Awwww poor little Jarod. Somebody should hug him. Someone hugs him in the next chapter, right? Cause he needs a hug. And not the "pat on the back, not back away from me you crazy little guy"-kind I mean the "bearhug, so tight it cuts of the circulation to your brain and ruins all chances of remembering what made you so sad in the first place"-hug. That's what he needs.
Author's Response: Since when does Jarod get what he needs? Besides, he hasn't been hugged in 30+ yrs, he wouldnt know how to handle a hug. Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]
Date: 19/02/08 04:04 pm
This is coming along so nicely! Poor Jarod though. I'm thinking there's a party in Blue Cove that needs crashing and only one man for the job. Update us soon. :)
Author's Response: Crashing a party in Blue Cove, hmm? Nope, can't see it happening anytime soon. He has other things to deal with first.
Date: 30/12/07 11:29 am
OMG! You really know how to move a reader and pull on her/his heart strings. Fantastic job of portraying Jarod's personality and weak ego strength due to his upbringing at the Centre - right down to how he quickly reacts emotionally and then flees the charged situation without giving anyone a chance to help remedy what's going on (in part because he doesn't feel he deserves the help.) It was painful to read because you made it so easy to sympathize and empathize with his feelings. I could just imagine sitting buffered by the three "walls" and finding that a safer place than out in the open. (Excuse the psychologist in me who has to analyze everything.) Please hurry with the next chapter. Your readers, as well as Jarod, need relief from the state you left us in. It's too intolerable to stay in for any long length of time and I hope it's not going to lead to suicial ideation in Jarod, although that would be the logical outcome. Oh no.....
Author's Response: What a wonderful idea. Never thought of Jarod and suicide together, but the possibilities you have opened up for me! Thanks for the complement on my writing, I really appreciate it. Kye gets a lot of credit for pulling that out of me though. No idea when the next chapter will be finished, got to SIM it out before I write it. Hopefully it wont be too long.

Date: 29/12/07 11:53 am