Wow that is a really great Story, I wonder why I missed it until now. So nice to finde gemes like this one out Here.
So sad that you never got to finish it.
Reviewer: Jeshi Anonymous

Date: 23/01/19 07:29 pm
I've enjoyed this fic and oh, don't sweat the dates and small details. It is fic, after all, but please, please, update this incredible story when you can. I'd really like to know how it all ends and you should know one thing: it's not nice to leave us hanging and especially after you've built up the suspense. Tsk-tsk.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 02/06/11 09:58 pm
A very in character Alex, I'm pleased to say but also, I'm hoping that he will pay and very soon. Nice to Miss Parker kicking ass and staying strong.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 02/06/11 09:51 pm
Amazing. Very suspenseful, lots of action and you nailed Alex. Wow! Hell of a way to lure both Parker and Jarod. I hope she's alright. Well, of course she is. You wouldn't kill Our Divine Lady of Ice. I hope.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 02/06/11 09:44 pm
Bad, Jarod. Bad! He is quite the little secret keeper. Catherine's diary. The escaped Pretenders "It's need to know. They don't." - well yes, they did. And now- hmm, he's a bad boy.
Very funny "almost-sex" scene, haha.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 02/06/11 09:38 pm
"Please R&R. And I don't mean rest and relaxation." Loved that little note, haha. I'm all about reviewing, no pressure at all.
I love how Jarod is so comfortable with her, in HER house but Parker- Our Divine Lady of Ice- is quite unsettled and dare I say, afraid. I'm afraid she was getting all mushy on us and well on her way to a meltdown after IOTH and your story seems to fit with that theory.
And ooh, he's going to spend the night. *growls* Hmm.
Great job!
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 02/06/11 09:18 pm
Ooh, what a perfect emotion-packed first chapter and oh, the suspence. You nailed Alex and I could just imagine his sing-song taunting and I LOVED Jarod's response! Can't wait to click "Next", haha!
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 02/06/11 08:50 pm
Parker met Thomas in January, so they had around 5 months together. The aniversary of thomases death would be in 2000, not 99.
Reviewer: Orinoco Anonymous [Report This]Date: 12/08/08 01:18 am
Thomas was murdered on May 8th 1999, however, baby Parker's birth was fairly late-looking in the night at Bridgette's cabin, add labor and it could have been after midnight. That would make it the 9th. It's your call, watch the episode in season 4, "Till death do us part".
Hope this helps!
Reviewer: Orinoco Anonymous

Date: 12/08/08 01:09 am
Please, write the sequel, I love your stroy!! Please, please please!!
Reviewer: Joan Anonymous

Date: 15/05/06 03:29 am