Reviews For Tyger Tyger!
Title: Chapter 1
Author's Response: Yes, William Blake and his little poem about the presence of evil in the world... Thanks for reviewing and rating this very short piece, mirage, you're a star! Reviewer: Mirage Signed

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Date: 17/06/09 10:13 pm
Nice. Raines basking in all his sinister glory..and the others know damn well that he's up to something but they're powerless to stop it. *evil laugh*
And the title...Tyger Tyger as in 'The Tyger' from Songs of Experience?
Author's Response: Yes, William Blake and his little poem about the presence of evil in the world... Thanks for reviewing and rating this very short piece, mirage, you're a star! Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 17/06/09 10:13 pm