Well, aren't you a cleaver little writer? I would have never thought of the "people he helped"-thing. It's a great twist.
But I'm getting old-guy-in-the-cage-redraws. You're gonna write more about him, right?
Author's Response:
ooh much much much more... but that's all i am saying.
thanks, i'm glad you enjoyed the 'blackmail' thing! I was a tad worried it was maybe lacking in originality a tad.
more to come soon, promise =)
Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]Date: 12/05/07 04:15 pm
Oh no they better not have won. Very nice strategy by the Africans. Lyle had it right when he took Zoe way back when. Messing with those innocents is the only way to beat Jarod. Very nice chapter, can't wait for the next one!
Author's Response:
Hey you should hop over to the forum and take a stab at Sleepyhead.
Glad you agree with the big take down, so to speak. Next chap is almost ready...so beta dependant, should be up in the near future (aka much less time than a month!!)
Thanks for the fb!
Reviewer: TLM Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/07 10:31 pm
Tell those beta's of yours to hurry up. I want next chappie
Author's Response: have any suggestion on how i can speed up their lazy asses?? Reviewer: jaccione Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/07 08:46 am
I'm trying to decide if I hate Henrik or pity him. Hopefully going through so much of Jarod's pretends will lead to a grand plot to mislead Dr Klaus and escape with Jarod and Lys... here's hoping!
Keep it coming! I'm loving Miss P starting to figure out her feelings for Jarod in her feelings for Jay.
Author's Response:
Don't be to harsh with Henrik... he doens't know any better. Thank you so much for the feedback * 2. We'll see how things progress. Exams are finally over so lots of writing time.. and lots of time for MP to keep developing those so-called feelings. Thanks again =)
Reviewer: Beka Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 18/04/07 11:25 pm
Whoa... You've got to be kidding!! Gemini II?? They know a good pretender when they see one, but who cares if they mistreat him to death, they'll make another one! What monsters! Intense!
Great chapter! Only came across one error... in Jarod's dream. "Too ( not 'to' ) similar to the...."
I hope Miss Parker sees all this... and gets him out soon!
As always, at the edge of my seat!
Reviewer: Beka Anonymous [Report This]Date: 18/04/07 10:53 pm
Like that you're involving the Miss Parker & co story more again. And as always I really liked the flashback scene, one of the more plausible explanations as to why/how Miss Parker and Jarod were separated. And interesting twist with the old guy.
Can't wait for more :)
Author's Response:
I do apologizing for neglecting MP&Co.. they are going to become a more dominant force as time proceeds. Thanks for the review :P
and yes.. more 'old' guy to come.. we have big plans for him.. *hint*
Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]Date: 13/04/07 01:44 pm
The Fandom world is a big one, but I'm still glad to see this archive still exists and good stories can be found here.
Great job, Katie.
Jarod's fate is horrible, now even more so because his Sidney and Ms Parker has seen how he is treated.
It's nice you gave him some friend in that cold and gruesome cell.
Take your time, girl, and I do hope this story will go to a more happier end for poor Jarod.
Author's Response:
it's hard to imagine it getting much worse than it is now.. so yes.. happiness will come... eventually. Thanks for popping in from wherever, and for checking out MP and reading the story.. and mostly for giving a bit of feedback. It's definately not what it used to be there. but there is a small core group still going strong! Thanks for enjoying and hopefully you will enjoy the rest that is to come!!
- K
Date: 12/04/07 01:24 pm
Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! It was so nice to come back to not one story with new chapters but two! WooHoo! This was great.
I love the way Miss Parker and Jay interact and the way she sees him not as mini Jarod or carbon copy but as a separate person, someone who is exists as a individual. I do like the way you have her so protective of him. That's a nice touch and so beleivble.
I also was wondering about the man in the cage who had looked at Jarod several times. I was happy to see that developed more and am curious where you will take it.
OK, I won't hound you or threaten to send sweepers to your house for a few days. But as soon as the evil stats are gone, I do expect more. :)
Author's Response:
hehehe.. i was not expecting bolded thankyous.. rather bolded WTF took you so long!! LOL.. thanks though.. and I'm glad to hear you liked the MP/Jay interaction.. i was hesitant about it
more of the so called salt n pepper man to come.
as of tonight.. i'm mostly free.. muse might need a day or two to be coaxed out of the dark hole it was shoved into.. but hopefully words shall start flowing again!
