hey tina!!
wonderful start... i'm interested to see how you fill in those 'three' weeks (i think it was 3 anyways!)..it's a story that's been begging for someone to write, and i cannnot wait to read more!
write quiickly :P
- K
Reviewer: KatieQ Signed [Report This]Date: 29/05/07 06:28 am
Please, can I have some more? Don't leave me hanging. LOL
Reviewer: Joy Anonymous

Date: 29/05/07 02:49 am
Oh Tinanaz, I'm liking this so far. But then again, I've always been very interested in trying to figure out the untold details involving the whole Damon/escape-thing.
I think I have a pretty good idea what the new SIM contains, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see for next chapter (which I'm hoping is soon).
Reviewer: Manoline Signed

Date: 29/05/07 01:29 am
interesting take on a possible scenario after Damon. Liked it.
Reviewer: whashaza Anonymous [Report This]Date: 29/05/07 01:19 am