It's getting intriguing! What happens next! I want to see how far Jarod takes down the rest. I don't know about Margaret though since she's being too stubborn towards Jarod. A little more information on what's going on in Margaret's mind would probably help.
Reviewer: electricq Anonymous

Date: 04/01/10 09:21 pm
This is excellent! Please more!!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: 03/08/09 06:55 pm
Please, I am begging you to continue this story! I love it! It is really great written, such good ideas and probably the saddest story I ever read! During the second and especially the third chapter I couldn't stop crying. Need a Jarod - Sidney happy end!!!!!!!!! Desperatly!! And Margret (and Emily and Ryan for saying nothing) can go to hell :)
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: 02/06/09 11:59 am
this is a really good, story, you should continue it
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

Date: 25/11/08 08:58 pm
Poor Jarod. After dreaming of being back with his Mom and the rest of the family it all comes crashing down on him. His Mom was wrong in blaming Jarod for everything. He was only four years old when he was taken and there was no reason why he should know that Kyle was his brother. He already feels bad enough with what his sims did inside the Centre and now she puts more guilt on her son. She has no idea how it was inside the Centre. Jarod should let her see the DSA's even if he doesn't want her to see them. Let her see them and maybe then she'll apologize to him for saying all those things. I hope that they find him before the Centre does. Can't wait until the next chapter. Please post more soon.
Reviewer: Ann Anonymous

Date: 03/04/08 11:27 am
Great so far. Good story, Good writing. Keep at it. I'll sit right here and wait. So get to it !!!!
Reviewer: jimk Signed [Report This]Date: 03/04/08 06:49 am
Interesting chapt. So, how far gone is Jarod? Hope to read more soon.
Reviewer: whashaza Anonymous [Report This]Date: 03/04/08 01:16 am
Very interesting chapter, with a nice twist! Poor Jarod, he had such high hopes for having his family together, you have to wonder if he went over the edge. Not that the Centre does'nt deserve to fall.
Wonder why he sent the note to Parker?or what Jarod's next move will be.
Well done. I'm enjoying it, and definitely looking for the next chapter.
Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous

Date: 02/04/08 07:19 pm
Wow, suspense is building . . .
To be honest, I had a little trouble with the Jarod/Margaret reunion earlier in the story, but I definitely love where this is going now. I have a hunch this will bring out the darker side of Jarod that fanfic writers so often ignore. I can't wait to see how far he's going to take his quest for revenge. (Wow, and *that* didn't make me sound like a psychopath . . .)
Great work, Tina!
Reviewer: MP Signed [Report This]Date: 02/04/08 06:34 pm