jarod was already dark.

Michael T Weiss said he wanted Jarod darker actually .. it's on those DVDs special features or commentaries.

Can't be darkER if he wasn't already dark to begin with.

Again love this!


Reviewer: Miss Parkere Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/25 06:11 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Perfect timing Mirage!

A blizzard coming to Texas right freaking NOW! Just like a blizzard a year after you wrote it!

Just like in FON, the blizzard that trapped Parker with Jarod in a cabin in the middle of nowhere!

And a braggy racist rapist who was found guilty in court is being sworn in as potus and sworn about. I know I'm swearing!

Here you are with a sequel although you didn't want to write one!

HELL has frozen over!

It's official.

Hell=red states

Payback's a bitch.

The grabber is going to do everything to ruin the environment like republicans always do so there will be more  man made human nature disasters . They get what they vote for

I'm glad you're doing this

I've waited so long!

Thank you



Reviewer: Miss Parkere Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/25 06:05 pm
Title: Chapter 1

First I have to ask if you believe that Michael T Weiss is anything like we see on tv like did he seem like Jarod the character to you when you met him or any of your encounters with him? I always wonder if he's like the man we see on tv...,????

Next up o my GID I can't believe you are sequeling FON!

So timely when a rapist is being inaugurated today in the US and Snoop has sold out. Taylor Swift is more badass and gangsta than Snoop !


I'm scared of darkerjarod.

Back when you wrote FON I still saw Jarod as good but he's a vigilante and he crossed a line and you were right all along Mirage.

I will read this.

I have to. It's already amazing and exciting. Action packed .

More please!

Reviewer: Cal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/01/25 10:26 am
Title: Chapter 1

You always draw Jarod as imperfect and show his humanity and flaws. Life can't always align perfectly and he can't always get away with everything he does and always outsmart all of the surprises life throws.I hope Broots will honor the promise. It's such a twist. You were opposed to a sequel. It probably takes the sting out some for you that Broots will be the brain behind stopping Jarod to make it all worth it? It's so full circle in so many ways.

This is so realistic and plausible. This first chapter plunges me in to the scene. I can see the resort and slopes.

It's so professionally written, edited,  and I love the action and the closeness between Jarod and Parker that shows the nature of their relationship. It's like they are in love and have a healthy relationship. But we know that's not true .

Sydney explained it all.

The baby was there as a trap. Sydney probably wanted to know how far gone his Jarod is and Jarod we see is long far gone. The violence of pushing Sydney is Jarod rejecting all of the past and fits in with this and what we know

There's so much to think about. I will write essays and journal this and think more .

There is so much more. I examine each word.

I wait impatiently for more .

Thank you


I am thankful to and for you

I thank the website and admin Jacci for Jacci this place . I love it here!  I should always say that

Grateful for so much now☺️


Reviewer: shauna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/01/25 06:23 pm
Title: Chapter 1

It's about time!!

Won't lie. I've wanted this sequel for forever!

So glad that you are finally doing it

I worried you never would. I'm so excited! πŸ˜† ☺️

It gives me hope too that if you can do it

Anyone can do it and I'm talking about Steve and Craig and the original cast! They can do it. There's always a way to make it work.There has to be.

You inspired me.

I can't get enough.

Reviewer: Renea Collins Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/01/25 06:12 am
Title: Chapter 1

Seriously mate this is top notch, can't stop saying it .

Reviewer: richie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/01/25 05:29 am
Title: Chapter 1

Seriously mate this is top notch, can't stop saying it .

Reviewer: richie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/01/25 05:29 am
Title: Chapter 1

Oh woot woot πŸ₯³ πŸ™Œ πŸ₯³ πŸ™Œ

Please Jarod is going down and not getting away with it eventually at least.

I'll be here reading whatever happens.

Your writing is that exquisite 😍

More more more more

Reviewer: lisa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/01/25 02:38 am
Title: Chapter 1

Oh woot woot πŸ₯³ πŸ™Œ πŸ₯³ πŸ™Œ

Please Jarod is going down and not getting away with it eventually at least.

