NO NO NOOOOO !! Why ? I Was it because the muse had left or was it because of something else? Cause this was a nice and rather touching story . Now if only you would or could come back that would be great .And I would propose that once back Miss Parker would have her first deception because Mr Parker won'nt let her leave . Then Parker and Jarod would befriend again , but not in front of the camera of course , so that at least THEY meaning Parker, Jarod , Sydney and Angelo could all leave at last this place by destroying it from the inside . What do you think ?
Reviewer: tana Signed [Report This]Date: 18/06/16 05:39 am
Hey you - what a place to stop. Where's that security guard anyway? I can feel Parker's talons, you do such a good job of portraying her. Please hurry with the next chap. Someone has to come to the rescue of the "father" and son.
Reviewer: Topanga Anonymous [Report This]Date: 01/04/08 05:09 pm
Oh no! Can't have Miss Parker catching up, we need our boys (well, one boy one man) to be out in the world, discovering ...things. Yes, out in the world they must!
Well over all, very good chapter. Lots of nice little Syd-Jarod moment.
But you better write a new chapter soon, cause I don't know how much more of this tension I can take. (and no, that's not my poker coming out of retirement, just some friendly encouragement)
Author's Response: I'm not afraid of the poker thingy; really, I'm not. *looks around quickly, making sure said poker was not sneaking up* I'm not afraid of it. But glad you enjoyed the chapter. Not sure how the umm, guys are gonna get away from Miss Parker, but I'm sure they will have some sort of plot brewing. Just wish they would tell me what it is, too. Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]
Date: 24/03/08 05:28 am
Oh, dear, things are looking quite grim . . . I know I should be more concerned, but I'm too busy jumping for joy at a new chap! I loved the bit about the Jello--he finally found green food he likes! The part where Syd explains "foster father" was great too. I liked how Parker pretends not to have a heart, but she's still not going to risk Jarod getting hurt. Kudos and Pez!
Author's Response: Does green jello count as food? Hmm, will have to keep that in mind when I am debating the merits of green food with my senior citizens. Am wondering how you figured Parker has a heart, tho. To me, it just seemed a bit of CYA in her ordering the nurse, but maybe you're right. Time will tell because I can't.
Date: 20/03/08 09:00 pm
Great chapter (with an evil cliff-hanger, too)! Anxiously awaiting the next bit.
Author's Response:
Date: 20/03/08 05:20 pm