Reviews For Tangled Webs
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Title: Chapter 4

Nice one! You did a very good job integrating all these characters, that's not easy. Impreasing. And i love the ending with mPJ

Reviewer: lipamo Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24/04/16 07:50 am
Title: Chapter 4

Hi just read your story it was good.

Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/12/13 09:21 am
Title: Chapter 4

It was very easy to read. Thanks! I appreciated the thing of Andrea Parker's abilities as a dancer.

Author's Response: You are welcome.

Reviewer: Irene Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 11/01/08 08:56 am
Title: Chapter 4

that was interesting.... yeah, u couldve gone a little deeper, making the story longer, but u did good with what u did. :-)

Author's Response: This is actually the first of three stories. I haven't had a chance to finish the second one. Even though I have the third one finished but you can't post it without finishing the second one.  Thank you for the kind words.

Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/08/07 10:34 am
Title: Chapter 4

Enjoyed your story very much. It was an ambitious undertaking with all the different characters and you really did them all justice. That was a nice surprise to have Margaret appear at the end. Great job,

Author's Response: Thanks. I haven't ever done a story with this many crossovers. It was very different to try.

Author's Response: Thanks. I haven't ever done a story with this many crossovers. It was very different to try.

Reviewer: Topanga Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/08/07 01:32 am
Title: Chapter 1

Very interesting Gena.  A bit confusing unless you know the chatacter but quite a intriguing undertaking, merging 4 shows into one big cross over.  Kudos on doing a great job explaining each character and their show.

BTW where is your other story?????? 


Author's Response: Thanks. Glad you liked it. I don't know I have posted it twice and it does show up.

Reviewer: RaChell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/08/07 08:33 pm
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