I'll be here reading whatever happens.

Your writing is that exquisite 😍

More more more more

Reviewer: lisa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/01/25 02:38 am
Title: Chapter 1

Can I say that I love it when the rumors are true about something fucking AWEmazing?

I know how you totally didn't want to write a sequel or even think about FON.

I know you didn't even plan to write FON.

I know you fully expected Ethan to be in Texas and not Jarod. You said you didn't have a title yet and that Parker was gonna meet Ethan and they were going to end it using the combined skills of all of still living red files

Jarod opened the door instead and

You said "the thing flew off the rails."

I'm proud of you for not trying to follow the rails and letting the story beat down a new path. You're a total badass boss for that. You posted as you wrote thinking you could  "redirect the derailment" but other things happened.

I'm glad you let the story tell itself.

It's the best way .

This  is always gonna be relevant and timely and I'm so grateful that you are writing a sequel.

More please?


Reviewer: Revenant Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/01/25 07:56 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Oh, man, what an awesome surprise.

Dark Jarod or should I say darkER Jarod is terrifying. FON is plausible and always relevant. It's the always the person we might not expect isn't it? Except when it's the 🍊 🀑 who literally bragged about doing it and was found guilty in court of doing it.

I'm still intrigued that you really thought Ethan would greet Parker in the cabin but the story changed on you. I love FON.

I love this so far.

So excited.



Reviewer: Joni Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/01/25 07:11 am
Title: Chapter 1

Snap! 🫰 The long long long long looooooooong awaited sequel. I'd call it a SQUEEquel cos I love my Jarod dark but you'd probably call it a SCREAMquel.

I can't imagine what will happen.

I would like him to be arrested, jailed, found guilty, imprisoned for twenty years at least.


He seems wealthy here, maybe I'm wrong but he is able to travel to high end exclusive no kids allowed places and for the wealthy the laws are different. They basically pay a fine to break any law they want. The less wealthy go to jail forever.

I have read your response to reviews and someone asked how FON would go if you wrote one but I know your thoughts then may differ now.

I know you always have a twist, too, something that should be obvious to me the reader that I should have seen coming.

Suffice to say I'm HELLA DAMN excited.

I crave more.

******Cracks whip******


Give me more now!

Reviewer: The Miss Parker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/01/25 06:36 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Uhh huh, yes, yes, yes. Yes please to this and I need more and I need it now.

I've been wanting a FON sequel since you posted FON 17 fracking years ago Mirage!

What's weird is that FON seemed so implausible back then, but since then: Cosby doped tea. Fracking "sweet soft spoken" Gaiman's behavior and actions, written about in an article that just was published this past Monday, is so much like Jarod's behavior in FON that I got chills. I read the article I instantly thought of FON.

Sista, you were ahead of your time with FON. I think you had to wait and let some truths be told and let the world find out what was lurking behind closed doors. 

It does feel appropriate that you're doing the sequel now. Because NOW the world finally knows the truth. This is why we choose the bear.

This is why we "wait sooooo long to tell."

This is why we sometimes never tell.

Sometimes we don't say because we're too afraid to say no.  You show all of that. It must have been frustrating when readers didn't immediately didn't think of it as rape. People are still like that about wives who are raped by husbands, as if marriage means the husband can violate his wife's body because they'e married.

And for Parker to have fallen in love with Jarod (a rapist) it's so much harder, especially when she has all that guilt from the times she hurt him.

That doesn't justify what he did to her. It makes her feel more obligated. Plus she loves him. It's so complicated. It happens, too. The story of FON happens every day and people don't know it.

Circles of Hell too. It's a true story for someone.

These are important stories. I'm grateful that you wrote them.

I'm grateful for this sequel. Woohoo. More please!

hope you don't mind that i called you sista.

Reviewer: twisted Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/01/25 06:45 am
Title: Chapter 1

Top notch, mate.

You often incorporate all of my favorite elements into the stories you tell. This explodes into action as I read the first word. The writing is solid. It's all a solid story and it's only just beginning. 

Top notch all the way.

