Hi just read your story it was good.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous [Report This]Date: 11/01/15 05:34 am
ok I love all the stories about body heat, they're nice and lovely. This one is pretty even if, as usual, you develop much more the "afterlife" then the falling of the centre. And who does guess what might have happened to Lyle? Anyway the part in the cabin was lovely, and also were Sydney's remarks ;) very funny
Reviewer: missparker87 Signed [Report This]Date: 11/06/13 09:36 am
I love it! I love MPJ ;) though I'd loved to read about the Lyle-thing.
Reviewer: MissCatherine Signed [Report This]Date: 15/10/09 12:52 am
Oh, I love bodyheat ... it always reminds me of Mulder saying something about sleeping naked in a sleeping bag together with Scully ... ;-)
Reviewer: Thara Signed [Report This]Date: 19/01/07 11:37 pm
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this...even though I prefer MP not to be named...that name which I will not say! lol Great job kris!
Reviewer: Miss Parker Signed [Report This]Date: 18/01/07 03:01 pm
Luv it!
But the end is a little bit too abrupt ... but the rest is GREAT!!! Even if I would prefer if Jarod would have found his whole family ... but otherwise: Maybe it would be too cliché ... Reviewer: Thara Anonymous [Report This]Date: 18/01/07 11:05 am
Interesting plot, the snow and cabin reminds me of Terri's fic, Bodyheat. Nice use of the storyline and emotions.
Date: 18/01/07 12:19 am
Fantastic fic, loved it, great job!
Reviewer: Vid Anonymous [Report This]Date: 17/01/07 08:57 pm