Amazing. Beautiful. Thank you.
Reviewer: Meadow Anonymous [Report This]Date: 15/03/15 01:00 am
Hi Just read your story it was very good.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 12/12/13 03:41 am
I loved this fiction very very much. It has everything: love, fear, hope, death, evil and good. Alex kidnapping Parker to lure Jarod is so evocative. And their union at the end is amazing. This reminded me of Kill Bill or Alias episode "Tuesday". Well done!
Reviewer: missparker87 Signed

Date: 18/07/13 05:23 pm
I "like this ending", too! Superb! I just couldn't put it down. Waiting for the ending but not wanting it to come. You captured the characters beautifully, including the deliciously evil Mr. Lyle. This is the way the series should have ended. And in a rose-colored world I guess it would have. Thank you for taking these characters out and playing with them for awhile.Hears hoping to hear from you again.
Reviewer: lagrima Anonymous

Date: 02/08/11 10:13 pm
There are NO words!!! Well, there is splendid, amazing, fabulous, brilliant, stellar, but NONE of those adjectives do this story justice. There is always: WOW!, but that interjection isn't good enough for this perfectly written fic.
My heart was in my throat during the entire read. Literally. You pulled me right in and held me suspended until the end where I finally breathed a huge sigh of relief. I love the fic, the plot, even the song, brilliant. I can't believe I've never read this before. It's a definite 10!
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 16/04/11 04:01 am