Reviews For At What Price?
Title: Talk With Agent Byrnes
Date: 11/04/12 12:31 am
Another great chapter. I'm kind of hoping that Jarod will stay with them because he'll probably go to Africa where he would be treated worse.
Reviewer: Ann Anonymous [Report This]Date: 11/04/12 12:31 am
Title: Talk With Agent Byrnes
Date: 09/04/12 09:13 am
Ooh, so a Lyle assassination? I like it! I'm very curious now. Will Jarod stay or go back? Will Miss Parker or/and Syd factor into his decision? Don't make us wait too long for the answers. And thank you, Katie Q for making the authors update - please share your secret because I really want to see Redemption updated as well!
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 09/04/12 09:13 am