Wonderful charter! I have read charter 1 to charter 8 for an hour! You write increadibly! I just couldn't stop reading until i found who really is John! Really great great work, you know how to keep the readers in tention! :)
Author's Response:
Thank you for the review. Loved it. ;-)
Reviewer: Tsvetelina Anonymous [Report This]Date: 20/06/11 12:59 pm
I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!!!!!!! the candy heart, the petals, the super-tingling when they touched... THANK YOU for making him HIM!!! 10 stars all the way!!!!
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed [Report This]Date: 10/07/07 10:04 pm
Please Whashaza, could you write the sequel!! I'm starving! I hope you know how much I appreciate your work!! Pleaaaaaaaaaase!!
Author's Response: Hi, will update possibly within the next two weeks SSII. Have been on holiday and plus a deadline to currently meet regarding work. Thanks for the message. Oh, and had good weather at Meribel and the snow was fair...icy at patches but still good skiing. ;-)
Date: 17/02/07 12:56 pm
I write here, but it's valid for your other current fics. I really miss your stories, I wait for the sequels! Please, continue to write, it's so good to read you! I hope you didn't give up with writing!! I'm looking forward to read some news about you!!
Author's Response: Hi Julia, I'll update as soon as I can. I'm currently very busy at work and don't really have a lot of time to write. Hopefully I'll have an update in the next two weeks.
Date: 15/12/06 06:18 pm
Yeah i love this story!
Will there be a sequel? Please!!
Reviewer: Shanon Anonymous [Report This]Date: 25/11/06 02:38 am
Absolutely loved it ... please don't stop !
Reviewer: Vir Anonymous [Report This]Date: 29/10/06 05:14 pm
It's very good! Not sugary, what will you write next?? I'm eager to know!! The Centre will come and chase then both! lol
Reviewer: Julia Anonymous [Report This]Date: 10/10/06 01:31 pm
Aw, so sweet. Please continue.
Date: 09/10/06 11:26 am