- K
Reviewer: RaChell Signed [Report This]Date: 10/04/07 07:45 pm
OK KatieQ! Stop procasinating and get on with it! We need more! :)
Author's Response: Sorry RaChell.. actually been a good student lately! I am trying, I'm sorry I've gotten so behind!! I've been working hard on the next bit.. it's 2/3rd done.. so soon! I promise. Keep the motivation coming.. lol..sometimes a good kick in the ass helps.
Date: 29/03/07 07:44 pm
The real fight is on! I can see your story in my mind's eye. You write with such description! It'll be a hard fight, but everyone underestimates Jarod!
Author's Response: Yay! Welcome to the sequel. alh tough I imagine it's not as much fun as CZero given it's not done. I'm writing as fast as I can.. schools slowed me down.. but rough path is almost over. Thanks so much for the feedback and enjoy the remaining chapters.. 2/3 of the way done the next :D
Date: 28/03/07 08:06 am
Intense as ever! I really enjoyed the part with Gemini and Miss Parker, Syd and Broots. Very nicely done. I'm looking forward to seeing how she interacts with Gemini and if she sorts out her feelings for Jarod in the process.
And of course I want to wring Henrik's little neck for screwing over Lys and Jarod. ;) I hope he gets a taste of the hell he's put these two thru. You do such a good job of bring the characters to life.
Author's Response:
I'm so glad you liked the MP/Jay/Syd/Broots part.. I was so unsure about it, and Jacci can back me up that we had many debates over it.
Poor Henrik.. everyone hates him.. feel a little sympathy for the little guy... lol.
Reviewer: RaChell Signed [Report This]Date: 26/03/07 08:19 pm
Wow.....cruelty needs a new word. There are a few grammatical errors, but like the artist on a canvas, you seem to be the servant of the story, as with Conflict Zero, and it comes alive!
Author's Response:
hey beka!
sorry about the errors.. i posted the prologue in a bit of haste and THAT SO BACKFIRED! hopefully the rest is not to bad.. it gets looked at by three diff people, including myself (although i'm terrible.) Thanks to the superstar trio that makes up the beta (aka keep katie's ass in line brutesquad).
I'm glad you are seeing the story. It means I'm doing my job. :D
- K
Reviewer: Beka Anonymous [Report This]Date: 26/03/07 05:14 pm
Oh poor Jarod. I want that poor man out of there pronto haha. Your story's wonderful and fortunately or unfortunately I can really feel Jarod's despair. Let's get him out of that hellhole okay? haha
Author's Response:
Even I can't leave him there forever.. I'm glad you are enjoying and suffering a bit along with J.. cue evil laugh. I'll stop soon, I promise. Thanks for the feedback :)
and PS
Reviewer: TLM Signed [Report This]Date: 12/03/07 01:52 pm
Very intense! I was hoping for more of Miss Pparker and company and their plans of rescue. Maybe in the next chapter?
Author's Response: Yeah sorry muse was not cooperating on MP& Co for awhile there. They are back (as you already know now.. just catching up now that reviews are fixed and such..) and muse seems to be holding strong so far.
Date: 11/03/07 05:48 pm
Oh it just keeps getting worse doesn't it? Well I'm definitely beginning to understand why the Triumvirate is so feared. poor, poor Jarod *shudder*.
And like I told you last time, this is a compliment so...*shudder* Please continue
Author's Response:
hahaha.. worse and worse and worse! Thanks for the feedback, especially now I can respond without the help of my secretary.. not that Jacci will ever read this... lol.
Stick with it.. it can't be bad forever... or can it? ;)
Date: 11/03/07 03:50 am
Great last couple chapters!!!! (I can't remember if I've reviewed for the first several, so "Grrreat Story so far!!!) ;-) Keep it up!!!! It's interesting to wonder if isolation really is the worst torture a person can go through. I'm looking forward to seeing how Jarod fares... I'm picturing Jarod just coping just like how he does, when he's alone, pretending the others aren't there, but we shall see. Then again, maybe he'll interact w/ them, and help them return to the mental living? Hope the next chappie is coming soon.
