Hi just read your story it was good. But I would like to know the rest of the story.
Reviewer: Katescats Signed

Date: 09/02/15 10:14 pm
Hi it was a good start and I hope you write more.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 26/12/13 11:16 pm
First of all, I didn't see in what way this piece could be considered an R rated story. It had implicit violent situations, yes, but they were discreet and not described in full detail.
I have to agree with most (if not all) of the reviews on this. This is a good piece... for a prologue. Go write the rest.
Reviewer: Joel Gomes Signed [Report This]Date: 10/11/13 10:14 am
Ahh! There needs to be more! I want to know what he does!
Author's Response: Sorry, there won't be more, but glad you liked it, and many thanks for reviewing!
Date: 22/06/09 09:10 pm
I really like this one. Would be great if you make a longer story out of it!
Author's Response: I don't know your name but thank you anyways! Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 15/06/09 04:02 pm
nicely done. this was quite creative work, given your only direction was a single word, "soul." in one succinct chapter, you've managed to begin with an evil character, set the scene and have jarod come from defeat to a place of inner strength, even he'd forgotten he had.
kudos for superior writing, style, characterization and original idea.
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review, topanga, it's always great to hear from readers, and even better when reviews are as thought out as yours is...
Glad you enjoyed Definition and thanks for the encouragement! Reviewer: topanga Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/11/08 10:21 pm
Thought it was good. Who had Jarod? Was it Lyle? Or someone else who knew he's a pretender? And does he escape at the last? You should write more to this.
Author's Response: I left out many details (like the identity of jarod's tormentor) on purpose, but Lyle is a good candidate indeed... As for the outcome, I'll leave that for you decide... Thank you very very much for your review!

Date: 27/10/08 04:27 am