Reviews For It's All In The Name
Title: Chapter 1
Date: 16/09/07 04:00 pm
I'm not a first name fan either, but this works much, MUCH better than any other name I've come across. The entire story is excellent. I know a writer is talented when they can take a premise I don't like (i.e. Parker's name) and write a story I do like.
Reviewer: MP Signed [Report This]Date: 16/09/07 04:00 pm
Title: Chapter 1

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Date: 09/03/07 08:41 pm
Nice and interesting. While I don't care for writers giving MP a first name, I do like the story.
Reviewer: RaChell Signed

Date: 09/03/07 08:41 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Date: 07/03/07 06:05 am
Miss Parker's names, or lack of it, sum up so much of her personality, and so did you. And though I'm not a big fan of assigning her a first name I think you did it well.
Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]Date: 07/03/07 06:05 am