Aww. My heart is splitting open for Jarod. He's walking to Parker knowing what he will do already when he reaches her, what he has to do. I love how this unfolded. You present a gift and all of the ribbons slowly unravel to reveal something more stunning and eloquent than I could have imagined.
It's also painful and bittersweet, this gift. He's still not going to walk away, not really. We already know he was with her when she didn't know.
A really telling part is when she can't answer his question and tell him that she feels him nearby. She can feel his love straight through the fucking walls, Mirage. She loves him, too. It's all clear. I'm gutted. I'm so blissfully gutted right now, laughing and crying.
Not to mention BROOTS! He's so mild but when his people are hurt, and Parker is so his people. I feel that, I feell all of his rage and pain.
Your writing is the best, your characterisations, descriptions are the best. I hope you can get cracking on this right away and give us the rest of this gift.
Author's Response:
"Straight through the fucking walls." Yeah. Love can be like that. Speaking of gifts, when are you going to update yours?
Reviewer: Sammi Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/24 11:50 pm
This is really intense and hmmm you're not a Jarod fan? I beg to differ. You've got him down pat. You have all of the characters down to a damn science. You know them well and where to put them. You really go the extra mile with descrptive work too and describing mannerisms and expressions so that we can SEE the characters.
The pain, remorse, agony, fear, anger, mourning, and rage that all of the characters are experiencing right now is palpable, real enough to touch. I want to hug all three of them, but I know Parker would deck me if I tried.
Oh, young lady, you always yank me back here. The dialog is crisp and concise and I love how Jarod is trying to wrap his mind around all that has happened WHILE on his way to meet Parker and motivate her to stay and fully recover. Pain management and wound care alone is worth it.
I wonder now if she'll see him at home and let him help her, or if she's going to stay with Beth and Hudson and let them help her. I think it would be strange for her right now, and she never seemed to appreciate Dr. Jarod all that much. She hates doctors.
I love the exploration and that you take me where I've never thought to go, and it's somewhere fresh and original. Dare I ask for more?
Author's Response:
There will be more. Thanks.
Reviewer: Ricky Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/24 11:40 pm
I need more immediately 🙏
Author's Response:
You will have more.
Reviewer: nopiupiroie Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/24 11:16 pm
Scriblet? Scribblet? You talk about your "trifles" too and I'm like, wow, this is amazing,and you don't know how amazing you are.
The characters ARE the characters, like always. You've got this.
You know what you're doing and you are at the top of your game.
It's like you compete with yourself each time you write something new and just keep getting better and better. I'm blown freaking away.
Author's Response:
I'm careful about not taking myself too seriously. It's fanfic, after all.
Thank you for reading and reviewing, Renea.
Reviewer: Renea Collins Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/24 11:16 pm
Oh, my God, Mirage. I've feeling all of the Pretender feels right now.
This is stunning and delicious.
This is dark and eloquent.
This is beautiful and haunting.
This is hard and wonderful.
This is correct and painful.
Jarod's last words to her before leaving are wow. My God.
That's what Jarod does best inn't it? Loving Parker at a distance, doing the hard things for the right reasons that are in her best interest even though she might hate him for it? Ensuring that she doesn't lose herself? Y
ou make it clear that Pleasant View will resume the sedate and restrain nontreatment where Incursion no doubt tranpsired, where she was tearing out sutures and trying to self-extubate.
That is Jarod at his finest, demonstrating his pure and genuine love and look at you, Miss Not-A-Jarod-fan, stripping Jarod down to his core being and showing us the truth of him.
Parker will realize the truth eventually too I hope. I'm so looking forward to see what happens next. You're amazing. I love you!
Thank you so much for writing and sharing. More more more!
Author's Response:
Haha. "Miss Not A Jarod fan." I'm gonna have to change my name to that. I'm joking. I like Jarod well enough--
when he's not terrorizing Parker.
Thank you right back at you.
Reviewer: Revenant Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/24 10:54 pm
Oh amazeballs!! Now gotta say firstly I didn't know you had updated. Feels weird updating right on top of you like this... sorry? I can delete and wait? S
econdly my god I love this. You are still my favorite author, like of anything.. Pretender things are my favorite things, so I will judge everything by the Pretender anyway.
Jarod just coming at Parker with the truth.
Broots is so grateful to Jarod for wrestling death and bringing Parker back to life that he will call Jarod first if anything goes wrong with Parker.
Just that one little push from Jarod when he's talking about how it all might be tangled in her mind.. yeah. That's super plausible, canon, and in character for both of them because on the KEYS episode
Jarod started spouting off about "especially traumatic ones" and Parker just cut her eyes to the side and seemed to shudder and be uncomfortable and said, "I can take care of myself!!!" She can't accept his help, can't deal with him being shrinky. And he knows that she can't deal with him that way. It's too much history.
It's so plausible, so in character. I love it.
You nail Broots too. I'm so impressed.
I hope you will read my story sometime if you can and if you DARE.. mine is so dark right now. You don't have to review me. I understand.
