Reviews For White
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Title: Chapter 1

Oh that was beautiful, so full of sadness and hope mingled... I loved it!

Reviewer: middleman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 30/10/08 11:57 pm
Title: Chapter 1

I really liked that indeed. It was sad and sweet at the same time and rather sneaky too.

Author's Response: Aw thanks. Sneakiness is my favorite thing to play with in a story so I'm glad someone else likes it aside from myself :)

Reviewer: jacci Signed [Report This]
Date: 15/03/08 06:05 am
Title: Chapter 1

Wonderfully written as always, especially the dialogue between Jarod and Miss Parker.

Thanks for sharing. 

Author's Response: Thank you thank you, Cathy. Your review is sweet as always.

Reviewer: Cathy Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 12/03/08 11:18 am
Title: Chapter 1

Whow! I really liked it. I liked the idea of the empty coffin, just like her mother, and the promise of the future.

I love the phrase: 'Miss Parker may be dead, .... new life ahead of her.'

I wouldn't mind if you wrote a sequel!

Author's Response: That was actually what started the idea... Miss Parker's funeral and Jarod in full confidence that she wasn't dead, that there wasn't anyone in that coffin at all. But without him actually KNOWING knowing.

Reviewer: Morgan Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/03/08 01:59 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Wonderful ... For a moment, I almost believed that she was dead ... but just for a second or even less ...


So ... SEQUEL!!!!



Author's Response: Miss Parker will never die! At least that's what I like to think haha. Perhaps a sequel one day, but who knows... not I.

Reviewer: Thara Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/03/08 09:02 am
Title: Chapter 1

oh, I so would have liked this to go on

it was great 

Author's Response: Maybe one day. Thanks :)

Reviewer: Tash Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/03/08 06:03 am
Title: Chapter 1

verrry nice. Bitter sweet but beautifully written. Thank you.

Author's Response: Yeah definitely bitter sweet, as the story goes. Thanks, whashaza!

Reviewer: whashaza Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/03/08 02:58 am
Title: Chapter 1

Oohh - I liked :)

There is no point fighting the muse.. if it wants to not write 27, then it won't.. best to clear the air.


I really enjyoed this..short and sweet.. and something that could always be continued.

Excellent as always! 

Author's Response: You're absolutely right. Yeah, I think I'll let it sit for a while and consider continuing it later... maybe when I finish 27... which is about 17 chapters away from being done right now ha ha ha.

Reviewer: KatieQ Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/03/08 01:40 am
Title: Chapter 1

awwww that was bittersweet.  i new twist on the old miss-parker-escaping-the-center plot.  i love jarod and parker's late night phone convos...they are my favorite.  job well done :)

Author's Response: They're pretty much my favorite too. New or not, for some reason it desired to be written.

Reviewer: soulmatefosho Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 09/03/08 11:38 pm
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