Aha, another well written chapter by our fearless leader!
Reviewer: RaChell Signed

Date: 16/07/08 03:45 am
testing new reveiw blurb
Reviewer: jacci Signed [Report This]Date: 10/07/08 04:33 pm
Is that a quote from Jarod? do we have to wait until next chapter to see if it does work. And who is it working for/on?
more questions than the chapter is long!
okay, I'll give it a 10 for a cliff hanger.
Reviewer: Bucky Anonymous

Date: 13/05/08 12:04 am
jacci, you are becoming our very own Brootsie. *claps hands for the E-Dict*
Reviewer: Tinanaz Signed [Report This]Date: 07/04/08 04:32 am
I take a break and come back to find not much has changed! OK the wallpaper is different but still....Broots seems to be the character most in demand. LMAO!
Oh God, I guess I should give you a rating of ten while I'm at it!
Reviewer: RaChell Signed

Date: 10/03/08 12:57 pm
Yay, another chappie. Great update. I hope Broots comes out of hiding soon and helps. Maybe you can even get Jarod to help too.
Reviewer: Ann Anonymous [Report This]Date: 06/03/08 08:24 pm
Where is that moron Broots? Hiding from your anger as any sane person would do in his shoes ;-) What did he do to you that you have to pull a Miss Parker on him?
Btw, lovely new default layout.
Reviewer: Cathy Signed

Date: 02/03/08 03:00 am
Broots is cowering under Sydney's desk in the hopes that no one will find him. Of course, the trail of Funyun crumbs is a give away, but its the best he could do.
Reviewer: Tinanaz Signed [Report This]Date: 26/02/08 10:11 pm
Just what I need right now, a fic that's short! Oh if only I had time to read! So many wonderful fan fics and no time.
Reviewer: RaChell Signed

Date: 22/01/08 06:15 pm
Wow, that's what I'd call a fast update. And such a long chapter to boot! Wow... just... wow ;-)
Reviewer: Cathy Signed

Date: 20/01/08 04:19 am
Oh yay, i think i have fixed the problem with the word curl
Date: 18/01/08 05:40 pm
You know, normally I'd say a one word chapter is much to short to be called a decent update, but in your case... Wow, what a powerful word ;-)
Does that mean you've discovered our favourite characters and are bringing them back so that we can look forward to longer updates in the future?
Author's Response: I am so glad you are making an exception for my one word. Honestly it wasn't laziness :)
Yes, it could mean that I am out of my slump and will be far more active once again, and hopefully some new updates soon.
Reviewer: Cathy Signed

Date: 16/01/08 02:03 pm
Welcome Back, Mighty E-Dict. I don't think the feed is fixed because this story didn't pop up on the feed when I looked this morning. Sorry. But now for the really important question: have you found Jarod and brought him back for all of us to play with?
Author's Response: If there is to be any playing with Jarod, I get first dibs on that. Hmm on the feed, did you press the orange RSS button, or the orange XML button down the bottom of the front page?
It seems to be working for me, i have had feeds on both new chapters. It might be that you need to delete your old feed and add it again. Try using the XML instead of the rss and see if that is any better.
Date: 16/01/08 11:20 am
WOW! Thanks CrackerjacknPez! I'm glad you enjoyed my story 'It Isn't Easy' and thank you for the review! (blushing) BTW when do we get another story from you?
So The Mystery Girl is on vacation and has taken Jarod with her. I'm sure Miss Parker will have something to say about that!
Author's Response:
Oh, very much so I would think. But as we all know this story has a tendency of taking unexpected turns. And unfortunatly I am not privy to the contents of the next chapter (Jacci keeps it all very secret you see). Guess we'll just have to wait and see...
Reviewer: Patricia_D Signed

