NO NO NOOOOO !! Why ? I Was it because the muse had left or was it because of something else? Cause this was a nice and rather touching story . Now if only you would or could come back that would be great .And I would propose that once back Miss Parker would have her first deception because Mr Parker won'nt let her leave . Then Parker and Jarod would befriend again , but not in front of the camera of course , so that at least THEY meaning Parker, Jarod , Sydney and Angelo could all leave at last this place by destroying it from the inside . What do you think ?
Reviewer: tana Signed [Report This]Date: 18/06/16 05:39 am
Hey you - what a place to stop. Where's that security guard anyway? I can feel Parker's talons, you do such a good job of portraying her. Please hurry with the next chap. Someone has to come to the rescue of the "father" and son.
Reviewer: Topanga Anonymous [Report This]Date: 01/04/08 05:09 pm
Oh no! Can't have Miss Parker catching up, we need our boys (well, one boy one man) to be out in the world, discovering ...things. Yes, out in the world they must!
Well over all, very good chapter. Lots of nice little Syd-Jarod moment.
But you better write a new chapter soon, cause I don't know how much more of this tension I can take. (and no, that's not my poker coming out of retirement, just some friendly encouragement)
Author's Response: I'm not afraid of the poker thingy; really, I'm not. *looks around quickly, making sure said poker was not sneaking up* I'm not afraid of it. But glad you enjoyed the chapter. Not sure how the umm, guys are gonna get away from Miss Parker, but I'm sure they will have some sort of plot brewing. Just wish they would tell me what it is, too. Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]
Date: 24/03/08 05:28 am
Oh, dear, things are looking quite grim . . . I know I should be more concerned, but I'm too busy jumping for joy at a new chap! I loved the bit about the Jello--he finally found green food he likes! The part where Syd explains "foster father" was great too. I liked how Parker pretends not to have a heart, but she's still not going to risk Jarod getting hurt. Kudos and Pez!
Author's Response: Does green jello count as food? Hmm, will have to keep that in mind when I am debating the merits of green food with my senior citizens. Am wondering how you figured Parker has a heart, tho. To me, it just seemed a bit of CYA in her ordering the nurse, but maybe you're right. Time will tell because I can't.
Date: 20/03/08 09:00 pm
Great chapter (with an evil cliff-hanger, too)! Anxiously awaiting the next bit.
Author's Response:
Date: 20/03/08 05:20 pm
I'm loving this story ~ more please!
Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing and glad you are enjoying the story. The next chapter is about half written (or 3/4, depending on if you are asking me or my muse). But, either way, should be posted sometime this week. Hopefully.
Date: 06/03/08 06:15 pm
Yay new chapter! And a good one too. Can't wait to see what Jarod think of the hospital once he wakes up a bit (will he be intrigued by seeing all sort of things, end up performing a surgery or hate the place as much as I do?)
And poor little Syd, that daddy-slip of the tongue isn't going to go away anytime quickly...
But, yay new chapter!
Author's Response: A "Freudian" slip of the tongue, maybe? Maybe there is a reason behind his little oops, I don't know, he hasn't told my why he said it yet. That's what happens when you act as a ghost-writer for someone else's biography; they leave out the good parts until they are good and ready to tell you all the juicy details that you just dying to hear. Reviewer: Manoline Signed

Date: 26/02/08 09:36 am
Nice story Sydney thought up. lol All he has to do now is explain the 'Father' bit.
Looking forward to more.
Author's Response:
Story? Sydney told the truth, just a very simple, basic form of the truth. Jarod and MP were friends once upon a time. Mr. P broke up their friendship. Mr. P is the head of a very unscrupulous group of people that did use beatings, among other ways, to encourage Jarod into doing what they wanted him to do. MP does want him back, physically at least, in the Centre and she has been chasing them. See pure truth and nothing but the truth.
The father bit might be a little harder for Sydney to explain to Jarod, but I don't know, Jarod and Sydney haven't told me that part of their adventure yet.
Reviewer: whashaza Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 26/02/08 01:49 am
i was wondering when the inevitable MP/Syd/J chase would really heat up! I shall look forward to the next chapter!
- K
Author's Response:
Date: 26/02/08 01:12 am
I had to go back as i was sure i had missed something between chapters 11 and 12! Sneaky you ;) I guess this is much kinder than leaving readers with annoying cliffhangers for months on end. I think some of us could learn a thing or two from you!
I shall look forward to the Syd/J interaction that is bound to come out of this! And poor Broots.. life is a lot harder with Syd taking some of the flack! is that even how you spell flack? i somehow doubt it.
Author's Response: Figured it was easier to start from a new point in the story instead of trying to continue from where I left off (so long ago). But not too much time has passed for our runaway boys. And your right about poor Brootsie getting a little more flack from MP without Sydney to calm her down some, but Sam is gonna get his share of chewing from her and that will help our favorite scaredy-cat. Reviewer: KatieQ Signed [Report This]
Date: 22/02/08 05:05 pm
Oh no poor poor little Jarod (and 'daddy' Sydney of course). I'm sure there'll be many sleepless nights for the Doc after that, and not only because of the "you have to stay awake when you have a concussion"-thing.
Yet another great chapter!
Author's Response: His little boy is badly hurt and I don't think he would sleep anyway. For once he can show his concern for Jarod. The accident may turn out to be a blessing in disguise, but am not gonna spill the beans now. Guess you will just have to wait. Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]
Date: 21/02/08 10:56 am
Oh awesome ending! Love how you're sort of retracing Jarod's steps with the swimming and all, just now he's got Sydney to help him out.
So will we get a chapter where he learns how to drive?
Author's Response: I'll never tell, you will just have to wait to see what he learns next. Think Sydney may reign him in a bit on the skydiving and the race car driving though. Reviewer: Manoline Signed

