Reviews For Sleepyhead +6
Title: Sleepyhead +6
Date: 12/06/07 07:20 pm
This was an awesome continuation of the Sleepyhead saga!!! I loved it.
Reviewer: jacci Signed [Report This]Date: 12/06/07 07:20 pm
Title: Sleepyhead +6

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Date: 06/05/07 08:16 pm
Miss Parker praying to the "porcelain god"! Poor Miss Parker.
Reviewer: Patricia_D Signed

Date: 06/05/07 08:16 pm
Title: Sleepyhead +6

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Date: 05/05/07 02:25 pm
You did a great job of continuing the story line. it's interesting and exciting! Love how you left it hanging at the end, it can go in so many directions!

Date: 05/05/07 02:25 pm