Reviews For Next Week
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Title: Next Week

I loved this one very much! Sweet and original, with Jarod POV! Thanks!

Reviewer: missparker87 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/11/12 04:07 pm
Title: Next Week

Except that I think Jarod would be furious with Parker for keeping his daughter from him for 15 months, the story was excellent.

Reviewer: Michelle Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 29/10/12 06:39 am
Title: Next Week

You write really well with actual dialogue and story combined as if it were taken out of one of the actual series plots. One of the very good storytellers here.

Author's Response: Thank you very much for your beautiful words.

Reviewer: electricq Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/03/10 05:38 am
Title: Next Week

well written. I loved it. :)

Reviewer: MissCatherine Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19/10/09 12:48 pm
Title: Next Week


I love happy endings.  Well done!  Thanks for sharing!


Reviewer: AJeff Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/06/07 09:00 pm
Title: Next Week

Yeah, it was really good. I loved that she took her time and tried to find her own way and still ended up in front of his house. I also loved that she succeeded in bringing down the Centre.

Reviewer: Thara Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/03/07 06:25 am
Title: Next Week

loved it! what can i say... i'm a sucker for a happy endings :o)

the story is great! hope more to come soon.

Reviewer: Jazzy Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/03/07 06:11 am
Title: Next Week

Very nice Kris!  I was wondering when you would have another story up.  This one was worth waiting for.

I have to say you did a great job.  It's hard to write first person.  And I love the way you have Jarod express his feelings both verbal and non-verbal.  Well done!

Reviewer: RaChell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/03/07 10:47 pm
Title: Next Week

I have to say if English isn't your first language you did an amazing job. Actually it was a well done story even if english is your only language.

There are times when a nice romance is perfect. Great work.

Reviewer: zipp Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/03/07 08:18 pm
Title: Next Week

Great story

Reviewer: Soonotti Signed [Report This]
Date: 16/03/07 06:27 pm
Title: Next Week


What a sweet story!! There arn't many out there about what would happen if MP used her inner sense (whether or not we enjoy that concept or not!). I think you did well with the POV writing, I agree it is a challenge. Thanks for sharing.. well done!

Reviewer: KatieQ Signed [Report This]
Date: 16/03/07 04:08 pm
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