Really enjoyed this chapter, can't wait to see what happens at the mall.
Reviewer: RaChell Signed

Date: 12/07/07 06:12 pm
Good chapter. Looking forward to more.
Reviewer: whashaza Anonymous [Report This]Date: 11/07/07 02:32 am
yay!!!!!! u updated!!!! then, for you, I will work on posting a new chappie of 1 of my fics! this is such a wonderful story!!! ur right, it WAS just BEGGING to be written!
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed

Date: 10/07/07 10:22 pm
Fell a few chapters behind! I love the curious Jarod you are writing! It certainly woudl have been an interesting twist had Sydney and Jarod gone off together, at least for the first while.
I'm glad your muse is cooperating. For the record mine is, it's just forced to compete with grad school. ;)
Author's Response: Guess I messed that part up. Syd is staying with Jarod, the SIMs said they had to stay together and even Sydney can't argue with Jarod's SIM results. Reviewer: KatieQ Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/07/07 07:39 pm