Reviewer: King Of Pain Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/25 10:30 pm
Title: Chapter 1

You have made my entire year fabulous by doing this. OMG.

"mankebab." OMG. I would pay Michael T. Weiss good money to quickly do that scene while crying out "don't compose a man kebab baby." I want the ring tone. I'd set my alarm and have that ring tone wake me up each morning. Every time I get angry I'd play that so he could talk me dowm from punching someone.

You know how well he delivers a line. You know he could do it. 

Like, oh god, that is my new favorite line. I know he was only thinking the mankebab line but I'd love to hear that. I want to know how he would say that for Jarod.

Don't worry. Don't worry don't worry, I won't ask him, I won't say a word. I won't mention fanfic or you or this story or mankebabs or skewers.

You're worried, aren't you?

It's ok. I promise I won't say a word. Please continue this. I've been dying to know Parker will recover herself and her life and if Jarod will ever pay for what he's done. You write it so well, realistic. I can never get enough.


Reviewer: valerie_ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/25 06:18 am
Title: Chapter 1

I know that I'm in for one big time hell of a ride. Of course the subject matter is hard and that's a given. I had a hard time watching the Risque Business episode of The Pretender.

The Perdition ending of FON was my least favorite ending of your choose your own ending 3 chapter choice set and I understand and appreciate you giving us 3 endings so we could choose. I know you did that as a gift to readers who wanted happiness for Jarod and Miss Parker. It's just so dark.

I'm excited to see where this will go.

More please and thank you young lady.

Reviewer: Kyle McLane Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/25 05:55 am
Title: Chapter 1

woot. So good of you to finally give us the sequel. 

This is a hell of a first chapter, action packed. Can't get enough.

Please continue.

Reviewer: Xena Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/25 03:56 am
Title: Chapter 1

Yaaay heey! I've wanted this for long. I triied to bribe you with Maker's Mark whisky but you had your scruples and said 'no thank you, one day I'll revisit this' and FINALLY!!!


I so didn't like the idea of Jarod having Miss Parker all this time and you probably didn't either. This is so exciting. I just can't even Mirage.

Shook. Happy. Excited.

More please?!

Reviewer: Leese Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/01/25 12:32 am
Title: Chapter 1

I don't know what to review. I don't know if I will like this right now at this time in my life. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Please don't be mad at me. Please never be upset about opinions.

Your writing is eloquent and it's always in character and well written and the stories you tell need to be told INCLUDING THIS ONE and there's always a reason that things have to be said.

A. BUT DarkJarod is totally terrifying. You were right all those times you said that Jarod was already dark in the tv series.  EVEN Darker, dark like he was in Perdition and the earlier chapters of FON is too horrifying. He scares the shit out of me Mirage.

I don't usually have a problem reading even graphic rape.

I think it's because you had his speech pattern, dialog, mannerisms, facial expressions, body language and everything about him too on the nose. You do that with all of the characters and it is terrifying. It's like being there in the scene. I could see him do all of the horrible things he did. I could hear him say it all. I could see his face. The story needs to be told. It always has. You tell it so exceptionally well. I'm too scared to read the rest of this right now.

B. With the rapistTrumpAntichrist soon being inagurated into the presidency in the US with his eyes set on my country Canada and all of the evil celebrity men... looking at Neil Gaiman now... making news for all of the wrong reasons I don't know if I can handle this right now.

I expect you to continue anyway please. Please keep writing this. Don't let my review slow you down. I know you won't.

You have to write what wants to be written. I understand that.

Others here will need you to write what I know they must be sometimes feeling about the antichrist rapisttrump. They will relate and take comfort in not feeling alone and that is what art is suppose to exist for, to comfort, empathize, to say "I feel the same." I read so much of you and I know that you understand how I have felt. This story hits too close to home sometimes if you know what I'm saying. You make me know that I'm not alone.

I may not be able to always read this one and might not be in the mindset to review.

I beg you to please continue your other stories too. Blindsided and Lucanae first please, and then more of Peripeteia and The Return. A Heroe's Heart is still incomplete too. Oh, more. Please more of those. You are brilliant. Horrifyingly brilliant. It's a compliment that you scare me. Not many people can write in a way that is so real that is scares me.

