ohh more and soon, that was very good, fast paced and gasping for more. what a place to leave a chapter, you are sadistic!!!
Reviewer: jacci Signed [Report This]Date: 26/08/08 08:27 am
you really did do an excellent job with this chapter, despite the tough feedback. ever heard that saying, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger?" (brigette would say something like that. then parker groans and rolls her eyes.)
You have a real knack for knowing when to end with a cliffhanger and what type as opposed to finding closure for one (or more) story line like in ch. 18. It's not just talent, it's intuition too. that's a gift, no one can teach you. love the flashbacks, as you know. and the characterizations - just one word describes them; superb!
mp's right - you do just keep getting better and better.
remember, van gogh didn't get any good reviews while he was alive; that's not the sole measure of how gifted you are as a writer! so don't go cutting off your ear. babies love to grab and twist (painfully, i might add) TWO ears as they grow and develop their grip.
Reviewer: Topanga Signed [Report This]Date: 17/08/08 10:43 pm
Ooooh Intrigue!
Really think you tied this chapter well together in the end. Some of the lines just hit you hard, in a good way. My fave has to be (in the propper context of course) "and then Lyle found her." Chills every single time.
Then I suppose the biggest question of all is: Is Parker dead or alive? Hmmm. Guess we'll all just have to wait for the next chapter
Reviewer: Manoline Signed

Date: 14/08/08 05:32 pm
My jaw is hanging through the floor right now.
Every time I tell myself there's no way you could *possibly* top your last chapter, you go and write something like this and I have to reset my whole scale. Seriously, this may be the best chapter I've ever read on Missing Pieces. Of course, I'm biased towards action sequences, but this still stands out. The pacing, the dialogue, the characterizations, the imagery--it's hard to find fault with anything. I especially loved the surreal quality at the end.
Updates soon? You're killing me here!
Reviewer: MP Signed [Report This]Date: 14/08/08 02:39 am