Wicked! It's cruel to leave us with that enormous cliff hanger. You wicked, wicked people, haha! I enjoyed this fic immensely and you all seemed to have had a blast writing and it was very well written and action packed. *sighs* Until next time.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 25/06/11 12:44 am
Fantastic job with Jarod's psychological deterioration- it's always been a possibility and you ladies certainly have me convinced. I think I like him better this way, haha, much less cocky this way. Nice. I'm loving the way Emily and Alex work so well together and again, poor Broots. I hope the guy will get a break soon.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 25/06/11 12:35 am
Hell of a transformation with Alex but he has his own agenda, yes? We shall see and poor Broots, the guy can't get a break.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 25/06/11 12:26 am
The showdown between Emily and Alex was nicely played and I loved Brootsies' reaction to the gun being thrust into his possession, poor fellow. I do hope Jarod will regain his sanity (not that he was ever sane) - or at least, be less whacked than he is, haha.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 25/06/11 12:10 am
Oh and they were SO close, poor Brootsie and Emily.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 25/06/11 12:02 am
Oh and they were SO close, poor Brootsie and Emily.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 25/06/11 12:02 am
Oh, so cool to have Emily and Brootsie teaming up. Hell of a read, ladies.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 11:56 pm
Oh, hell yes! Emily is bad ass, love it. Now, I disagree that Sydney always placed Parker's needs before Jarod's - not always anyway ( the old goat has been helping Jarod on the sly for quite some time ) but I understand that Jarod would feel that way. And poor Brootsie, left behind.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 11:51 pm
WOW! NOw, is the sarcastic voice Emily's, Alex's or Cox's? Can't wait to find out.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 11:40 pm
Haha, I love how characteristically apprehensive Jarod is with Sam and Parker. Too funny. The excitement continues to build.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 11:29 pm
Uh-oh, another car? Cox? Lyle? Ooh, I can't wait and ah, Alex, Alex, Alex- so bad but so damn good at it and he was written here with spot on accuracy. Excellent.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 11:22 pm
Haha, The genius is stoned! Hmm, everyone is very IN- character and still flowing nicely.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 11:11 pm
Sometime before you're 70? Haha, funny. Loved this chapter too, loved that Jarod was re-captured and yay, Brootsie gets to go free. Me happy!
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 11:04 pm
NO! Jarod escaped. But it was well played. I loved the Lyle/ Parker exchanged- "don't ever call me that again" Love this fic!
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 10:56 pm
Has Alex seen the err of his ways? I'm beginning to question his loyalties but it makes perfect sense that he'd realized (after Jarod tried again to keep him from falling in TP2001) that the Centre had been using him and Jarod and Kyle and Lyle and Miss Parker and pitting them against each other so they'd be too busy hating each other to wake up, combine their genius minds and topple the PTB's. A crazy thought. I can't wait to find out what happens next and I love the Parker/Jarod, hunted/hunter rigmarole. Fantastic!
Date: 24/06/11 10:51 pm
Has Alex seen the err of his ways? I'm beginning to question his loyalties but it makes perfect sense that he'd realized (after Jarod tried again to keep him from falling in TP2001) that the Centre had been using him and Jarod and Kyle and Lyle and Miss Parker and pitting them against each other so they'd be too busy hating each other to wake up, combine their genius minds and topple the PTB's. A crazy thought. I can't wait to find out what happens next and I love the Parker/Jarod, hunted/hunter rigmarole. Fantastic!
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 10:51 pm
Another smooth move on Parker's part and very nicely played.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 10:41 pm
Ooh, smooth, stealthy Parker intercepting the Pretender, nice move and Parker/Lyle pissing contest.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 10:34 pm
And the plot thickens. It's a fantastic decision to have Alex slipping in his own sneaky agenda with Jarod- loved it! Ooh, and go Jarod, I wonder if they'll catch him and what about Emily? And yay! Bravo to Brootsie for being so brave- I knew he had it in him.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 10:28 pm
Oh, wow, I love that Emily was thrown into the mix and it's really quite an action packed mix you ladies have here. And Cox is in cohoots with Lyle. I love the backstory of Emily's vague understanding of exactly what is was/who it was she was running from ...until now.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 10:15 pm
Haha, love the line and have said something along the same lines since the end of season two:
There seemed to be a strong genetic predisposition in the Parkers of being screw-up’s. It really was a surprise that Africa had tolerated this for as long as they had.
Too true, haha and even more ridiculous is that Jarod never EVER really screws things up, is never recognized, never takes a pretend too far, etc.
I'm still enjoying this. Probably too much, haha.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 10:03 pm
Great story construction, plotting, oh, and the descriptive work is excellent. Miss Parker is free to go? Whew. *sighs in relief* - maybe prematurely? Let's see.
Date: 24/06/11 09:55 pm
Great story construction, plotting, oh, and the descriptive work is excellent. Miss Parker is free to go? Whew. *sighs in relief* - maybe prematurely? Let's see.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 09:55 pm
Lovely Lyle/Alex/Jarod exchanges and ooh, the interrogations are so intense. Very nice.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 09:39 pm
Oh, no. Where is Sydney?- I'd like to know as well. Very tense interrogations. Lovely writing, ladies.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 24/06/11 09:31 pm