Reviewer: Thara Nicole Signed [Report This]
Date: 15/01/25 09:49 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Daaaaaammmmn baby girl! When I first found your writing I was afraid you weren't active, but you are totally active.

This punched open. The beginning is just wild right from the jump. Crazyamazing! Jarod's refusal to play doctor is bang on.

He wouldn't want to do that, and it was a trap anyway it seems. Jarod doesn't want to be like Jarod anymore, not like that anyway. My only hope is that this goes longer than fifity chapters.

I want a nice LONG long long long long story.

I know it's not YOUR fault that the The Pretender stopped making new episodes and never really ended or continued satisfactorily but I have expectations now. There are only like four authors here who are active at all. I expect you all to keep writing. Do it. Don't argue with me. I love this first chapter. I need more and more forever. If you weren't going to write you shouldn't have ever posted so you're here and you might as well keep going. *****WINKS*****


Reviewer: April L Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/25 04:36 am
Title: Chapter 1

My mind is officially blown! 2025 is wild already. It's gonna be even more lit now. Mirage is back with the darkness. DarkJarod is baaaaaaaack!

I never believed you would do it. I know you seemed really very incredibly strongly opposed to touching Forces of Nature again. Jarod is scary already. He's dark already. Then leveled up when you wrote Forces of Nature. Perdition is a terrifying chapter. All of the dead bolts went clicking into place and the entire story took on an entirely different meaning.

You really burst out of the gate with the first paragraph. You've got that thing. The thing my favorite authors have. I do love action.

I love Austria, too. I love skiing there. I love that gondola ride up. Did Parker by any chance ski the harakari? The suicide slope? I love that one too so I hope she did. I'm glad she isn't some barefoot and pregnant trad wife, growing her own meat and slaughtering itself or whatever.

Those ski poles. Just wowsa. I can see her doing that, designing her own, making them as dangerous as possible, trying to mankebab someone.

Sydney is such a god damn shrink in this. It's so plausible. By the Parker was carving ice I know this one will have some twists and sharp turns. I can't wait.

I'm so stoked for this!

Reviewer: Con-O Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/25 03:37 am
Title: Chapter 1

The story is off to a strong start- there is something cinematic about your writing. Here it reminds me of the opening sequence of a James Bond movie, using an exotic location and fast-paced action to reacquaint us with the main players.

Question:   this story is meant to continue from the "Perdition" final chapter of Forces of Nature?  I think so but would like to be sure.

The elaborate sting, involving multinational law enforcement, which I assume was set up by Broots, and Sydney's explanation of Broots' mindset in general, seems to be setting up the possibility of a "darker" Broots.  It is an intriguing twist and if anone could make it work you would be the author.  But I'm not trying to help build the roller coaster, just buckling in for the ride.

Reviewer: troublehasfoundme Signed [Report This]
Date: 15/01/25 12:26 am
Title: Chapter 1

Woow. Forces of Nature continues. Human nature truly is hideous and nothing is more hideous.

I was on the edge of my seat with this and it's only the first chapter so that should tell you everything. You are a masterful author and story teller.

I can't wait to read more.

Thank you for continuing with this.

Reviewer: Amelia_ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/25 09:26 pm
Title: Chapter 1

oh and I'm never looking at my ski poles again the same way ever. skewer. mankebab. I love Jarod's "don't compose a man kebab, baby" oh, I want to see how they are with each other. I'm glad she's not a stupid TRADwife or stepford wife or any of that crap.

Jarod is gonna want his equal, the woman he fell in love with and that's the badass godess miss Parker. THank you for not changing her or him. This is perfect.

MOre please. I've been wanting you to add more to Forces of Nature for so long now. I didn't think it would happen.
so excited.

Reviewer: Lizzy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/25 06:19 am
Title: Chapter 1

Oh yes bring it. You always deliver.

I know you will bring it home.


Reviewer: Miss Shanon Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/25 04:21 am
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