Madeline... that's right. Yeah, it is. I had to stop and think about it lol It's almost 2am, I need to get to bed! I've been staying up way too late the past month or so, first watching the Pretender, then reading fics and working on more of my own. =) Hopefully the 10 year lapse in writing hasn't changed my writing style or my character portrayals too much, and the new parts will mesh with everything else. =)
I've gotta catch up on the rest of yours, too. =) (I think I'm more smiley now than before lol)
Author's Response: I just read your story and so far it looks like your writing is sharper and more crisp now. Looking forward to more! Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]
Date: 26/02/10 07:52 am
LMAO- too funny! =)
Author's Response: Hey! Thanks again and you're more then welcome to pick up and continue. of course I also expect more of Madeline! (opps! I know I spelt that wrong but you know what I mean!)
Date: 23/02/10 06:02 pm
That was certainly an interesting story. I liked it. It made me laugh. Do you know of anyone who has taken up the story?
Author's Response: Thank you! Gosh, now you have me blushing. Anyone is welcome to pick up. Would you like to take a stab ... ah, I mean a attempt at it?

Date: 14/11/07 02:04 pm
I laughed so hard, I made the other people in the room uncomfortable!
Author's Response:
Thank You! That's quite a compliment and it makes my day. So glad you enjoyed it, thanks again for your review!
Date: 31/07/07 08:31 am
I love it. Thanks for posting it. Can't wait for more. :)
Author's Response:
Thanks Gena! About time you showed up. Now when do we get a story from you???? Don't forget, I have a sharp pointy stick to poke you with too!
Reviewer: Gena Anonymous [Report This]Date: 29/06/07 07:43 pm
Hi RaChelle!
I really loved this piece. Well done! You made me laugh! I could see all of this right in front of me.
Hope you'll be writing more.
Take care,
Author's Response:
Thank you Anna! I'm glad I made you laugh. This was fun to write.
And of course I'm looking forward to more of your stories. We will get something soon I hope? Is that a 'yes' I hear?
Reviewer: AJeff Signed

Date: 25/06/07 05:39 pm
Who in tarnation would shoot someone in front of a baby? Maybe someone who's deranged. Not Miss Parker. She would shoot, but not in the company of a child. Who would laugh after being shot? Would you? Out of character. They would never tell a baby to shut up. Remember, The Pretender was a dark, sad show, not a comedy, if that's what you were trying to write. And it is fanfic as you've indicated. Why don't you try again. Thank you for your reveiw and opinion. But lighten up. It's a comedy and suppose to be funny and it's about fan fic characters who aren't real. As for Jarod laughing after being shot, he wasn't harmed. Not even a scratch, so yes, he did laugh. And while some of the Pretender show was dark and sad, not all was angst, there was a lot of comedy too. Sorry you missed those parts. Will I change the story? No I won't. But may I suggest you take chapter 4 and write it. Once again Sophia, thank you for R&R. Afterall, leaving a review was the message of the story.
Author's Response:
Date: 25/06/07 03:03 pm
Just kidding. Yay! You finally posted it!
You did great, love the little NC17 muse. And Jarod and Miss Parker's lack of parental love is also a hoot.
So, who wants to take the next chapter? *looks around excitedly*
Author's Response: Thank you! Thank you! Yes I decided I had better post it before Cathy sent Argyle to picket my house. (evil smile) And thank you for all your beta work, the dreaded yellow marker and comments really made me think! And yes, this was fun to write. (big grin)

Date: 25/06/07 02:52 am
Well, what can I say? Here's some "elixir of life" for your muse. First of: thank you for the dedication. The chapter was definitely worth the wait. But if I were Miss Parker, I would have shot baby Kyle instead of Jarod - several times already!
Poor Jarod and Miss Parker; first a muse with a crush on Jarod, now one who wants to put Miss Parker in leather. What's next?
Hm, Jarod in tiny boxers... I need a cold shower!
So, is there going to be another chapter? Who do I have to poke?
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed it Cathy! I was afraid I'd find Argyle on my front doorstep if I didn't hurry up and post it. I know you would not hesitate to send him over with a picket sign.
If there's another chapter it probably won't be from me. I'm busy working on Sleepyhead 8 and a half. Jacs has graciously recinded her threat of cutting off fingers and toes for every 100 words I go over. Personaly I think she has been hanging around with Lyle too long.

Date: 25/06/07 01:40 am
*snicker* If this really happened to the characters when stories stall mid-scene... let's just say Lyle and Parker would be very cross with me *wicked smile*
Here be the feedback your musing ranted on about *winks* We don't need another musing dying when they're starved for the attention they crave. *pets RaChell's musing*
You shot Jarod point blank in the chest and he just did a happy dance?!
That's not fair!!! No blood at all *sulks*
Author's Response:
Yes, I did have MP shot him point blank but a lot of good it did her. And thank you for feeding my Muse.
OK, you don't want that sharp pointy stick to come out of hiding now do you? (wink, wink ... oh wait. I have some thing in my eye. it must be that foam pointy stick of Sarah's) Well we certainly don't want Parker and Lyle to be cross with you for leaving them stuck mid story so run back to HD and get busy. I'm looking forward to another chapter.
Reviewer: Thunderchild Signed

Date: 24/06/07 09:46 pm