Author's Response:
awww is that a Sydney grrreat... how great are accents.
I'll try to keep them coming as quickly as possible. It's a rough patch. but school nastiness is about to calm down... good for the muse. Thanks so much for the feedback. I have other plans for Jarod, as I do agree, just being alone won't do it.. not at least for in a viable timeframe.
Reviewer: Crackerjacknpez Anonymous [Report This]Date: 08/03/07 02:37 pm
Just when I didn't think it could get worse for Jarod!
Author's Response:
Nice to hear from you again =).
Things can always get worse.. but i will make a promise that they will get better... eventually ;)
Reviewer: Patricia_D Signed [Report This]Date: 07/03/07 02:23 pm
Nice going even if it did make me a bit sick to my stomach! Africa is not on my travel plans after this story. I keep waiting for MP, the gang and Jay to do something to rescue them, (Jarod & Lys) I mean she does get rescued right? You can't leave her there!
I have to be out of town so won't be on-line for several days. I'll be looking forward to more when I get back. (meaning you have 3 days to get to work. Hint Hint) :)
Author's Response:
hahaha.. it's already done,going through the beta process.. nice try though. Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad we are being successfully creepy.
Taking the 5th on Lys.
Reviewer: RaChell Signed [Report This]Date: 03/03/07 09:40 pm
That cell really creeps me out. Which is a huge compliment, means your writing is working. Can't wait to be further creeped out
Author's Response: hahahaha.. yay!! i creeped someone out!! My work is done here. Thanks so much for the fb Manoline. Next one will be up and out ASAP.
Date: 03/03/07 08:25 am
Hmm, is this what I get for Valentine's Day? If so I'll take it! Love it, it's getting excited. I'm looking forward to the next part. :)
Author's Response: yes.. we all know what i was doing on V-day.. how tragic.. hehehe. Thanks RaChell.. will try to get you the next part ASAP!
Date: 15/02/07 08:40 pm
I know I'm not supposed to because he's the guy who tortures Jarod, and basically a sosiopath. But I really like the mean PTB-guy. It will be interesting to see where you take it from here...as it always is.
Author's Response:
Glad you are enjoying him, although he is relatively ambigious at this stage in the game. I think he get's a name in the next chapter. Thanks again for the feedback! Always appreciated =)
Reviewer: Manoline Signed [Report This]Date: 15/02/07 06:03 am
What a delightful surprise and so nice to wake up this morning to find a new chapter. Intense as always and a must read. Now I am looking forward to the next chapter. It just keeps getting better and better. I nominate you to take over the next Pretender movie KatieQ! Who needs Craig and Steve when we have you?
Edited to add: I couldn't stop thinking about your story all day! I can't wait for the next chapter. :)
Author's Response: Aww RaChell you are much to kind! Next two chapters (almost three) are with my super fabulous beta team who are really making this story what it has become. Try my best to bring you the next chapter soon.. i know how hard it is to wait when you are enjoying something.. *cough* hint to Jacci and Onisius re: AWP..hehehe
Date: 11/02/07 02:05 pm
I really like your take on Emily, knocking some sense into the guys sounds like her thing to do. And I can't wait for the next chapter. (Let the torture begin! muhaha)
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked Em! She's the big sis i wish I was.. hehehe.. little bros are too damn annoying for that. Jarod's plight will soon be up. Hope you enjoy thank. Thanks as always!! :D
Date: 03/02/07 02:19 am
Very very nice! Not as intense as the previous ones but you leave the ending with enough foreboding to know the next one should be really exciting. Looking forward to more.
Author's Response: hehehe calm before the storm.. you think right (well at least i hope!)
Date: 02/02/07 12:59 am
Thank you for another chappie, Katie!!!! Please continue. You've got me on the edge of my seat here! Grrrrr on you for being such a great writer!!! You really know your cliffhangers!!!! ^_^ (I hope you caught the true meaning of my 'grrrrr's... :-p please use it to spur you on for another 10 chapters in, say, 2 weeks? ^^)
Author's Response: Hey!! You are spurring! Next three chapters are at the mercy of the beta readers. You will get them, as soon as I do! But I will keep writing! Thanks for the kind words.
Date: 30/01/07 06:39 pm