WOW! You outdid yourself with this chapter! loved it! Sooo- just what did Sydney let Jarod buy? (wink, wink) And I love the temper tantrum scene!
More! More! I want more! (big smile)
Reviewer: RaChell Signed

Date: 17/07/07 11:33 am
a temper tantrum... lmao
Reviewer: KatieQ Signed [Report This]Date: 16/07/07 08:51 pm
I love it!!!!!! I loved how he was drawn to his other self's preferred clothing, ah, but the dinner.... I loved how he acted!!!! I wonder what was on his plate... what could they have gotten that u can get at a mall?
as usual, tinanaz, MORE PLS! :-p

Date: 16/07/07 05:47 am
That was good. Could see Jarod throwing the temper tantrum. Looking forward to more
Reviewer: whashaza Anonymous [Report This]Date: 16/07/07 04:00 am