been a while...:P don't let us wait so long for the next chapter. I need to know what happens next.
Author's Response: I won't! I had to go back and reread parts of the story to remind myself what had happened haha.
Date: 07/03/07 04:12 am
Good story! Began real slow, but once u got started, it got better, tho a little cheezy.. :-P get it done! U left us on a big cliffhanger, and we cant hang on 4 long! ^^
Author's Response: You're right and it only took me a year's break to end that cliffhanger haha. I just wrote another chapter. I've gotten back into it again.
Date: 21/12/06 11:27 pm
Wow, this was ona of the best stories hat I have read. But the end, I hope you post next chapter soon.
Author's Response:
Today's your lucky day. One year later. ;)
Reviewer: lucitana Anonymous [Report This]Date: 02/05/06 12:20 pm
Well, you better start typing missy! I've gotten used to the quick updates!You can't spoil us and then leave us hanging! : ) BTW, did I mention that I like the story?
Author's Response: Workin on it! I'm delighted that everyone likes it so much. ;)
Date: 23/12/05 04:50 am
Please dont stop now!
Merry Christmas and thanks for a lovely story!
Author's Response: I added another chapter. Merry Christmas to you, too!
Date: 13/12/05 09:17 pm
it takes a lot to make me cry, but you managed to do it! they could have done an entire series on miss parker's transformation after her mother's death.
Author's Response: I shouldn't be so excited that I made someone cry, but I really am. Glad you enjoyed it. :)
Date: 05/12/05 04:57 am
It just gets better and better!!
Author's Response: So do the reviews. ;)
Date: 03/12/05 04:29 pm
Want more!! keep it coming!
Oops forgot to say please!!!
Author's Response: Only because you said please.
Date: 26/11/05 07:06 pm
Thank you for contiuing this. I look every night to see if there is a new chapter added.
Gotta love the Jarod/Parker stories. And you put them together so nicely.
Author's Response: Thanks. Jarod and Parker are the greatest characters to put together.
Date: 20/11/05 09:40 pm
I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find any more chapters. It seems that you forgot to post lately. Shame on you. Hey, face it with more than 30 reviews you just can't let your fanclub behind ! Add at least 2 more chapters, and I'll think about forgiving you. LOL !!! Seriously don't stop writing, your story is great. ( :
Author's Response: I posted one um yesterday or something, but I was lagging behind a few days ago.
Date: 19/11/05 05:37 pm
this story is getting better and better by the minute ; )
Author's Response: Better than getting worse and worse!
Date: 17/11/05 07:45 pm
this story is amazing, i cant wait to read the rest!! please dont take to long : )
Author's Response: I know, I'm sorry. Life's been crazy this week. I'll post tonight!
Date: 16/11/05 02:48 pm
Pretty cool. Well done and keep it comin'!
Author's Response: Thank you.
Date: 13/11/05 09:51 am
This story keeps on getting better, I can't wait to find out more. I really love it!
Author's Response: Thank you very much.
Date: 10/11/05 02:11 am
Keep it comin'!
Author's Response: Will do!
Date: 08/11/05 04:18 am
I have read all...can't wait to read more!
the last chapter was funny
Author's Response: Oh, thank you. :)
Date: 08/11/05 01:09 am
Another great chapter as always. But I was wondering - do you have any idea how many chapters you have left in this story?
Author's Response: I haven't finished it yet, so no I'm not sure how many chapters. I have 36 currently written.
Date: 07/11/05 10:20 pm
AWESOME! The details and dialogue are dead-on! I can't wait for a story when Jarod is "pretending :)
Author's Response: Thank you thank you.
Date: 07/11/05 02:17 pm
Great character setup.....I feel as if I am reading the opening transcript in the actual show! Can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: Awesome. More's on the way. ;)
Date: 07/11/05 01:53 pm
Oh that was just cruel, ending there!
Interesting, having Catherine visit Jarod's parents. I just imagine that they would have grabbed her and demanded to know where there son was and demanded that he be released or at least call the authorities.
Author's Response: Yes, that's true. However, I've always imagined they knew there was something special about Jarod and that there was something bigger than "the authorities" at work. Plus, who can resist trusting Catherine Parker?
Date: 06/11/05 10:12 pm
Hey, I see that you have quite a fan club now !!! All these people, who are waiting for your fanfic to continue. I bet you must be pleased. Well, I guess I must be among them, since I am posting a 20th review to get some more chapters. LOL
Author's Response: Oh, I love it. Quite the ego boost. I'm glad people review. When my e-mail says I have a review, it reminds me to go post another chapter so people won't get upset haha. :)
Date: 01/11/05 08:30 pm
Pleace hurry with the last chapters, cant wait to read the ending!! love the way you capture there personalities...
Author's Response: Thank you. I'm posting another right now.
Date: 31/10/05 07:45 pm
Well, we can't have a sad writer, now can we? Honestly, I've forgotten what this story is about. I've read every chapter, but I think I'm getting confused with others. :( at any rate, I am enjoying it and your quick updates! Please continue.
Author's Response: I agree. That would be devestating. If you've forgotten, I suggest you go back and reread it chronologically. Haha. Thank you though.
Date: 31/10/05 01:45 am
Yay...I love this story. I can't wait for an update...please hurry.
Author's Response: Thanks. Hurrying. ;)
Date: 31/10/05 01:23 am
Well, since you asked so nicely for a review, I taught I might leave you one. I've been reading your story since you started updating and I must tell you I really like it. It is super good and interesting. There is also a quite a bit suspence. Keep the good work and make sure to keep updating, I can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: Aw you guys actually listen when I ask for reviews. It's so sweet. Thank you for the compliments. I'll keep updating.
Date: 31/10/05 01:18 am