Date: 16/08/07 11:03 pm
Crackerjacknpez, while neither of us can reach the height or caliber of Jac's writing, you truly write well and express your self eloquently. I could feel your pain re: Miss Parker and Jarod in your last reveiw as clearly as if it were my own. Truly you are gifted. And because of that, I was spurred on til late at night, writing the story I had started. And now it is complete, a tribute to your's and Jac's inspiration.
Author's Response: I could not agree more. you can see the talent in all of the reveiws here, it is just oozing out all over the place.
Your story is a moving tribute, and i am forever grateful for it.
AWWW, THANKyou, Patricia-D, Jacs!!!! I am absolutely floored by the back-to-back compliments. that means a lot, ESPECIALLY coming from you two!
for that, patricia-d, I'm going to look fwd to reading your fics! *heads there now*
Date: 16/08/07 09:02 am
Mystery girl is taking a vacation WITH Jarod. So totally not fair. I wanna take a vacation with Jarod, say somewhere quiet, secluded, Centre-free.
Author's Response:
I don't know if there is much I can do about that unfortunatly, Mystery Girl seems pretty determined to keep Jarod all to herself... But maybe if you grab him while I distract her you can have a little time with Jarod as well...before Mystery Girl hunts you down and takes Jarod all to herself
Reviewer: Tinanaz Signed [Report This]Date: 14/08/07 02:02 pm
HaHa! Is Jacs, I mean Mystery Girl in trouble when she gets back. She'll need all the help she can get from Jarod. LMAO!
Oh Sarah, you'll do fine! Mystery Girl and the other PTB really need a break and I promise to behave. Afterall I'd hate to be the first one you use that feared foam poker on!
Author's Response:
Oh I hope so RaChell, I really do... *holds on to Poke'y extra tight, just to be on the safe side*
But I completely agree, they were looong overdue for a vaction.
Reviewer: RaChell Signed

Date: 14/08/07 01:19 pm
No, you did not "disgrace the long honored tradition" of the story, yours was a worthy addition. But you so do not want to know what "vacation" and "drag Jarod along with her" does to my imagination ;-)
Author's Response:
Indeed it was worthy and I will be careful with him I promise.
Reviewer: Cathy Signed

Date: 14/08/07 04:12 am
LMAO, i think you managed to get by. I have complete faith in your abilities to keep the site afloat and not break the script.
Have fun while we are gone, we certainly will and yay you on your guest appearance.
Author's Response:
Oh I'm sure everything will go just *something in the background makes smashing noise* ...fine. Have fun on your vacation!
Reviewer: jacci Signed [Report This]Date: 14/08/07 02:41 am
WOW! After that chapter you need a cold beer, a glass of wine, a straight shot of wiskey! Hell, how about the entire bottle of Tequila and I'll even slice the limes for you and Jarod? BTW it sounds like the mystery girl needs a cold shower. (wink wink ... oh wait that was something in my eye. Darn! How dare you poke me in the eye while I was peeking thru the keyhole at Jarod! That's no fair!)
On a serious note however, am I really blind? I tried the drop down box for my pcd and it seemed to work just fine. Am I delussional or something? (And when do we get a spell check on the reviews? You know I can't spell worth a damn!)
Author's Response:
You are right, dropdown seems to have fixed itself, ohhh that is uber weird.
Spellcheck is still pipedreams unfortunately. Have investigated this option and it is unlikely to be available any time soon. Although if you use Firefox, that has an inbuilt spellchecker which is pretty cool.
Get those drinks ready, i feel like I will be needing them. I mean, the unnamed mystery gir will be needing theml.

Date: 23/07/07 07:47 pm
Be careful you don't strain something. These mega-length chapters can be hazardous to your health if your not used to them.
Reviewer: Tinanaz Signed [Report This]Date: 22/07/07 08:58 am
What do you mean the images are broken? You know I'm all 'thumbs' when it comes to coding. (slinking off to sulk.)
Reviewer: RaChell Signed

Date: 01/07/07 05:07 pm
Now MP is finding out the true reason Jarod escaped from the Centre. It wasn't because they were misusing his SIMs (that was only a small part), it was to get away from Sydney's shrinkness. Beware, Jacci, that Syd doesnt come after you when MP final evades him.
Reviewer: Tinanaz Signed [Report This]Date: 01/07/07 12:45 pm