Reviews For Curiosity
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Title: Chapter 1

That was a great little story!  I'd love to see more of Broots and this techie together.

And I'm so proud I figured out the coded message before the techie did (before I read the next paragraphs)!  =)

Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26/03/10 07:13 am
Title: Chapter 1

Great story! I was kept guessing who the narrator/main character was until about half way through, so VERY nice use of mystery! VERY NICE job.

Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/07/07 11:03 am
Title: Chapter 1

Really cute story!  Nice use of first person and you almost feel as if you're in the Centre.  Not sure I would have opened that file or meet Broots at the elevator.  :) 

Author's Response: Thank you. It's always great to receive feedback!!

Reviewer: Ra-Chell Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/09/06 11:35 am
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