Reviews For A New, Unpleasant Experience
Title: A New, Unpleasant Experience

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Date: 20/09/21 07:36 pm
lol. Nice one, mate. Jarod needs to experience the pleasure horror of a root canal. Such fun.
Reviewer: Con-O Signed

Date: 20/09/21 07:36 pm
Title: A New, Unpleasant Experience

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Date: 25/06/15 01:32 am
This is really funny. Really funny! You write comedy really well!
Reviewer: Monica_Bitch Signed

Date: 25/06/15 01:32 am
Title: A New, Unpleasant Experience
Date: 17/06/09 11:45 pm
I've been giggling madly. Oh, all that frightful junk food Jarod eats...
Reviewer: Haiza Tyri Signed [Report This]Date: 17/06/09 11:45 pm
Title: A New, Unpleasant Experience
Date: 16/07/07 08:01 pm
lollll funnny!!! he has discovered HFC before, and been to the dentist's office, but as a dentist, and only for the first few min of an ep, when he sees something on tv, using that news item for the ep's pretend. he's never been as a patient before... nnnnice!
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed [Report This]Date: 16/07/07 08:01 pm