This just keeps getting better and better. I love the way you describe Jarod's inquisitive nature, realistic and amusing. Miss Parker and Broots' thoughts at the beginning of the hunt are also a pleasure.
I guess it just remains to see, was Sydney right all those years? Should he have helped Jarod, or will it only result in them catching him earlier? And how will Miss Parker do without Syd's, thought at times limited, guidance?
*stays put until the next update*
Reviewer: Manoline Signed

Date: 06/07/07 12:38 am
Enjoying this story. Keep it coming
Reviewer: whashaza Anonymous [Report This]Date: 27/06/07 01:00 am
Oh, I should e-mail you more often with requests! (big grin) How nice to see another chapter. And a good one too! I really enjoyed it and loved the part about Sydney and Jarod and the lamp.
Don't stop now! Keep going and yes, I'm saving that sharp pointy stick for KatieQ.
Author's Response:
Please, not the stick, please no. I'll be good and write faster. Really. Katie is the slow one now, not me. I learned my lesson. Please no sticks please.
See, just the mention of the stick has me cringing on the sidelines.
Thanks for the reviews though. Glad you are enjoying it
Reviewer: RaChell Signed

Date: 26/06/07 09:06 pm