I would like to see Parker make a move other than the inhuman treatement this story seems to keep her in her father's mold.
you must realize that I'm the Parker fan, so all things are subjective as to who is your favorite character. So with that in mind I'll say I can't see her allowing Lyle freedom to mistreat Jarod. I still see there being feelings there that perhaps she doesn't want to admit to, but there none the less.
So far she is a bit of a puppet with out the investiagative curiousity that we had seen in the shows.
My curiosity will keep me reading to see if it's all a show she is putting on for the sake of the powers that be.
Author's Response: Hopefully your curiousity will be enough for you to forgive us for not being kinder to Parker. :) Reviewer: Bucky Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 25/03/08 10:42 am