Date: 21/02/08 10:47 am
I've been lurking around here fore quite some time now, reading lots of stories. When thinking there is nothing more to discover, you're waiting for new stories or for updates, something great happens. Suddenly you stumble across a story that you've completely missed. What's even better, there's several chapters for you to read all at once.
It doesn't happen that often, which makes me appreciate these findings even more.
If you haven't already figured it out, this is my way to tell you that I really enjoyed your story :)
Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed in, lurking-Muc. I know what you mean about suddenly finding a story, has happened to me too. New chapter here in the works, just have to prod it out of the muse, first.
Date: 14/02/08 12:33 pm
eeeeeeeee!!!! ~bounce-bounce~ more, please!
Author's Response: Working on the new chapter, as we speak, tigger. Should (crosses fingers) be soon.
Date: 12/02/08 11:31 pm
Great chapter. Caught me unawares, I actually went back to read the prev chapt. ;-) Looking forward to more.
Author's Response: See what happens when you have a slow muse? Glad you enjoyed it and am working faster on the next chapter.
Date: 12/02/08 01:15 am
Oh this chapter (11) is the best by far! More please! (and notice I did say Please! No threats with pointy sharp sticks)
Reviewer: RaChell Signed

Date: 16/11/07 02:06 pm
NEW CHAP!!!! (happy dance, happy dance, happy dance)
Glad you finally found a muse that cooperates with you. Syd's reaction to the thought of the beach was classic. He's just like any parent of an eight-year old.
Anyway, great writing, and hope there's more soon. Otherwise, I may be checking out the holiday sales on cattle prods and foam pokers;)
Author's Response: Glad you liked it and could see that Jarod was growing up, just a couple of chapters ago he was 2, now he's 8. If the holiday shopping is for my muse, then go ahead. If the shopping is for me, then consider me on my knees begging for mercy. Reviewer: MP Signed [Report This]
Date: 14/11/07 11:46 am
*grins* I just love this story. It's really quite impressive how you manage to keep "newly gotten out"-Jarod very much in character when he's dragging a parent with him.
And got to love Broots.
*waits excitedly for the next bat-chapter*
Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]Date: 06/09/07 10:35 am
That was a very cute chapter! I like how you are starting to integrate Jarod's pretends into the AU story.. hope your muse finds you soon!
- K
Reviewer: KatieQ Anonymous [Report This]Date: 04/09/07 07:20 pm
Great! You paint their thoughts so well you can almost see the inner workings of Sydney and Jarod's mind. Bravo!
Reviewer: RaChell Signed

Date: 03/09/07 09:22 pm
Great chappie! I especially loved the Pinocchio line and the part about the PSP. Parker was spot on for her little bit. I'm anxious to see how long it takes Broots to put it together. It was nice to actually see one of his furry little friends:)
Anyway, hope you keep writing! I promise not to pester anymore. (for now;)
Reviewer: MP Signed [Report This]Date: 02/09/07 09:03 pm
I've been enjoying this story for weeks, but just recently as I was looking over the reviews, I realized I forgot to write you one! Shows you what my brain's been like lately:)
Anyway, I looove this story. I'm a big time Sydney fan, so I love stories that put him in close contact with Jarod for extended periods of time. Jarod is so complex in this story--he's like a little kid, but at the same time has a lot of emotional demons and hidden depth. To tell you the truth, this was one of my influences when I started plotting my developing (slowly developing) fanfic, "Flight of Memory."
Anyway, just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the piece, and how much I really, REALLY hope you post more.
Reviewer: MP Signed [Report This]Date: 31/08/07 05:00 pm
ugh!! grr, now I have to wait some more! this is VERRRRRRRRY GOOD! it makes sense on several levels for j to be acting like that... and interesting how j's reaction to green veggies is the same as other kids, even tho ots for different reasons. (i wonder if SLM and CVS was thinking of the green veggie thing when they created the opt. nutrit. supplm.?)
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed

Date: 24/07/07 08:03 am
It isn't easy being Jarod, is it? Oh well, at least he's eating his vegetables.
Anyway, you really do a great job showing the complexity of Jarod's mind and the hard time both he and Sydney would have with their relationship changing so drasticly in such a short time.
Reviewer: Manoline Signed

Date: 21/07/07 01:42 am
I really like this story. It creates so many interesting scenarios. Looking forward to more.
Reviewer: whashaza Anonymous [Report This]Date: 21/07/07 01:23 am