I love this. Keep going please.
Author's Response:
No, please, don't delete. You're suppose to update your stories. OFTEN. Keep them coming, please.
I will put you on my list-of-things-to-read-and-review and try to follow through soon. I hope you'll continue writing.
Reviewer: Jami Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/24 10:37 pm
You've got me hanging on every syllable here. I was hoping you'd directly let them all confront the trauma this way. You show the pain, not skin over it, and go deep on exploration and I love it. You have a hell of a command of the story, characters, and your voice.
That last line. I think that's what Parker needed to take her healing seriously. Wound vacs can be a bitch.
You nailed all of it. The medical bits are spot on too. I love this, in short
More please?
Author's Response:
Yes, there will be more. Thanks.
Reviewer: Thara Nicole Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/24 09:01 pm
I've just read this 6 times and dreaded it being over every time I reached the end. Mirage, wow, this is amazing work.
The way Broots went off in Jarod's memory and his inability to stop seeing Broots, and Broots breaking down finally and sobbing and not knowing how to help oh, my god, I just can not with you. How the hell do you like infuse so much emotion in so few words and it's so effortless and beautiful.
Then Jarod cried, too, when Parker told him to leave and not come back.
But then Miss Parker cried too when she thought Jarod was threatening her because deep down she always thought he was her friend, no matter what she was always surprised if she thought he'd done something wrong and always was like "phew, I'm so good glad he didn't actually try to torment me."
You capture their complicated relationship and emotions perfectly. Pretender perfectly.
They are all in so much pain. Parker was so scared that Jarod was going to try to play psychiatrist with her. He realized he couldn't do that with her, and that just the idea of of him being in her home if she doesn't stay and recover properly is enough to motivate her.
That's what Jarod does best. He motivates, pushes, nudges, irritates, infuriates HER. He always has.
He loves her. He's in love with her. You express it all so well.
I need more. Now. Please? Thank you.
Author's Response:
There will be more. Thanks.
Reviewer: Monica Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/24 09:01 pm
OOOOOhhh this is so exciting Mirage and as always so eloquently and beautifully written! I do hope you will put it all in a series format just for ease of finding purposes.
Jarod was with Miss Parker while she was comatose and has been sneaking in to see her the whole time and he tells her and US why. It's because he wants to be near if she asks for him, and he wants to save her if something goes wrong and the doctors are unable to and oh my fucking heart Mirage just burst open!
You DO like Jarod, come on, admit it. Just a little bit? You at least know that he has feelings for her and that he does want her to live and be safe and he's not ALL entirely bad and evil not ALL of the time anyway.
I can tell that you like Michael too, the way you never say a bad word about him, and the way you don't objectify him and talk about not accosting him and disrupting his day if you see him out and about. If you're like me you love the entire fanmily very much and only want good things for them. I think you're really a sweetheart. You're always kind to me.
Kind regards always and please add the rest soon. I love your writing and your powerful voice and how well you know the characters and the story. It does my heart so good to see you still writing.
Thank you for not giving up on the fanmily.
Author's Response:
Yes. Thank you. I do love the entire fandomly.
Kind regards to you as well. Thanks.
Reviewer: Rozzo Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/24 08:41 pm
Mate, this is top notch!
Bloody can't wait to see it completed.
More please?
Author's Response:
There will be more. Thanks.
Reviewer: Gunner Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/24 06:00 pm
Oh, awesome. I've been checking every day to see if you've posted. This is fabulous 😍 🤩 Mirage.
What a stroke of freaking genius to have that monitor telling on Parker. She's always pretending to be so bad ass but she's really not that tough.
Ooh I love that Jarod stocked the shelves with books that are challenged and banned to make sure Parker has quality reading material. She has to be there at least she can read a book like she did with her mother. I love the little Easter eggs. The Wizard peeling back the curtain. Nod to Oz.
Briots steals the show like he does sometimes. You have the characters down pat..I think that line Jarod I will also remember Broots sobbing and the sawing motion. Broots is devastated and he feels things like the rest of the normal viewer/reader does so he is torn up.
And poor Sydney.
That's a list the 3 of them will have to live with and they will need to learn hard on each other.
Back to Miss Parker.. oh God I can't even! The way she tells Jarod to stop... he's about to go on his shrink trip with her and she couldn't deal with it and panicked.
Her telling Jarod he shouldn't have saved her if he was going to let Lyle live is so .. powerful and just ..god.
You followed through with the trauma and aftermath and I thought....or was afraid you would take an easy way out
and I'm just thankful to you for doing the harder thing. I'm thankful that you're still writing and sharing with me. It means everything..I don't know what I'd do without you and your beautiful, intriguing, painful, dark, light, amazing, life changing stories.
Thank you thank you thank you 🙏 🙏 😊 😊
Author's Response:
This is a hungry, passionate fandom, and I've learned that you all want the devil that is lurking in the details. The easy way would be so much easier.
Thank you as well.
Reviewer: Jen Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/24 05:32 pm