Wow you really know how to interrupt perfectly good study time... now there's no way I can get back to the books... too much need to keep reading on... too much to think about...
Date: 02/04/08 06:47 pm
good work, this is a great chap Tina! you did a wonderful job
Author's Response: Thanks, Kye, couldn't have done it without your help.
Date: 06/12/07 08:26 pm
That was sweet, and yay for Jarod, he so totally deserves it.
Ummm, no purple button to press so i assume the pale orange one will have to suffice?
Author's Response:
OK, so I cant tell me colors....
This chapter may be sweet, but dont worry there in no diabetic warning attached to the rest of the story.
Reviewer: jacci Signed [Report This]Date: 06/12/07 07:52 pm
Author's Response:
Backing the car in that way only seemed (dare I say it?) logical. Much easier to escape going frontwards instead of backwards.
OK, at the risk of falling off my chair from laughing, all I can picture from that sentence is Jarod dressed as Spock! Well it is almost Halloween so why not! (big grin) Looking forward to more of course!
Author's Response: I had the same picture in mind when I wrote the sentence. Wonder if we are both suffering from a little too much smoke inhalation? Reviewer: RaChell Signed [Report This]
Date: 29/10/07 06:29 pm
Very nice! Love the answer to a 18 point turn re: backing out the car. (wink, wink) Nicely done and looking forward to more.
Author's Response:
Backing the car in that way only seemed (dare I say it?) logical. Much easier to escape going frontwards instead of backwards. More speed from the car that way too. Chapter 2 is on the way to the beta, so....only 3 more drafts before I can post.
Reviewer: RaChell Signed

Date: 28/10/07 10:28 pm
great start. hope to read more soon :o)
Author's Response: Glad you like the start, next chapter is up to my muse and my beta. But hopefully it will be soon. Reviewer: Jazzy Anonymous

Date: 28/10/07 08:09 am